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The Impending Crisis

The Impending Crisis. Chapter 13. Manifest Destiny. Indians were pushed into OK, KA, and NE—known as the Great American Desert This was so they could slowly grow into “civilized” culture American expansion grew much faster than anticipated

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The Impending Crisis

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  1. The Impending Crisis Chapter 13

  2. Manifest Destiny • Indians were pushed into OK, KA, and NE—known as the Great American Desert • This was so they could slowly grow into “civilized” culture • American expansion grew much faster than anticipated • As exploration occurred, Americans crossed through Native lands • Santa Fé, Overland, Oregon, and Mormon Trails • Those who were “settled” in KA and NE were forced on small reservations (and then forced to sell land altogether) when NE and KA became US territories in 1854 • OK Indians were not forced to move (yet)

  3. Manifest Destiny • Natives in the west could not be “removed” due to the fact that there was nowhere else to go • Early settlers are going to just move through tribal lands to settle CA, WA, and OR • It would not be until after the Civil War that America would become involved in a series of wars that will leave the Indians on small reservations (that they are on today)

  4. Manifest Destiny • Pioneering became part of the American psyche • Adventurers like Daniel Boone are immortalized as ideal Americans • How could the US rationalize expanding into the West though? • It already had more land than people could settle • To expand was to risk war with Britain (in the Pacific NW) and Mexico (in TX, NM, AZ, UT, NV, CA, and part of CO)

  5. Manifest Destiny • John O’Sullivan gave the reason • It was America’s manifest destiny (God-given right) to spread democracy to others (by force, if necessary) • After all, look at the population boom, the transportation ingenuity, they American enterprising system • American challenged any nation (especially Britain) to stop them

  6. Manifest Destiny • After the Panic of 1837 Americans believed that trade with Asia was necessary • Only routes available would be the Columbia and MO rivers, not easy • Some began to realize that claiming lands in CA, OR, and WA would give access to the Pacific Ocean • Manifest Destiny was also an evangelical event • Missionaries were some of the first to travel to the Far West • They attempted to destroy the old native cultures and surround them with good American example

  7. Manifest Destiny • Manifest Destiny also brought to light political differences between the Democrats and the Whigs • Whigs wanted to keep within the borders to avoid conflicts such as the issue of slavery, but supported industrialization • Democrats wholehearted believed in expansion and feared industrialization • Industrialization leads to social unrest, recessions, and urban growth • Most Democrats were Southerners who needed land to continue cotton farming

  8. Manifest Destiny • The Overland Trails led 5,000 to OR and 3,000 to CA • It cost about $1000 to purchase the wagon, oxen, food, clothing, and tools • The dangers of travel depended on which region the settlers moved towards • OR had dangerous mountains and river rapids • CA had no water and had to get across the Sierra Nevadas before winter came • The Donner Party got stuck in a winter snowfall forcing them to resort to cannibalism to survive

  9. Overland Trails, 1840

  10. Manifest Destiny • Dangers included: Indian attacks, Cholera, drownings, and children getting run over by wagons • Indian attacks had only killed 34 people compared to cholera at a rate of 1000/year • Wagon train members attempted to provide decent burials and help for survivors • By 1860 300K had traveled the trails • You can still see trails today (ruts, etc) • By 1869 the transcontinental RR was complete ending the Wagon train era

  11. Oregon Trail

  12. Oregon • Most of who settled OR were Midwest farmers lured by free land and patriotism (Oregon Fever) • The director of the British owned Hudson Bay Company helped the settlers survive the winter despite orders no to • The settlers drew up a constitution which banned black people (free and slave) • Slaves still came with their owners • One free, George Bush, settled in WA due to the law, and became well known for community cooperation

  13. The Politics of Expansion • James Polk in his campaign for the presidency in 1844 coined the phrase “Fifty-four Forty or Fight” • Once in office he compromised with Britain and established the border at the 49th Parallel • Oregon’s Donation Land Claim Act of 1850 gave white males (18+) 320 acres and married white males 640 acres to settle in the new territory • Sense of community was strong due to natural conditions causing catastrophe • Some when even go back to last part of trail to help those who were on last leg of the trip

  14. Texas • In 1821 Mexico gained independence from Spain • There were 2,240 Tejanos living in Texas • It was not uncommon for the farmers there to be faced with Comanche attacks • They were not interested in being converted or trading with others • The Mexican government granted Moses Austin 18K sq. miles of territory in TX

  15. Texas • Austin died soon after leaving the land to his son Stephen F. Austin, the first American empresario (land agent) • Americans were already settling this land which didn’t belong to them • In accepting the land, he agreed that he and the other settlers would become Mexican citizens and Catholics • At a time when Americanness was defined by citizenship and being a Protestant

