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The Italian System for the management of the 2006 Winter Olympic Games in Turin

Turin, 23 rd January 2006. The Italian System for the management of the 2006 Winter Olympic Games in Turin. Organization of security for the 2006 Winter Olympic Games in Turin

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The Italian System for the management of the 2006 Winter Olympic Games in Turin

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  1. Turin, 23rd January 2006 The Italian System for the management of the 2006 Winter Olympic Games in Turin

  2. Organization of security for the 2006 Winter Olympic Games in Turin (apart from the security of facilities and passive safety of the venues falling within the competence of the event organize) MINISTRY OF THE INTERIOR National Authority of State Police C.N.O.S.P. HEAD OF POLICE Director General of Public Security Coordination meetings Secretariat of the Police State Department Public Order Office National Information Centre on the 2006 Winter Olympic Games

  3. Security Organization: State Police Provincial Authorities PREFECT State Police provincial Authority with coordination and policy-making tasks General approach C.P.O.S.P. QUESTORE State Police provincial Authority with coordination and technical operational tasks Technical operational level Technical Table Police Forces depending on him POLIZIA DI STATO (State Police) ARMA CARABINIERI (Carabinieri Corps) GUARDIA DI FINANZA (Customs and Excise Police) CORPO FORESTALE DELLO STATO (Forestry Guards)

  4. Security Organization: The State Police Provincial Authorities QUESTORE State Police provincial Authority with coordination and technical operational tasks • Police Forces • available to him: • State Police • Carabinieri • Customs and Excise Police • Forestry Guards PUBLIC ORDER PUBLIC SECURITY PROTECTION OF VIPs AND SPORTS DELEGATIONS


  6. ORGANIZATIONAL AND SECURITY RESPOSIBILITIES TOROC TORINO ORGANISING COMMITTEE FOR THE XX OLYMPIC WINTER GAMES MINISTRYOF HOME AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SECURITY TOROC is the Committee in charge of the organization of the event. Among other responsibilities, TOROC takes care of the implementation of the security infrastructuresof the Olympic venues, of the security of the communication and transportation systems, of the ticket sales and marketing, of the organization of the official ceremonies, of the Olympic competitions, of the protocol affairs (in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs), of the issuing of the pass cards and of the services to the Olympic clients. Prefettura of TURIN C.N.I.O. National Information Center for the Olympics Questura of TURIN The central and local law enforcement Autorities of the “Ministero dell’Interno” are entirely responsible for the public safety and security of the event and for the protection of the Olympic sites, villages, venues, athletes, delegates and dignitaries.

  7. Criteria adopted to work out a security Plan on the occasion of great events Monitoring of the critical situations at major sports events carried out in other Countries: Japan/Korea (2002) Salt Lake City (2002) Portugal (2004) Greece (2004) Monitoring of the critical situations at major events carried out in Italy: Naples Global forum (2001) Genoa G8 (2001) Final Championship Cup ed. 2002 (Milan) Six months of the E.U. Italian Presidency 2003) Florence Social forum (2003) Intergovernmental Conference in Rome (2003) Signature of the Rome Constitutional Treaty -2004 Funerals of the Pope (2005) Cerimony for the beginning of the new Papacy (2005) Detection of recurrent critical situations

  8. Internationalpolice cooperation on the occasion of large-scale events COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION’S RECOMMENDATION 1/12/1994 Concerning the exchange of information at major events and meetings EUROPEAN CONVENTION 19/8/1985 European Convention on Spectator violence and Misbehaviour at Sports Events and in particular at Football Matches COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION’S RESOLUTION 6/12/2001 Handbook with recommendations for international police cooperation and measures to prevent and control violence and disturbances in connection with football matches with an international dimension, in which at least one Member State is involved (2002/C 22/01) ENFOPOL 123 (12637/3/02 REV 3) 28/11/ 2002 Security handbook for the use of police authorities and services at international events such as meetings of the European Council and comparable events EUROPEAN UNION’S ACT DEL 26/7/1995 Convention Based on Article K.3 of the Treaty on European Union, on the Establishment of a European Police Office (Europol Convention) G8 LYON – ROME/ANTI CRIME AND TERRORISM GROUP Law Enforcement Projects Subgroup (LEPSG) Crisis Prevention and response Project Concerning facilitation in effective prevention and response, particularly related to major special events COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION’S RESOLUTION 29/04/2004 Concerning security at European Council meetings and other comparable events COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION’S DECISION (2002/348/GAI) 25/4/2002 Concerning “security at international football matches“ COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION’S RECOMMENDATION (Enfopol 14) 13/02 2004 Concerning a handbook for the cooperation between Member States to avoid terrorist acts at the Olympic Games and other comparable sporting events

