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Oklahoma Strategic Enrollment Management Institute OSEMI

Oklahoma Strategic Enrollment Management Institute OSEMI. Presented by OACRAO Executive Committee. Joe Evans, OACRAO Past President Registrar/Director of Enrollment and Records University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma Bill Nowlin, OACRAO VP for Professional Development

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Oklahoma Strategic Enrollment Management Institute OSEMI

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  1. Oklahoma Strategic Enrollment Management Institute OSEMI

  2. Presented by OACRAO Executive Committee Joe Evans, OACRAO Past President Registrar/Director of Enrollment and Records University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma Bill Nowlin, OACRAO VP for Professional Development Dean of Enrollment Management/Registrar Northeastern State University Amy Ishmael, OACRAO President Vice President for Enrollment Management/Student Records Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College

  3. SEM Institute Beginnings • GACRAO - Certified Enrollment Professional (1990’s) • Adopted by AACRAO • Advanced Track Curriculum for Enrollment Officers and certification Exam • Program dropped due to funding • Re-initiated by GACRAO in 2005 • SEM Institute adopted by Florida ACRAO and North/South Carolina ACRAO

  4. SEM Institute Beginnings • Southern Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers Regional Conference spring 2008. • OACRAO 2008 Fall Conference – Joe Head Guest Speaker • Presented to the AACRAO State and Regional Association Meeting • Tennessee, Kentucky, Nebraska, California, and Oregon are considering similar programs

  5. Purpose • Promote expertise • An advanced track curriculum for professional development • A career endorsement program for mid-level managers and veteran practitioners • Develop professional network • Registry

  6. Definitions • Enrollment management is an organizational concept and systematic set of activities designed to enable educational institutions to exert more influence over student enrollment (Hossler 1991) • Strategic enrollment management is a comprehensive process designed to help an institution achieve and maintain the optimum recruitment, retention, and graduation rates of students, where ‘optimum’ is defined within the academic context of the institution (Dolence1996)

  7. History • Enrollment management became nationally recognized as an integral part of college and university operations in the late 1970’s early 1980’s • Institutions have varied enrollment management models • Areas involved in enrollment management have been housed in competing departments • Enrollment management structures have continued to change • Enrollment management encompasses all areas of the institution - cradle to grave

  8. SEM Models • Enrollment Management Committee (Hossler 2005) • Organizational unit raising awareness of enrollment management issues • Enrollment Management Coordinator (Hossler and Bean 1990) • No direct authority to implement change • Enrollment Management Matrix • Responsibility and decision making assigned to senior-level administrator • Enrollment Management Division • Restructuring to form a coordination of enrollment management functions

  9. How do we Recognize a Profession College Degree Fixed Body of Knowledge Professional Associations Journals, Newsletters, Publications, Research Peer Review Exercises and Audits Credentialing (Certifications, Licensing or Endorsements)

  10. -ology There is no: Admissions-ology Registrar-ology Enrollment management-ology Professionals in enrollment management must learn while on the job. New enrollment professionals will come from integrated enrollment services backgrounds.

  11. Institute Components • Institute designed specifically for in-service professionals • Twelve advanced professional development sessions provided during annual meetings and conferences (OACRAO fall conference/spring workshop, OSRHE Enrollment Management and Legal Issues conferences) over a three year period. • Three approved site visits to other institutions to observe and consider best practices for areas directly and indirectly associated with enrollment management • Peer review summaries for site visits • Endorsement program • Registry

  12. Participant Qualifications • Hold position of vice president, dean, director, associate, assistant, or coordinator • Five years combined “core” experience in the field(s) of Admissions, Recruitment, Registrar/Academic Records, Enrollment Management, Advisement, Financial Aid, 1st-Year Experience or other related field • Hold a minimum of a baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited institution • Employed by an OACRAO member institution

  13. Participant Qualifications - Exception • Applications for candidates not meeting the above criteria may be approved if sponsored by the employee’s registrar, director, vice president, dean, institution president, OACRAO President (past or present)

  14. Professional Development Session Format • Sessions conducted pre-fall conference • Sessions imbedded within the fall conference schedules (restricted to SEM Institute registrants only) • Sessions conducted during spring policy workshop • Designated sessions during the OSRHE Enrollment Management and Legal Issues conferences

  15. Potential Advanced Track Topics Master Enrollment Planning Prospect mining Calendaring Forecasting/Conversions Registration Electronic communications Budgeting Retention/graduation rates Marketing Legislation Demographic research Financial Aid leveraging Tuition pricing Personnel cross training Transfer/Articulation Academic relations SEM Technologies Demographic research Integrated data bases Class scheduling Predictive modeling 1st & 2nd year experience Advisement/Mentoring

  16. Field Visits • Participants will complete three approved contact site visits • Participants will visit two like institutions and one from a different category (i.e. two-year institutions will visit two other community colleges and one regional university) • Participants will visit each site for a one day session (six hours) for a review of the enrollment management functions • The program for review will be designed by the host institution • OACRAO will be soliciting an RFP from institutions who would like to serve as hosts for institute participants • Participants will submit a peer review of the host institutions

  17. Benefits • Graduation Ceremony with Certificate of completion • Registered Enrollment Professional (REP) in Oklahoma to be posted to OACRAO website (potential for regional and national registry) • Enhanced knowledge of strategic enrollment management • Better preparation for career progression in SEM

  18. Potential Partnerships • Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education • Regional and national organizations • State organization already conducting SEM Institutes • Vendors

  19. References • Dolence, M.G. (ed.) 1996. Strategic Enrollment Management: Cases from the Field. Washington, DC: American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers. • Hossler, D., and J.P. Bean. 1990. The Strategic Management of College Enrollments. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. • Hossler, D. 2005. The enrollment management process. In Challenging and Supporting the First-year Student, edited by M.L. Upcraft, J.N. Gardner, and B.O. Barefoot, pp. 67-85. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

  20. Questions???????????

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