  16. Texas • Austin had no problem finding Americans to fill his demands • Only hunters (no drunks, gamblers, swearers, idlers) • They were given 4,605 acres per family • They soon outnumbered Tejanos 2:1 • They did not intend to become Mexican citizens, Catholics or learn Spanish despite that being what Austin had promised • Only one well known person, James Bowie, became part of the Tejanos by marrying in • After his wife died, he too joined the Anglo-Texan movement and died for TX independence in the Alamo

  17. Texas • Balance between the Tejanos, Americans, and Comanches was destroyed when Mexico decided to firmly control the northern territory • Americans, already displeased with the Mexican laws, threatened rebellion • Mediation efforts by Austin (who was imprisoned by the Mexicans) failed and war broke out in 1835

  18. Texas • Americans captured Goliad and San Antonio from the small Mexican army that was their • Thinking they had won, they were caught off-guard by Antonio López de Santa Ana whose men stormed the Alamo • On March 6, 1836 Santa Ana’s forces overwhelmed the 187 men in the Alamo

  19. Remember the Alamo!

  20. Texas • On April 21, 1836 Santa Ana thought he had Gen. Houston trapped at the San Jacinto River • Taking a rest in the afternoon, Houston’s men surrounded Santa Ana’s forces and forced surrender • On May 14, 1836 Santa Ana signed a treaty recognizing the Republic of Texas’ border at the Rio Grande • The Mexican Congress refused to recognize TX independence • Pres. Andrew Jackson offered to buy the land fairly

  21. Texas • Texas applied for statehood but was denied by Congress • J.Q. Adams (only President to become a Congressman afterwards) opposed the statehood • Jackson was sympathetic to TX, but didn’t want the controversy that would occur (slavery) • He did recognize the Republic of TX as a nation (less than 24 hours before he left office) • Offered toast on his last night in office to the Republic and his good friend Sam Houston, president of Texas

  22. Texas • Although conquered, Texas would still be an embattled territory for years • Van Buren took a stance of non-committal on the TX issue • Tyler (who became Pres. After Harrison died) lost his chance for re-election by bringing up the issue • His party (the Whigs) kicked him out and put Henry Clay up for the 1844 election • The Democrats put up James K. Polk who was an expansionist • Polk took his win as a sign that TX should be annexed • In Dec. 1845 TX became state #28 (15th slave state)

  23. The Mexican-American War • Polk lived up to his campaign promise when he acquired Oregon • Under his administration we also gain CA and NM • Polk was THE Manifest Destiny president • After TX became a state in 1845 it established a disputed border with Mexico • Mexico had broken diplomatic relations • Polk send General Zachary Taylor to the Nueces River to protest TX from a Mexican attack

  24. The Mexican-American War • He secretly wanted all the land to the Pacific Ocean • He told an American consul in Monterey, CA that an peaceful takeover would not be unwelcomed • John C. Frémont appeared in CA with military men, but was asked to leave by Mexican authorities • He left, but came back to aid in the Bear Flag Revolt

  25. The Mexican-American War • CA saying they were playing the “Texas game” announced independence • Polk sent John Slidell to “purchase” the rest of the Rio Grande border with Mexico • They refused • He sent Taylor in to attack • He told Congress that the Mexicans had crossed into our side • Congress declared war on May 13, 1846

  26. The Mexican-American War • Many people believed that the war was unnecessary • Abraham Lincoln opposed it saying that Polk had been misleading • Others believed it was an attempt to spread slavery • Northerners began protesting in large groups and on personal levels • Henry David Thoreau (“Civil Disobedience”) went to jail for refusing to pay taxes he believed when towards the war

  27. The Mexican-American War • The war became known as “Mr. Polk’s war” • He planned strategy despite lacking military background • Despite capturing a large part of their territory, Mexico refused to negotiate • Gen. Scott took soldiers into Mexico City • Throughout the path, they murdered, robbed and raped Mexican citizens • By Sept. 1847 Gen. Scott had captured Mexico City

  28. The Mexican-American War • The resistance ended leading Nicholas Trist to deliver the terms of peace • The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo includes: • Mexico cede CA, UT, AZ, NM, NV, and CO • The Rio Grande will be the official border in TX • The US will pay $15M plus assume $2M in debt in citzien claims against Mexico • Polk was furious with Trist because Polk had recalled him so that the US could demand more • Trist ignored the demands • Polk had wanted to claim “All Mexico!”

