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Airfield Obstruction Reduction Program

Airfield Obstruction Reduction Program. Capt John Gasner CMSgt Mav Douglas. PACAF AORP. Overview Problem Purpose Plan - 2 Phases Implementation Evaluation Obstruction Status by Base Conclusion. PACAF AORP. Problem Over 2,000 waivers/obstructions AF-wide problem

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Airfield Obstruction Reduction Program

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  1. Airfield Obstruction Reduction Program Capt John Gasner CMSgt Mav Douglas

  2. PACAF AORP • Overview • Problem • Purpose • Plan - 2 Phases • Implementation • Evaluation • Obstruction Status by Base • Conclusion

  3. PACAF AORP • Problem • Over 2,000 waivers/obstructions • AF-wide problem • FAA zero tolerance • Waivers viewed as answer to improper siting • Unresolved ATSEP observations • Threatens flight safety

  4. PACAF AORP • Purpose • Increase senior leaders’ awareness • Decrease obstructions • Provide management tool for removal prioritization • Improve airfield operational safety • Validate funding initiative requirement

  5. PACAF AORP • Plan • Two Phase Approach • Collection • Identify all obstructions • Separate correctable from non-correctable • Matrix 1 • Execution • Priority for removal • Location, nature, and cost • Timeline • Matrix 2

  6. TOTAL Correctable/Corrected Waivers: 0/0 $0 < $10K $10 -$100K > $100K 250’ RWY 1000’ OVRN 500’ RWY 1500’ OVRN 200’ TAXI 750’ RWY 2000’ OVRN 125’ APRON Remaining Area PACAF AORP Matrix 1 Costs 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 Hazard Area 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0

  7. PACAF AORP Row 1 250’of runway edge 1,000’ from end of overrun RUNWAY overrun overrun Further subdivided by level of effort/cost to eliminate obstruction

  8. PACAF AORP Row 2 500’of runway edge 1,500’ from end of overrun RUNWAY overrun overrun Further subdivided by level of effort/cost to eliminate obstruction 200’ of taxiway centerline Taxiway Centerline

  9. PACAF AORP Row 3 750’of runway edge 2,000’ from end of overrun RUNWAY overrun overrun Further subdivided by level of effort/cost to eliminate obstruction 125’ of Apron edge Apron

  10. PACAF AORP Row 4 All other waivers not covered by rows 1-3, and further subdivided by level of effort/cost to eliminate obstruction.

  11. TOTAL Correctable/Corrected Obstacles: 1,224/51 $0 < $10K $10 -$100K > $100K 250’ RWY 1000’ OVRN 500’ RWY 1500’ OVRN 200’ TAXI 750’ RWY 2000’ OVRN 125’ APRON Remaining Area PACAF AORP Matrix 2 Costs Hazard Area Red-CY99 Yellow-FY00 Tan-FY01 Green-FY02-05

  12. PACAF AORP • Implementation • PACAF/CV initiated 1 year program--20 Oct 99 • Wing CC established AORG--Jun 99 • Base AORG implements plan • PACAF AORG supports bases

  13. PACAF AORP • Evaluation • Base AORG provides quarterly updates/FUB • 1st quarter due 14 Jan 00 to PACAF/CEPR • PACAF AORG reviews and updates quarterly • PACAF/DO monitors progress/modifies plan • PACAF/CV authorizes continuation/deletion

  14. PACAF AORP • Obstruction status by base

  15. TOTAL Correctable/Corrected Obstacles: 1,224/51 $0 < $10K $10 -$100K > $100K 250’ RWY 1000’ OVRN 500’ RWY 1500’ OVRN 200’ TAXI 750’ RWY 2000’ OVRN 125’ APRON Remaining Area PACAF AORP Matrix 2 Costs 35/7 23/2 85/5 26/0 205/12 112/6 127/1 102/0 Hazard Area 174/9 61/2 78/0 40/0 87/7 27/0 28/0 14/0 Red-CY99 Yellow-FY00 Tan-FY01 Green-FY02-05

  16. TOTAL Correctable/Corrected Obstacles: 387/1 $0 < $10K $10 -$100K > $100K 250’ RWY 1000’ OVRN 500’ RWY 1500’ OVRN 200’ TAXI 750’ RWY 2000’ OVRN 125’ APRON Remaining Area Osan AORP Matrix 2 Costs 10/0 6/0 12/0 1/0 102/1 33/0 65/0 2/0 Hazard Area 58/0 17/0 33/0 4/0 17/0 19/0 8/0 0/0 Red-CY99 Yellow-FY00 Tan-FY01 Green-FY02-05

