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SBDM Budget Data Sources

SBDM Budget Data Sources. Demographics Student Enrollment Projections Attendance % Projected ADA Total Ktgn. + Gr.1-5 @ Elementary Level At Risk Students (w/out ECE S/C). At Risk % ECE S/C Fee Waivers Human Resources Staff Certification Lists, applications for re-employment, & contracts.

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SBDM Budget Data Sources

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  1. SBDM Budget Data Sources

  2. Demographics Student Enrollment Projections Attendance % Projected ADA Total Ktgn. + Gr.1-5 @ Elementary Level At Risk Students (w/out ECE S/C) At Risk % ECE S/C Fee Waivers Human Resources Staff Certification Lists, applications for re-employment, & contracts School & District Data

  3. Financial Planning & ManagementJCPS Site-Based Allocation Formula

  4. JCPS FY ’04-05 Budget Changes • At-Risk Allocation: All receive at least partial allocation (qualified for free / reduced lunch) in Feb. & Aug. • Lead Custodian Value:Separate values for custodians and lead custodians • Carryover: Must submit plan for all carryover funds, approved by SBDM, based on needs identified in CSIP

  5. Budget Decisions & Instructional Needs

  6. Student Data Drives Decisions • Student attendance records and projections = base • Instructional needs determined by CATS data analysis • Disaggregated data reveals achievement gaps • CSIP developed • SBDM reviews, adjusts, & approves

  7. KRS 157.360 Base Funding Level – Adjustment – Enforcement of Maximum Class Size – Allotment of Program funds • Base = $ appropriated / prior yr. ADA • Districts receive $ per student ADA • AT –Risk $ must pay for: • Alternative programs • Hazardous Duty pay • # + types of ECE specific weights • Transportation costs

  8. SEEK fully implemented by FY ’94-95 Max. class sizes Primary = 24 4th grade = 28 5-6th grades = 29 7-12th grades = 31 Max. 150 pupil hours per day @ middle +high school levels (Some exemptions may be approved) KY BoE adoption of Regs. + provision for exemptions Enforcement of ECE max. / caps (no exemption or waiver allowed if effects negative to ECE student) Max. for combined grades (no exceptions) No ungraded primary + graded in same class Max 2 grade levels in combined class KRS 157.360 Base Funding Level

  9. If SBARC determines ECE LRE is in private placement, student counts in ADA if approved Pupils in coop. Placement / centers considered in ADA of each (dist + center) Funding increase @ 2nd month if ADA is greater than prev. yr. ($ increase by % increase) ADA decrease >= 10% ADA decrease > 2% Instructional salaries for Vocational Ed. Agriculture teachers must submit annual plan Home / hospital program funds Reimbursement for H/H instruction P1 assistants per 24 full time P1 students No deduction against base funding re: ADA if student in career / Voc. Ed. facility KRS 157.360 Base Funding Level

  10. Gap = substantive CATS performance difference between various groups (ECE, minority, F/R, ESL) Nov. 1 CATS data presented to SBDM Dec. 1 (’02 +2yr after) Biennial targets Feb. 1 (’03 +odd yrs.) SBDM set targets submitted to Super., then Board of Education April (’03 + odd yrs.) Review data & revise CSIP Public Meeting Determine if targets are met Address how academic needs will be met KRS 158.649 Law on Reducing Achievement Gaps

  11. SBDM staffing dilemmasKelly Koch

  12. Tough Decisions • Your principal and administration are able to assess the situation prior to presenting to SBDM. • It is important to remember this is not personal.

  13. Decisions and Decision Makers • Only so much money is allotted to each school for salary. • It is possible to “buy” a person with a grant or other funds, however the long term needs of a school need to be considered.

  14. Seniority Matters • Since JCPS teachers are members of an union, JCTA has guaranteed representation. No one can be let go from the county due to budgeting issues if they have a standing contract. However, budgeting may affect where you are staffed

  15. 2004-2005 Budget • The budget shortfalls are expected to be minimum for our school because of grant and CSIF funding. However other schools won’t be as lucky. • State grants are on the chopping block too, such as, YSC and behavior coaching programs.

  16. How much involvement is appropriate?Lynn Johnson

  17. The Bylaws Composition • SBDM consists of 3 teachers, 2 parents, and 1 principal/ administrator. • You can increase these numbers but they have to be proportional (6 teachers, 4 parents, 2 principals/administrators, and one non-voting classified staff member).

  18. Input from Non-Council Members • Outside parties may recommend items by submitting a written report 48hrs prior to the meeting. • Once there, they need to sign in and specify their topic of interest. • They are then given three minutes to speak on their topic of choice. • Input/Reactions will be allowed and discussed before Council makes a decision.

  19. Terms of Office • If Council is on one-year terms, the members may serve for as many as they are elected. • If it is a two-year term, you may only serve one term but my not be reelected to serve consecutive terms. • Terms cannot exceed that of a two year.

  20. Technology Equity Attendance Parent& Community /Marketing Academic Performance School Climate Health Promotion Media Center The Standing Committees

  21. How does the principal direct the completion of the budget?

  22. Budgeting • It is not required but it is best practice. • School councils do have required decision making responsibilities regarding # of personnel which directly affects the budget.

