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World War II

World War II. A summary so far…. 1. Treaty of Versailles (signed after WWI) created angst because of its harsh terms. CAUSES WORLD WAR II. 3. Failure of policy of Appeasement (Britain) AND Failure of the ‘League of Nations’.

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World War II

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  1. World War II A summary so far…

  2. 1. Treaty of Versailles (signed after WWI) created angst because of its harsh terms CAUSES WORLDWAR II 3. Failure of policy of Appeasement (Britain) AND Failure of the ‘League of Nations’ 2. Rise of Totalitarian governments – Militarism in Japan, Fascism in Italy and Nazism in Germany 4. Germany’s economic situation was dire (heavy debts and reparations gutted the country) – German people were vulnerable

  3. 1. Treaty of Versailles:Terms WAR GUILT – Germany to accept full responsibility for WWI REPARATIONS – Germany to pay 6.6billion pounds for damages caused DISARMAMENT – Germany to demilitarise the Rhineland, armed/naval forces were capped TERRITORIAL CLAUSES – Land taken from Germany, annexing of Austria (Anschluss) is forbidden

  4. Treaty of Versailles - a guillotine condemning Germany to death and the making of another war…

  5. 2. Rise of Totalitarian Regimes Benito Mussolini became Prime Minister of Italy in 1922… Adolf Hitler became Chancellor in Germany in 1933 … In the 1930s Japan’s military became more and more powerful…

  6. 3. Failure of Appeasement and League of Nations… Not all countries joined the League, some countries were still trading with Non-League countries and essentially it had no power/army, and it could not act quickly… The Policy of Appeasement did not work – essentially it meant giving in to some demands of Hitler to ‘appease’ him but re-arming and the ‘Munich Agreement’ (giving back some territorial land) was not enough and Hitler invaded Czechoslovakia anyway…

  7. 4. Germany before WWII German, Health, child protection, fighting poverty, aiding travellers, community, helping mothers: These are the tasks of the National Socialist People's Charity. Become a member!, c. 1930s, poster, German Federal Archive, Koblenz. Germany faced an economic crisis: the reparations and heavy debts because of borrowing to fund WWI efforts left it vulnerable…and poverty was widespread… Hitler’s propaganda played on this…

  8. Allies and Axis Powers Axis Bulgaria
 Finland Germany Hungary Italy Japan Romania Allies Argentina
 Australia Bolivia Brazil Canada China Chile Columbia Costa Rica
 Cuba France India Iraq Lebanon Mexico New Zealand Paraguay South Africa
 Soviet Union United Kingdom
 United States Occupied Albania
 Belgium Czechoslovakia Denmark Estonia Ethiopia France Greece Luxemburg Netherlands Norway Philippines Poland Yugoslavia Neutral Andorra
 Ireland Liechtenstein Portugal Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey (until Feb 1945)
 Uruguay Vatican City

  9. Map of Europe occupied by the Third Reich 1944

  10. Course WWII – European Theatre 1938 ‘Anschluss’ - Annexing of Austria 1938 Munich Agreement 1939 German Invasions Czechoslovakia, Poland & war declared by Britain & France 1940 German Invasions Denmark, Norway 1940 ‘Blitzkrieg’ – Lightning war – occupying of Holland and Belgium 1940 Dunkirk: rescue of Allied forces 1940 France signs Armistice, is occupied by Germany 1940 Battle of Britain – bombing raids in Britain by Luftwaffe 1941 Operation Barbarossa – Attack of Russia on Eastern front 1942 Battle of Alamein – success against Axis powers in Northern Africa 1942 Battle of Stalingrad – Russian success against Germany 1943 Allies take Sicily and Italy surrenders and joins the Allies 1944 DDay – Allies launch attack in Normandy, capturing port 1944 Battle of the Bulge – attack launched against Allies, beaten back 1945 Allies cross the Rhine, Russians enter Berlin from the East 1945 April Capture and execution of Mussolini, Suicide of Adolf Hitler 1945 2-4 May German forces surrender 1945 8 May V.E. Day Victory in Europe is celebrated

  11. Bibliography ONLINE German Poverty - www.oldmagazinearticles.com (Accessed 18 March 2012) Meeting of Leaders/Treaty of Versailles - www.historyonthenet.com/WW2/causes.htm (Accessed 17 March 2012) National Flags - www.flags.net Third Reich Flag - third-reich-books.com (Accessed 18 March 2012) Fascist Flag - iranpoliticsclub.net (Accessed 18 March 2012) Chamberlin and Hitler - ivarfjeld.wordpress.com (Accessed 18 March 2012) Versailles Political Cartoons - http://urbachc.org/urb-versailles-political-cartoons.html (Accessed 18 March 2012) Images of Adolf Hitler - www.kgv.edu.hk/history/Y9/WWII_and...War/World%20War%20II.ppt (Accessed 18 March 2012) Japanese Militarism - library.thinkquest.org/ C005852/militarism.htm (Accessed 18 March 2012) Luftwaffe - feldgrau.com (Accessed 18 March 2012) Map of German occupation 1944 - http://germanhistorydocs.ghi-dc.org/images/English_map_5_bh-edit.jpg (Accessed 18 March 2011)

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