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Articulations. Articulations (Joints). Articulations – Where bones MEET and MOVE Classified by function Synarthrosis ( Immovable ) Amphiarthrosis ( slightly movable ) Diarthrosis - (synovial or freely movable joints). Synathrosis ( no movement ). Sutures Bones of the skull.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Articulations

  2. Articulations (Joints) Articulations – Where bones MEET and MOVE Classified by function Synarthrosis (Immovable) Amphiarthrosis (slightly movable) Diarthrosis - (synovial or freely movable joints)

  3. Synathrosis (no movement) Sutures Bones of the skull

  4. Amphiarthroses (Slightly Movable) Fibrous joint connected by ligament Ex. Distal articulation between tibia and fibula Symphysis Bones joined by disk of fibrocartilage Ex. Vertebrae, between pubic bones Cartilaginous Connection between rib and sternum

  5. Angular Movements of Diarthrotic Synovial Joints Angular Motion Flexion – reduces angle between articulating elements Extension - increases angle between articulating elements Adduction – moving towards midline Abduction – moving away from midline Circumduction – loop motion

  6. Rotational Movements of Diarthrotic Synovial Joints Rotational

  7. Special Movements Inversion- turns sole of foot inward (opp-eversion) Dorsiflexion- ankle flexion (plantar flexion pointed toe) Opposition – grasping (thumb/fingers toward hand) Protraction - move anterior across horizontal plane (opp retraction) Elevation – move superior (opp depression)

  8. Structural Classification of Synovial Joints Gliding – flat surfaces slide past one another Ends of clavicles Between carpals & tarsals Between vertebrae Hinge– angular movement in a single direction Occipital bone and atlas Elbow, knee, ankle Interphalangeal joints Pivot– permit rotation only Atlas and axis Proximal radius and ulna Ellipsodial – angular motion occurs in 2 planes Radius w/proximal carpals Phalanges w/metacarpals (and metatarsals) Saddle- permits angular motion but prevents rotation thumb Ball and socket- round head rests within depression Shoulder and hips

  9. Double Jointed?

  10. Can you do this?

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