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Capacity 2015 A Capacity Development Platform

Capacity 2015 A Capacity Development Platform. UNDP take on Capacity Development. CD has been a fundamental component of TC since the Marshal Plan (1951) and UNDP has been involved in CD since its inception largely focusing on institution building and individual skill enhancement

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Capacity 2015 A Capacity Development Platform

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  1. Capacity 2015 A Capacity Development Platform

  2. UNDP take on Capacity Development • CD has been a fundamental component of TC since the Marshal Plan (1951) and UNDP has been involved in CD since its inception largely focusing on institution building and individual skill enhancement • Despite some significant achievements, successful and sustainable CD has remained an elusive goal • By nature development is about social transformation and the essence of development is capacity building • Enhancing and developing indigenous and local capacity is of fundamental importance for this transformation

  3. UNDP take on Capacity Development Lessons learnt from UNDP’s experience in CD • CD is a long term process with ups and downs, which can’t deliver quick fixes and short-term results • CD should be carried out at the individual, institutional and societal levels • CD should be build on existing capacities rather than creating new ones

  4. UNDP take on Capacity Development Lessons learnt from UNDP’s experience in CD (cont.) • Successful CD interventions require: • Commitment at the national and local level • National and local ownership, management and coordination • Integration of participatory approaches • Multi-sectoral and comprehensive approaches that include the stakeholders • Flexibility and adjustment of approaches to be aligned with emerging changes and needs • CD means learning and knowledge transfer is no longer seen as the relevant modality. Knowledge needs to be acquired.

  5. UNDP take on Capacity Development • Why CD is important? • Empowers stakeholders • Enhances development effectiveness • Promotes sustainability • CD is at the heart of everything that UNDP is doing • CD is defined as the ability to perform functions, solve problems and set and achieve objectives

  6. UNDP take on Capacity Development • Enabling countries to develop their own capacity for sustainable human development • Country driven approaches • Ownership and empowerment of national and local actors • Building on existing capacities, strengths and experiences • Partnerships and strategic alliances

  7. CAPACITY 21 Mandate Strengthen capacity for Agenda 21 implementation i.e. assist developing countries build their capacity to integrate the principles of Agenda 21 into national development.

  8. CAPACITY 21 • Capacity 21 Trust Fund was established in 1992 • Over the last 10 years, Capacity 21 has worked with more than 75 countries, spending roughly US$ 85 million • Capacity 21 has helped program countries to develop highly effective methodologies and other capacities for sustainable development

  9. Capacity 21 Experience in Europe andthe CIS Capacity 21 program operated in 12 countries and promoted and demonstrated innovations in three main areas: • Promoting strategic planning for long-term sustainable development that integrates environmental concerns into sectoral policies • Localizing sustainable development through decentralization and good local governance • Building partnerships and networks among municipalities and between local and national stakeholders

  10. Capacity 2015 Objective To help countries develop capacities to reap the benefits from globalization and to meet the Millennium Development goals (MDs).

  11. What is Capacity 2015? • Capacity 2015 is conceived as a broad « platform »based on the principles, experience and good practices developed by Capacity 21.  • The Capacity 2015 platform will help the global community meet the Millennium Development Goals - especially halving poverty by 2015 - within the framework of Agenda 21.

  12. Capacity 2015 value added • Capacity 2015 reflects the implementation aspects of the WSSD • Capacity 2015 is linked to the MDGs, Agenda 21 and the JPI • The focus is at the local level and includes local economies • Economic and social transformation is part of Capacity 2015 • Capacity 21 was ONLY UNDP initiative, while Capacity 2015 is inclusive and is a global partnership platform for CD • Capacity 2015 responds to a range of new CD challenges • In Capacity 2015 high priority has been accorded to ILCDN

  13. Principles of Capacity 2015 • Local and national ownership • Define needs and implement solutions • Capacity development as ongoing process of transformation- don’t rush • Carefully integrated responses • Urgent short-term poverty concerns • longer-term sustainability issues • Civic engagement and sound participatory processes for social, economic, and environmental policies and practices • design, implementation and monitoring

  14. PRINCIPLES • Universal but flexible - ensuring that changing needs and circumstances are taken into account • Partnerships and strategic alliances • key role of networking in knowledge acquisition and sharing • Development of the necessary enabling environments at all levels • Existing capacities further developed, not replaced • Cultural identities and values recognized and respected

  15. Focus of the Platform • Capacity Development for Communities • National Initiatives for Sustainable Development • Mainstreaming Gender and Promoting Women’s Empowerment • Capacity Development for the Small Islands Developing States - SIDS

  16. Strategic Facilities • Information and Learning Network (ILN) • Quick Response Facility • Partnership Development Facility • Technical Assistance Facility

  17. Capacity 2015 Regional Program – Main Pillars • Create political and legal national frameworks for sustainable local development • Provide practical support for sustainable development and good governance at the local level • Transfer knowledge, build networks and foster partnerships

  18. PARTNERS INVOLVED • Local groups • Local and national authorities • Entrepreneurs • Media • CBOs and CSOs • Academia • Regional and global actors

  19. Regional Forum on Localizing Sustainable Development – New Initiative Objectives: • Showcase best practices and discuss cutting edge capacity building and sustainable local development issues. • East-East transfer of information, experience and know-how in good local governance and sustainable development. • Build and enhance partnerships arrangements

  20. Regional Forum on Localizing Sustainable Development – New Initiative Expected results: • Best practices captures, codifies and transferred throughout the region • Dynamic networking among countries and municipalities from the region established • Partnerships for capacity development for moving from agenda to action signed

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