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Prevail Over E-Plagiarism: Who, What, and How

Prevail Over E-Plagiarism: Who, What, and How. Presented at League for Innovation in the Community College Monday, October 20, 2003 3:15 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. Roundtable Ballroom B, Midwest Airlines Center.

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Prevail Over E-Plagiarism: Who, What, and How

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Prevail Over E-Plagiarism: Who, What, and How Presented at League for Innovation in the Community College Monday, October 20, 2003 3:15 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. Roundtable Ballroom B, Midwest Airlines Center Plamen Miltenoff, Assistant Professor, Information Specialist, pmiltenoff@stcloudstate.edu Pamela M. Salela, Reference Librarian, Assistant Professor, pmsalela@stcloudstate.edu Learning Resources and Technology Services, Saint Cloud State University, MN 1

  2. PLAGIARISM Why does plagiarism draw so much attention lately Plagiarism, old problem with new twists Common questions National statistics Types and metaphors Types of plagiarists 2

  3. Types of plagiarism Metaphors of plagiarism Types of Plagiarists Resources Detection Dissection of Plagiarism 3

  4. Student Plagiarism in an Online World http://www.asee.org/prism/december/html/student_plagiarism_in_an_onlin.htm 4

  5. Southwest Missouri State University http://library.smsu.edu/resources/plagiarism.shtml 5

  6. Center for Intellectual Property - UMUC http://www.umuc.edu/distance/odell/cip/ 6

  7. Know the Enemy: Paper Millshttp://www.coastal.edu/library/mills2.htm 7

  8. The Instructors Guide to Internet Plagiarismhttp://www.plagiarized.com/index.shtml 8

  9. SCSU efforts • Teaching and Learning Technology Roundtable (TLTR) efforts • Campus-wide discussion • Turnitin.com trial 9

  10. What did we learn • The Value of Specialized Software • Recommendations for future detection work • Prevention 10

  11. Deterring Plagiarism: Some Strategieshttp://www.utoronto.ca/writing/plagiarism.html 11

  12. IT Times March/April 2001: "You Asked.... About Deterring Plagiarism”http://ittimes.ucdavis.edu/mar2001/youasked.html 12

  13. How do we deal with it? • Campus-wide and nation-wide experience • Recommendations • Conclusions 13

  14. Questions and Discussion 14

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