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STAGES OF LIVE. First stage. Fetus and embrion.

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  2. Firststage Fetus and embrion 2 weeks after the first day of the last normal menstrual period - The sperm and egg join in the fallopian tube and fertilization has occurred. A single sperm penetrates the mother's egg cell, and the resulting cell is called a zygote. The zygote contains all of the genetic information (DNA) necessary to become a child. The baby begins to form from this single fertilized egg, the cell starts to divide itself into 2 cells, then 4, 8 and so on rapidly. Forty-six chromosomes combine, which pre-determine all of a person's physical characteristics. The fertilized egg is still rapidly dividing as it floats down from the fallopian tube and towards the uterus. The embryo first moves into the uterus at about 80 hours after ovulation. The implantation process begins about 3 days later.

  3. 4 weeks The cluster of cells has attached to the uterus wall and has divided into two parts. The half attached to the uterine wall will become the placenta, the vessel filled support system that will nourish the developing life, and the other half will become the baby. The amniotic fluid that cushions the fetus begins to form. The cells of the embryo multiply and begin to take on specific functions. The backbone, spinal column, and nervous system are forming. The heart, kidneys, liver, and intestines will soon be taking shape. Nerve growth begins when a sheet of cells on the back of the embryo folds in the middle to form a tube, which will become the future spinal cord. At one end the tube enlarges to form the brain's major sections. 5 weeks On the 26th day after fertilization, the embryo's tiny heart begins to beat. At this time the embryo is still size of a raisin. There is rapid growth, and the baby's main external features begin to take form. Low on the sides of the head are two folds of tissue that will become the ears. Although not completely developed, all the major body organs and systems are formed. The neural tube enlarges into three parts, that will soon to develop to become a very complex brain. Also the placenta begins functioning, known as the chorionic villi and the umbilical cord, through which the baby will receive nourishment and oxygen. The spine and spinal cord is growing faster than the rest of the body at this stage and will give the appearance of a tail. This will disappear as the baby grows.

  4. 10 weeks The fetus weighs about 1/3 of an ounce. The heart is almost completely developed and very much resembles that of a newborn baby. An opening the atrium of the heart and the presence of a bypass valve divert much of the blood away from the lungs, as the child's blood is oxygenated through the placenta. The wrists and ankles have formed and the fingers and toes are clearly visible. Genitals have begun to from, but it is too early to tell the sex of the fetus. By this week of the pregnancy the placenta has developed enough to support most of the critical job of producing hormones. 11 weeks - The vital organs - the liver, kidneys, intestines, brain and lungs are almost fully formed and beginning to function, while the the head is almost half the length of the entire body. The fetus is only about 2 inches (50mm) long and weighs less than a half ounce but it is busy moving and kicking.

  5. 20 weeksThe child can hear and recognize the mother's voice. This is an important time for sensory development since nerve cells serving each of the senses--taste, smell, hearing, seeing, and touch are now developing into their specialized area of the brain. Though still small and fragile, the baby is growing rapidly and could possibly survive if born at this stage. 21 weeks The fetus is steadily gaining fat to stay warm and has grown a whitish coat of a slick, fatty substance to protect skin in amniotic fluid and to ease delivery. 22 weeks The fetus is now about 11 inches (28cm) long (crown to heel) and weighs about 3/4 of a pound. The eyebrows and eyelids are fully developed, and the fingernails cover the fingertips. 23 weeks The fetus is now proportioned like a newborn except he is a thinner version of a newborn baby since its baby fat hasn't developed yet. The baby weighs about a pound and is around 12 inches in length.

  6. 30 weeks - For several months, the umbilical cord has been the baby's lifeline to the mother. Nourishment is transferred from the mom's blood, through the placenta, and into the umbilical cord to the fetus. The fetus now weighs about 3 pounds.31 weeks - Now it is time for the baby's lungs and digestive tract to be very near of being mature. Baby's weight gain will exceed its growth in length from now on. Baby may move to the rhythm of music. Studies with heart rates show that they may also prefers some types of music to others -- already!32 weeks - During this time the baby sleeps most of the day. The baby will now weigh about 4 pounds. The uterus getting to be too small for the baby to move so you may have notice a decrease in your baby's movements. The baby is still trying to move frequently but it just doesn't have enough room. The baby can also now turn its head from side-to-side. The baby's organs are continuing to mature. 33 weeks - The fetus is now about 18 inches long and weighs 4 1/4 pounds. The baby is using it's lungs to practice breathing by inhaling amniotic fluid. The baby's hair is also growing.

  7. 36-37 weeks - The baby's weight is now about 6 pounds and and the height is about 20 inches. You may now notice that it sometimes may feel like the baby is gradually dropping. This is called lightening. The feeling comes from increased pressure in the lower abdomen.38 - 40 weeks- Your pregnancy is considered full term now (anytime between 38-42 weeks is full-term). Most of the baby's skin downy coating has now disappeared. At the time of birth, most babies weigh about 7.5 pounds, and are 18-20 inches long, but it can vary with each baby, and there is no cause for concern. At birth the placenta will detach from the side of the uterus and the umbilical cord will stop working when the child takes his first breaths of air outside of uterus. The child's breathing will trigger changes in the heart that will force all blood to go through the lungs.


  9. baby A human baby. A baby is a human being still very young age, he can not talk. A newborn baby is a newborn. The newborn baby has no learned behavior so you do not understand and do not know your environment, why is driven by pure instinct and several reflections, but their learning capacity is up to a certain age limit (discussed by experts, but located at the most about 4 or 5 years), much higher than that of adult individuals. The baby is totally dependent on their parents or guardians, need your attention in order to meet their basic needs, or perform basic activities. For any need or discomfort, the baby will cry to attract the attention of adults.


