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Switching for BTeV Level 1 Trigger

Switching for BTeV Level 1 Trigger. Jinyuan Wu (For the BTeV Collaboration). FPGA segment finders. Switch: sort by crossing number. track/vertex farm (~2500 processors). Merge. Trigger decision to Global Level 1. Level 1 vertex trigger architecture. 30 station pixel detector.

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Switching for BTeV Level 1 Trigger

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  1. Switching for BTeV Level 1 Trigger Jinyuan Wu (For the BTeV Collaboration)

  2. FPGA segment finders Switch: sort by crossing number track/vertex farm (~2500 processors) Merge Trigger decision to Global Level 1 Level 1 vertex trigger architecture 30 station pixel detector

  3. DAQ From M. Bowden’s Talk

  4. BTeV Trigger (From M. Wang’s Talk)

  5. Data From Pixel, Organized in Highways There are 8 cables per sub-rack. This is DCB. Each card sees ¼ station, 12 cards/sub-rack. There are 10 sub-racks for pixel system. Each cable has 12 fibers. Each cable goes to one highway. The PDCB and DCB look similar. • 80 cables, 960 fibers • 10 cables/hwy

  6. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Segment Finder Segment Finder F F F F F F F F F F Pre-Processor Pre-Processor Pre-Processor Pre-Processor Pre-Processor Optical Receivers to Segment Finder Optical Receivers, 10 cards/hwy Pre-processors, 32 cards/hwy Segment Finders, 32 cards/hwy From PDCB TO Farmlet TO L1 Buffer:

  7. 0,10,20… 1,11,21… 0 2,12,22… 1 2 F,1F,2F… F Optical Receiver Optical Receivers, 10 cards/hwy, 80 cards total OUT: 16 cables/card LVDS 4 pairs/cable <470 Mb/s per pair IN: 12 fibers 1 cable/card Rate/fiber: 2.5 Gb/s Rate/cable: 2.5 Gb/s x 12/16 = 2.5 Gb/s x 3/4 LVDS 4 pairs/cable <470 Mb/s per pair

  8. Pre-Processor Pre-processor Pre-processors, 32 cards/hwy, 256 cards total IN from Optical Receivers 5 cables/card Rate/cable: 2.5 Gb/s x 12/16 = 2.5 Gb/s x 3/4 LVDS 4 pairs/cable <470 Mb/s per pair OUT to Segment Finders: 4 cables/card Rate/cable: 2.5 Gb/s x 12/16 x 5/4 = 2.5 Gb/s x 15/16 LVDS 4 pairs/cable <<585 Mb/s per pair OUT to L1 Buffers: 4 cables/card Rate/cable: 2.5 Gb/s x 12/16 x 5/4 = 2.5 Gb/s x 15/16 LVDS 4 pairs/cable <<585 Mb/s per pair

  9. Segment Finder Segment Finder Segment Finders, 32 cards/hwy, 256 cards total Rate/cable: 2.5 Gb/s x 12/16 x 5/4 = 2.5 Gb/s x 15/16 LVDS 4 pairs/cable <<585 Mb/s per pair IN from Segment Finders: 4 cables/card OUT to DSP Farmlets: 4 cables/card Rate/cable: 2.5 Gb/s x 12/16 x 5/4 = 2.5 Gb/s x 15/16 LVDS 4 pairs/cable <<585 Mb/s per pair

  10. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Segment Finder Segment Finder F F F F F F F F F F Pre-Processor Pre-Processor Pre-Processor Pre-Processor Pre-Processor Optical Receivers to Segment Finder Optical Receivers, 10 cards/hwy Pre-processors, 32 cards/hwy Segment Finders, 32 cards/hwy Ch: (1/10) BCO: (1/8 x 1/16) Ch: (1/2) BCO: (1/8 x 1/16 x 5/4) IN: 120 fibers 10 cables/hwy OR_PP: 160 cables PP_SF: 128 cables Ch: (1/120) BCO: (1/8) TO Farmlet 128 cables Ch: (all) BCO: (1/8 x 1/16 x 5/4 x 2/4) TO L1 Buffer: 128 cables

  11. Short Compares

  12. To Do and Questions • Optical receiver. • Latency budget. • Last stations. • Reduce switching in DAQ stages? • Further absorb segment finder into preprocessor?