  17. TOTAL Correctable/Corrected Obstacles: 178/0 $0 < $10K $10 -$100K > $100K 250’ RWY 1000’ OVRN 500’ RWY 1500’ OVRN 200’ TAXI 750’ RWY 2000’ OVRN 125’ APRON Remaining Area Kadena AORP Matrix 2 Costs 0/0 0/0 1/0 5/0 2/0 22/0 32/0 41/0 Hazard Area 0/0 13/0 27/0 25/0 5/0 0/0 4/0 1/0 Red-CY99 Yellow-FY00 Tan-FY01 Green-FY02-05

  18. TOTAL Correctable/Corrected Obstacles: 69/0 $0 < $10K $10 -$100K > $100K 250’ RWY 1000’ OVRN 500’ RWY 1500’ OVRN 200’ TAXI 750’ RWY 2000’ OVRN 125’ APRON Remaining Area Kunsan AORP Matrix 2 Costs 0/0 13/0 1/0 0/0 0/0 29/0 3/0 2/0 Hazard Area 0/0 11/0 1/0 0/0 2/0 0/0 7/0 0/0 Red-CY99 Yellow-FY00 Tan-FY01 Green-FY02-05

  19. TOTAL Correctable/Corrected Obstacles: 137/21 $0 < $10K $10 -$100K > $100K 250’ RWY 1000’ OVRN 500’ RWY 1500’ OVRN 200’ TAXI 750’ RWY 2000’ OVRN 125’ APRON Remaining Area Misawa AORP Matrix 2 Costs 0/0 12/7 8/0 14/2 9/4 8/6 18/0 41/0 Hazard Area 0/0 6/2 4/0 5/0 3/0 1/0 0/0 8/0 Red-CY99 Yellow-FY00 Tan-FY01 Green-FY02-05

  20. TOTAL Correctable/Corrected Obstacles: 26/1 $0 < $10K $10 -$100K > $100K 250’ RWY 1000’ OVRN 500’ RWY 1500’ OVRN 200’ TAXI 750’ RWY 2000’ OVRN 125’ APRON Remaining Area Andersen AORP Matrix 2 Costs 0/0 3/0 2/0 1/0 1/0 3/0 2/1 5/0 Hazard Area 1/0 2/0 3/0 1/0 0/0 2/0 0/0 0/0 Red-CY99 Yellow-FY00 Tan-FY01 Green-FY02-05

  21. TOTAL Correctable/Corrected Obstacles: 9/0 $0 < $10K $10 -$100K > $100K 250’ RWY 1000’ OVRN 500’ RWY 1500’ OVRN 200’ TAXI 750’ RWY 2000’ OVRN 125’ APRON Remaining Area Hickam AORP Matrix 2 Costs 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 1/0 3/0 Hazard Area 0/0 1/0 1/0 2/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 1/0 Red-CY99 Yellow-FY00 Tan-FY01 Green-FY02-05

  22. TOTAL Correctable/Corrected Obstacles: 7/0 $0 < $10K $10 -$100K > $100K 250’ RWY 1000’ OVRN 500’ RWY 1500’ OVRN 200’ TAXI 750’ RWY 2000’ OVRN 125’ APRON Remaining Area Elmendorf AORP Matrix 2 Costs 0/0 0/0 1/0 1/0 0/0 0/0 2/0 0/0 Hazard Area 1/0 0/0 2/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 Red-CY99 Yellow-FY00 Tan-FY01 Green-FY02-05

  23. TOTAL Correctable/Corrected Obstacles: 14/0 $0 < $10K $10 -$100K > $100K 250’ RWY 1000’ OVRN 500’ RWY 1500’ OVRN 200’ TAXI 750’ RWY 2000’ OVRN 125’ APRON Remaining Area Eielson AORP Matrix 2 Costs 0/0 0/0 0/0 1/0 1/0 0/0 1/0 1/0 Hazard Area 1/0 0/0 0/0 2/0 0/0 3/0 0/0 4/0 Red-CY99 Yellow-FY00 Tan-FY01 Green-FY02-05

  24. TOTAL Correctable/Corrected Obstacles: 398/28 $0 < $10K $10 -$100K > $100K 250’ RWY 1000’ OVRN 500’ RWY 1500’ OVRN 200’ TAXI 750’ RWY 2000’ OVRN 125’ APRON Remaining Area Yokota AORP Matrix 2 Costs 75/5 1/0 1/0 0/0 91/7 17/0 3/0 7/0 Hazard Area 113/9 11/0 7/0 1/0 1/0 62/7 8/0 0/0 Red-CY99 Yellow-FY00 Tan-FY01 Green-FY02-05

  25. PACAF AORP • Conclusion • Of 2000+ waivers, 1224 are correctable, 51 already corrected--obstruction #s will grow • 520 require $0 to remove • 220 require less than $10K • 256 require between $10K and $100K • 177 require over $100K • Low-end removal costs @ $21 million • Realistic figure, @ $50 million • More specific removal cost estimates required • HQ PACAF/CEPR and DOYA work separate funding initiatives--Air Force/Host Nation • Forward AORP to AFFSA for worldwide implementation

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