  23. Major driving force - CSIP Need as much stakeholder input as possible Role of principal – capacity builder (teachers teach, not principals) Convince teachers they have the right, responsibility, and capacity to serve as leaders

  24. SBDM Law

  25. Ten Areas for policy adoption. • Determination of curriculum • Assignment of all instructional and non-instructional staff time • Assignment of students to classes and programs within the school • Determination of the schedule of the school day and week • Determination of use of school space during the school day

  26. Ten Areas (continued) • Planning and resolution of issues regarding instructional practices • Selection and implementation of discipline and classroom-management techniques • Selection of extracurricular programs and determination of policies relating to student participation

  27. Ten Areas (continued) • Procedures consistent with local school-board policy for determining alignment with state standards, technology utilization, and program appraisal • Consultation with the principal for hiring of personnel other than the principal

  28. SBDM Law (KRS 160.345) also allows authority in the following: • Determination of the local school budget • Choosing whether or not to implement a committee structure • Responsibility to determine textbooks and instructional materials (with teacher input) • Hiring the school principal from the list of candidates recommended by the superintendent

  29. SB 226 did not pass There might possibly be language added to an existing piece of legislation, but as of now, there is no change in principal selection.

  30. Things to consider when creating policies: • Is this within the authority of SBDM? If not, have we gained a waiver? • Will this positively affect the achievement of all students? • Does this reflect good educational practices? • Does this reflect what is best for our school? • Is the policy clear and easily understood? • Are there health and safety issues to consider? • Are there any legal or financial liabilities to consider? • Are there contractual issues that must be considered? • Can the policy be administered and enforced? • Is the policy consistent with state an/or federal laws and regulations?

  31. SBDM does not have the authority to create policies in the following: • Personnel Evaluations • Setting graduation requirements • Deviate from the Pupil Progression, Promotion, and Grading Guidelines from the JC Board of Ed • Councils cannot establish a policy to pay their members • Procedures for removing Council members should not be part of the bylaws or school’s policies

  32. How the Principal Involves Budget and Non-budgetMembers. Ward Davis

  33. Objectives of this Section: Discuss the different methods that are employed toward budget construction. 2. List the contributing factors involved in determining a school’s budget allocation. 3. Describe the various committees involved in determining the yearly budget i.e. staffing & scheduling, and budget. 4. Discuss the method used to involve non-committee members and staff in the budget process.

  34. Methods of Involvement: • SBDM may opt to formulate the budget themselves. 2. SBDM may task Budget & Staffing/scheduling committees to present a budget for approval. 3. SBDM may allow the principal to construct the budget.

  35. The Principal involves the following committees and personnel: 1. Budget Committee 2. Staffing and Scheduling 3. Parent, Teachers, and community leaders 4. SBDM for final approval.

  36. The allocated budget is comprised of the following: - Per pupil allocation: Past and projected ADA. - Base allocation: funds required for administrative, counseling, clerical, and custodial needs. - Fee waiver allocation: Pays for fee’s for students on free or reduced lunches. - At-risk allocation: ECE, EBD,etc. students that receive fee waiver.

  37. The allocated budget is comprised of the following: - Site based allocation: For the hiring of Plant operators and custodians. • Budget carryover: plan must be submitted for its use regardless of amount. • Activity fund: any funds obtained from soda/candy machines, and bookstore sales.

  38. Budget Committee: • The principal shall task the budget committee to complete a school-wide needs assessment and input involving: a. Teachers b. Parents c. Local community

  39. Budget Committee (continued): 2. Input is centered on: a. Hiring of certified personnel b. Hiring of Classified personnel c. Purchase of instructional materials/supplies. d. Activity Funds e. Professional development f. Equipment

  40. Budget Committee (continued): 3.Determines what instructional materials will be required for the following school year, including: - Library needs - Textbooks - General supplies - Teaching supplies - Replacement Equipment - New equipment

  41. Budget Committee (continued): 4. Receives input from the Principal for: - Copy paper and supplies - Common instructional supplies - Administrative needs - Service and maintenance contracts such as copier repairs.

  42. Staffing and Scheduling Committee • Determines the levels of certified teachers and classified staff required to fill the next school year needs. a. Determined by: (1) School improvement plan/consolidated plan (2) District initiatives (3) Retirements/vancancies/ transfers

  43. Input from Non-Budgetary Sources The SBDM will require input solicited from the following groups through special meetings concerning the budget. Parent/Teacher Association Community Leaders Teachers Parents

  44. SBDM Functions Once input has been received from the budget and Staffing & Scheduling Committees, the SBDM will vote on the inputs. 1. Recommended two reading process before approval of the budget. 2. Approved budget is then submitted to the Principal who then submits copies to the superintendent and the school community.

  45. Amendments to the Budget The Principal may amend the budget with the approval of the SBDM on two occasions: 1. During the fifth pupil day. 2. During the mid-year point in January. This requires referring back to the consolidated plan and involving the committees (budget/staffing) to reassess the budgetary needs.

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