  13. End End

  14. Collision Hall Counting Room to neighboring FPGA segment finder Pixel stations Data combiners FPGA segment finder Pixel processor Pixel processor Pixel processor DCB DCB DCB Optical links Pixel processor to neighboring FPGA segment finder Chip ID (13bits) sync (1bit) FPIX2 Read-out chip Row (7bits) Column (5bits) BCO (8bits) ADC (3bits) Pixel data readout time-stamp expansion time ordering clustering algorithm xy table lookup

  15. 0,8,16,24,32,40,48,56, 64,72,80,88,96,104,112,120 1,9,17,25,33,41,49,57, 65,73,81,89,97,105,113,121 6,14,22,30,38,46,54,62,… 7,15,23,31,39,47,55,63,… 5,13,21,29,37,45,53,61,… 4,12,20,28,36,44,52,60,… 2,10,18,26,34,42,50,58,… 3,11,19,27,35,43,51,59,… Optical Receiver Optical Receivers, 80 cards full system 0,64,… 12 fibers in 1 cable/card 8,72,… 16,80,… 24,88,… 32,96,… 40,104,… 48,112,… 56,120,… LVDS 4 pairs/cable LVDS 8 pairs/card/hwy <470 Mb/s per pair 8 highways/card 16 cables/card

  16. The 4x4 Cable Bundle

  17. Switching in the Processing Stages Pre-processors, 32 cards/hwy Optical Receivers, 80 cards full system Cable bundle 4 x 4 Ch: (1/4) BCO: (1/8 x ½ x ¼ ) 12 fibers in 1 cable/card Ch: (1/80) BCO: (1/8 x 1/2) Ch: (1/80) BCO: (all) To L1 Buffer 5 cables 20 pairs/card 160 cables/hwy 640 pairs/hwy To Segment Finder 8 highways/card 16 cables/card LVDS 4 pairs/cable <470 Mb/s per pair Segment Finders, 40 cards/hwy 4 cables/card 80 cables 960 fibers To DSP Farmlet Ch: (all) BCO: (1/8 x ½ x ¼ x 1/5)

  18. To L1 Buffer, Etc. Pre-processors, 32 cards/hwy Cable bundle 4 x 4 Ch: (1/4) BCO: (1/8 x ½ x ¼ ) Ch: (all) BCO: (1/8 x ½ x ¼ x 1/5) 4 cables/card To L1 Buffer 5 cables 20 pairs/card L1 Buffer To Segment Finder L2/L3 PC Segment Finders, 40 cards/hwy 4 cables/card To DSP Farmlet SF SF SF SF Ch: (all) BCO: (1/8 x ½ x ¼ x 1/5)

  19. In One Highway: Optical Receivers, 10 cards/hwy Pre-processors, 32 cards/hwy Ch: (1/2) BCO: (1/8 x 1/16 ) 12 fibers in 1 cable/card Ch: (1/10) BCO: (1/8 x 1/16) Ch: (1/10) BCO: (1/8) To L1 Buffer 5 cables 160 cables/hwy To Segment Finder Segment Finders, 40 cards/hwy 4 cables/card 16 cables/card LVDS 4 pairs/cable <470 Mb/s per pair 10 cables/hwy 120 fibers/hwy To DSP nodes Ch: (all) BCO: (1/8 x 1/16 x 2/5)

  20. In One Highway: Optical Receivers, 10 cards/hwy Pre-processors, 32 cards/hwy Ch: (1/10) BCO: (1/8) Ch: (1/2) BCO: (1/8 x 1/16 ) To L1 Buffer Ch: (1/10) BCO: (1/8 x 1/16) IN: 12 fibers 1 cable/card IN: 5 cables OUT: 8 cables OUT: 16 cables/card LVDS 4 pairs/cable <470 Mb/s per pair To Segment Finder Segment Finders, 64 cards/hwy IN: 4 cables 10 cables/hwy 120 fibers/hwy To DSP nodes 160 cables/hwy Ch: (all) BCO: (1/8 x 1/16 x 4/8)

  21. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Segment Finder Segment Finder Segment Finder F F F F F F F F F F Pre-Processor Pre-Processor Pre-Processor Pre-Processor Pre-Processor Optical Receivers to Segment Finder Optical Receivers, 10 cards/hwy Pre-processors, 32 cards/hwy Segment Finders, 64 cards/hwy Ch: (1/10) BCO: (1/8 x 1/16) Ch: (1/2) BCO: (1/8 x 1/16 x 1/8) IN: 120 fibers 10 cables/hwy OR_PP: 160 cables PP_SF: 256 cables Ch: (1/120) BCO: (1/8) TO Farmlet 256 cables Ch: (all) BCO: (1/8 x 1/16 x 1/8 x 2/4)

  22. 7.6 MHz 800 GB/s BTeV trigger overview L1 rate reduction: ~100x L2/3 rate reduction: ~20x 4 KHz

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