  9. National Information Centre on the Olympic Games (C.N.I.O.): Setting up National Committee for Public Order and Security of 9 March 2005 Decree by the Minister of the Interior of 18 March 2005 Decree by the Chief of Police of 9 May 2005 • General situation analysis of the event provided by the Chief of Police and CNIO set up proposal • Setting up of CNIO in public order and security area • Appointment of official members and their substitutes

  10. THE NATIONAL INFORMATION CENTRE ON TURIN WINTER OLYMPICS (C.N.I.O.) Coming up the Olympic Games and on the basis of the experience acquired by other countries where similar events had taken place the Minister of Interior has set up the C.N.I.O. (National Information Centre on Turin Winter Olympics) with the aim to intensify the intelligence activity, improving the international police cooperation. Considering all that an only reference center has been set up to collect the information flow – at national and international level – from who to stimulate the ad-hoc initiatives to guarantee a coordinate planning activity in the field of public order and security. The C.N.I.O. will work without overlapping with the central and local structures in charged of information exchange. It ensure collecting, analysis and sharing relevant information for threat assessment – at national and international level – provided that the existing institutional networks (diplomatic, PWGOT, Interpol, Europol). Within the CNIO will be present representatives from the participant countries as liaison officers in the field of international police cooperation.

  11. National Information Centre on the Olympic Games: Reasons why to set up the CNIO in the area of public order and security Within the Public Order Office the National Information Centre on Sporting Events (Centro Nazionale di Informazione sulle Manifestazioni Sportive - CNIMS) has been working for years as National Contact Point with its counterparts in other countries CNIMS Officials have gained specific experience both as representatives of an international point of contact and as observers in all the big international sporting events that took place in the last 5 years The Public Order Office has planned its protection services for international V.I.P.s that visited Italy, also on the occasion of the Pope’s death. Among the tasks of the Public Order Office there are, inter alia, the institutional relations with the officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and with the persons in charge of the security of foreign institutional authorities.

  12. MEMBERS OF THE C.N.I.O. (“NATIONAL INFORMATION CENTER FOR THE OLYMPICS”) CHAIRMAN Representative of the “Direzione Centrale della Polizia di Prevenzione” (Italian Police Counterterrorism branch) Ministero degli Affari Esteri Dir. C.le Polizia Criminale The representative of the “Direzione Centrale della Polizia di Prevenzione” will take part to the meetings of the C.N.I.O. and to those of the C.A.S.A. (Strategic Counterterrorism Analysis Committee) and will take care of the exchange of information between the two Committees. U.T.G. di Torino Questura di Torino Servizio Polizia Scientifica Com. Gen. Arma CC Servizio Polizia Ferroviaria Com. Gen. Guardia di F. Uff. Coord. e Pian.ne FF.PP. Foreign Liaison Officers will take care of exchanging information concerning the security of the event at international level. Corpo Forestale dello Stato Uff. Relazioni Esterne Servizio Polizia di Frontiera TOROC Servizio Polizia Stradale CONI Dipartimento Vigili del Fuoco Liaison Officers from the participating countries

  13. National Information Centre on Olympic Games: AIMS To canalize the information flow at national and international level, without prejudice to the existing institutional channels (PWGOT – Interpol – Europol, etc.) To unite all initiatives related to security, avoiding overlappings with other departments and the territorial Authorities To maximize operational synergies among all the Administration represented in the National Information Centre on the Turin 2006 Winter Olympic Games To ensure, in conformity with the existing international guidelines and orientation, co-operation activities with all countries concerned through the police co-operation channels and diplomatic mission To draw up documents concerning the “Italian System” of the Olympic Security to be presented during international meetings.