  11. childhood as the period of three to twelve years, a period in which there is a significant physical, emotional and social income broader group. It is important to differentiate from the preschool, which ranges from three to six years, a period in which children and sphincter control and have outbursts of rage as frequently as in previous years. His thinking is often egocentric. They are the center of the world and can not take the place of another, or understand the point of view of another person.

  12. The kind of thinking is magical (eg, "bad thoughts cause accidents", or "the sun rises because God is pleased") and animist, ie give human characteristics to objects as the ability to feel. They have no sense of cause and effect (for example, if you throw a plate and breaks, believe that the dish is broken but not because they have thrown). Things classified by function, for example, define a bicycle as a "walk". They are able to express their feelings of love, sadness, jealousy, envy, curiosity and pride. They begin to care for others. The child begins social integration beyond the family, joining the outside world. Learn new ways to interact with people. If it is the case of the birth of a new sibling tests your ability to share and help.


  14. Puberty is the process of physical changes by which a child's bodymatures into an adult body capable of sexual reproduction to enablefertilisation. It is initiated by hormonal signals from the brain tothe gonads; the ovaries in a girl, the testes in a boy. In response tothe signals, the gonads produce hormones that stimulate libido and thegrowth, function, and transformation of the brain, bones, muscle,blood, skin, hair, breasts, and sexual organs. Physical growth—heightand weight—accelerates in the first half of puberty and is completedwhen the child has developed an adult body. Until the maturation oftheir reproductive capabilities, the pre-pubertal, physicaldifferences between boys and girls are the genitalia, the penis andthe vaginaOn average, girls begin puberty at ages 10-11; boys at ages11-12.Girls usually complete puberty by ages 15–17, while boys usuallycomplete puberty by ages 16–17.

  15. STAGE FIVE adolescence

  16. Group of teenagers. Adolescence is a period in the biological, psychological, sexual and social immediately following the beginning with childhood and puberty. Its duration range varies with different sources and medical opinions, scientific and psychological, but usually falls between the start 10 to 12 years, with completion at 19 or 20. For the World Health Organization, adolescence is the period between 10 and 19 years and falls within the period of youth, between 10 and 24 years. Puberty or early adolescence is the first stage usually begins at age 10 in girls and 11 in boys and goes up to 14-15 years. The middle and late adolescence extends to 19 years. A teenage youth remains full, from 20 to 24 years.


  18. An adult is a human being or living organism that is of relativelymature age, typically associated with sexual maturity and theattainment of reproductive age. In human context, the term has othersubordinate meanings associated with social and legal concepts; forexample, a legal adult is a legal concept for a person who hasattained the age of majority and is therefore regarded as independent,self-sufficient, and responsible (contrast with "minor"). Adulthoodcan be defined in terms of physiology, psychological adultdevelopment, law, personal character, or social status.

  19. These different aspects of adulthood are often inconsistent andcontradictory. A person may be biologically an adult, and have adultbehavior but still be treated as a child if they are under the legalage of majority. Conversely one may legally be an adult but possessnone of the maturity and responsibility that may define adultcharacter.

  20. Legally, adulthood means that one can engage in a contract. The sameor a different minimum age may be applicable to, for example, parentslosing parenting rights and duties regarding the person concerned,parents losing financial responsibility, marriage, voting, having ajob, serving in the military, buying/possessing firearms (if legal atall), driving, traveling abroad, involvement with alcoholic beverages(if legal at all), smoking, sex, gambling (both lottery and casino)being a prostitute or a client of a prostitute (if legal at all),being a model or actor in pornography, etc. Admission of a youngperson to a place may be restricted because of danger for that person,concern that the place may lead the person to immoral behavior, and/orbecause of the risk that the young person causes damage (for example,at an exhibition of fragile items).

  21. STAGE SEVEN Old age

  22. The term is a term elderly-social anthropic referring to the population of seniors or elderly. At this stage the body deteriorates and therefore stands for old-age and old age. This is a group of the population between 65-70 years of age or older. Today, the term is used by letting professionals and more older people used the term (in Spain and Argentina) and elderly (in Latin America). It is the seventh and last stage of life (prenatal, infancy, childhood, adolescence, youth, adulthood and old age or old age) occurring after this death. This age group has been growing in the population pyramid or age distribution in the population structure, mainly due to the decline in the mortality rate by improving the quality and life expectancy in many countries.

  23. This age group has been growing in the population pyramid or age distribution in the population structure, mainly due to the decline in the mortality rate by improving the quality and life expectancy in many countries. The living conditions for the elderly people are especially difficult because they quickly lose job opportunities, social activity and socialization skills, and often feel neglected and excluded. In developed countries, most of them have better living standards, are subsidized by the state and have access to pensions, health guarantees and other benefits.


  25. Death is a process consisting of terminal extinction homeostatic process of a living and thus concludes with the end of life. The dying process is fully defined, although in some of its phases from a neurophysiological standpoint, biochemical and medical, is not yet fully understood as a whole from the standpoint of thermodynamic and neurological and scientific discrepancies about. Additionally no scientifically defined where in the process is the threshold where we pass from life to death.

  26. 1 “C” Lic. Alejandra Ortiz Gutiérrez TEAM: Abisaucedo Natalia zambrano Martin haba Jorge santoscoy René pérez Materia: biology

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