  14. Strategic Counterterrorism Analysis Committee(C.A.S.A.) The Minister of Interior set up the C.A.S.A. (Strategic Counterterrorism Analysis Committee) within the National Police Department - “Direzione Centrale della Polizia di Prevenzione”. The C.A.S.A. is presided over the Director of “Direzione Centrale della Polizia di Prevenzione” and is composed by representatives of the Police Forces and Intelligence Agencies. It is tasked with the analysis and assessment of information of particular importance in the field of domestic and international terrorism. It is also responsible for the coordinated planning of all prevention activities to combat terrorist attacks. Director of “Direzione Centrale della Polizia di Prevenzione” C.A.S.A. Comitato di Analisi Strategica Antiterrorismo (Strategic Counterterrorism Analysis Committee) Arma Carabinieri SISDe SISMi Specialized Police Forces

  15. INFORMATION FLOW AMONG THE “C.N.I.O.”, THE “C.A.S.A.” AND THE INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY Italian Intelligence officials will take part to the C.A.S.A. meetings and will be responsible for the mutual information flow between the law enforcement and the intelligence communities. C.A.S.A. Strategic Counterterrorism Analysis Committee The representative of the “Direzione Centrale della Polizia di Prevenzione” (Police Counterterrorism branch) will take part to the meetings of the C.N.I.O. and to those of the C.A.S.A. INTELLIGENCE AGENCIES

  16. National Information Centre on Olympic Games:TASKS Before the event • collection, analysis and exchange of information at national and international level • trasmission of information to the provincial Public Security Authorities • relations with C.A.S.A. for the drawing up of periodical bulletins concerning threat evaluation • relations with the Embassy of participating countries through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs • organization of information briefings on security with the representatives of the Embassies and/or countries participating in the Winter Olympic Games • planning and organization of international seminars attended by experts of participating countries • drawing up and publication of a handbook on the security of the Winter Olympic Games to be given to the representatives of the countries involved • request for co-operation to the countries concerned signed by the Director General of Public Security During the event • management of the information flow at national and international level to better evaluate the threat After the event • drawing up of an evaluation document concerning the security activities planned for the Turin 2006 Winter Olympic Games • presentation of the results during international seminars.

  17. Public Security Department ROME 2006 Winter Olympic Games National Information Centre National Information Centre on Olympic GamesInformation flow – National level D.C.P.P Centro nazionale di Informazione sulle Olimpiadi invernali 2006 Police Investigation Channels Questure Border Police Office Open Sources Intelligence Services Prefettura and Questura of Turin

  18. PUBLIC SECURITY DEPARTMENT ROME 2006 Winter Olympic Games National Information Centre National Information Centre on Olympic GamesInformation flow – International Level Other Networks PWGOT DCPP CASA Participating Countries Interpol Open Sources Europol Prefettura and Questura of Turin

  19. The role of participating Countries Activities concerning international police co-operation REFERENCE POINT OF THE EMBASSY He/she is identified and his/her name is communicated to CNIO by the diplomatic mission in Italy; He/she is the reference point of the Public Security Department for all aspects concerning the security of the delegations and/or V.I.P.s of that country; He/she grants continuity in the relations concerning security with the country he/she represents POLICE OFFICER OR MEMBER OF THE INTELLIGENCE SERVICES He/she is seconded by his/her country after agreement by the Italian Chief of Police; He/she grants expert support in the operation phase; He/she does not carry weapons and works under the responsibility of the Italian Authorities; He/she is present in Turin during the Games and applies to the “Turin 2006 Olympic Games National Information Centre “ for any initiative OBSERVERS OF PARTICIPATING COUNTRIES He/she in seconded by his/her country after agreement by the Italian Chief of Police; He/she observes the organization of the public order and security services for information purposes; He/she is present in Turin during the Games and applies to the “Turin 2006 Olympic Games National Information Centre “ for any initiative PERMANENT CONTACT POINT He/she is identified within the competent service of his/her country; He/she is the permanent interface of CNIO for the exchange of the information concerning the security of the Games: he/she shall transmit the risk analysis on persons and groups who are expected to attend the Olympic Games and could pose a threat; He/she does not overlap with already existing international information networks LIAISON OFFICER Upon request of the Italian Chief of Police, he/she is appointed by the Police Authority of his/her country and can be the same person as the reference of the Embassy and/or the permanent contact point; He/she participates in the meetings of CNIO and is present also in Turin during the Olympic Games: the liaison officer cannot carry weapons; He/she ensures the immediate exchange of information concerning all aspects pertaining to the security of the event; He/she operates in close co-operation with all CNIO members to immediately solve any problems concerning the delegation of his/her country. He/she provides advice and assistance.

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