  29. The Mexican-American War • Two groups opposed the idea of taking over Mexico • The Whigs viewed it as a poison • The Southern Democrats viewed it as danger since “half-breeds” would be on the same playing field of white • A final purchase after the treaty called the Gadsden Purchase ($10M) completed the land needed to connect the South from east to west

  30. The Mexican-American War • The Mexican American War is the first to have on-the-scene reporters • Thanks to telegraphs and the penny press war news was a nightly occurrence • This new led to the fame of Gen. Taylor and Gen. Scott

  31. California and the Gold Rush • CA was a remote location with few Americans until 1849 • The Russians had been the first to settle area previous occupied by Spain • Mexico had forbidden the Califorinos to trade with outsiders • This resulted in illegal trade with Americans and Russians • The trade alliance built with Russia created a brief Russian-Californio connection until 1841

  32. California and the Gold Rush • Johann Sutter, a Swiss, with an amazing land grant built a large estate and welcomed American settlers • Rather than assimilating to Mexican culture, they were determined to take it over • In the Bear Flag Revolt, they declared their independence from Mexico • The American acquisition of CA wouldn’t occur until the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo in 1848

  33. California

  34. California and the Gold Rush • James Marshall found flakes of gold in 1848 • The secret was out and before long the most men work working in the mines • Once news reached the East farms and jobs were abandoned to earn a fortune • They were called the “forty-nines” because that is the year that most traveled out for the Gold Rush • The quite ranching paradise was now filled with miners

  35. California and the Gold Rush • Chinese miners moved to CA in search of wealth • They developed “Chinatowns” • They were viewed as a threat to the economic prosperity of Americans, thus Chinese immigration was limited • Levi Strauss learned that money was easily made in feeding and caring for the miners • His pants (now named after him) were tough work pants in the fields

  36. California and the Gold Rush • Most miner towns (unlike SF) disappeared after a few years • While the miners were there, it was a dreary place without adequate housing • The only “entertainment” they had was gambling, drinking, and prostitutes • Most miners were young and unmarried and unsuccessful • Only a small percent struck gold • Most gold was too far down (needed machinery to access it) • Most had to give up their independent status to become wage workers for mining companies like the Comstock Lode in Virginia City, NV

  37. California and the Gold Rush • Most women were prostitutes • Respectable women worked as keepers of boardinghouses • Discrimination (especially racial) was common • Miners would claim they were “jumped” then kill the other miner and keep his claim • Really high taxes were placed on foreigners for being foreign

  38. California and the Gold Rush • When the gold dried up, the people left, leaving ghost towns • The Gold Rush left CA with a larger population, especially in SF • It was more diverse and cultural than other cities • The state had a great deal of racial animosity towards Chinese (we’ll see this again) • CA would not be the only state to see rushes • CO, MT, ID, SD, and AZ would soon have same fate

  39. The Politics of Manifest Destiny • Between 1845-1848 American grew 70% • The manifest destiny concept controlled politics • American pride pushed us to own the continent, and the swift victory over Mexico “proved” we were deserving • Pres. Pierce sent Commodore Matthew Perry to Japan to open trade (successfully) • “We shall have the boundless Pacific for a market in manifest destiny. We were born to command it.”

  40. The Politics of Manifest Destiny • Southerners expansionist wanted more land • Polk tried to get Congress to intervene in the Mexican civil war • J. C. Calhoun, Sen. S.C., reminded everyone that they were duped into the Mexican War • (True) Rumors in Washington included Polk’s offer of $100M for Cuba from Spain (Called the Ostend Manifesto) • Spain declined • The issue of acquisition of land fueled sectionalism even further

  41. Sectional Debate • Northerners feared, rightfully so, that expansionism would open the slavery issue again • Ironically, a Democrat from PA, David Wilmot added a provision to a military bill banning slavery in the territory to be acquired from Mexico • The Southern Whigs joined the Southern Democrats in voting against it • The Northern Whigs and Democrats also came together to vote for it

  42. Sectional Debate • The controversial provision, now called Wilmot Proviso, was removed from the bill • After the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo the issue was unavoidable • Neither party could get a majority to get a law passed • Fist-fights broke out as tension levels raised • Party unity was now being threatened

  43. Sectional Debate • Wilmot introduced the proviso because of a rising third party called the Liberty Party • They were strong abolitionists who were taking key votes away from both parties • The Liberty Party wanted to end interstate slave trade, forbid slave owners from political office, and end use of slave labor for federal projects • The party was too uncompromising and thus a new party emerged out of them called the Free-Soil Party

  44. Sectional Debate • The Free-Soil Party was willing to let slavery exist where it was (but didn’t agree with it) but was unwilling to let it expand • They feared the expansion of slavery would make it too hard for northern and western farmers to compete with the southern farms • When they said “antislavery” they meant “antiblack” • They sought to ban black people in any new territory (like in OR and now IN, IL and IA)

  45. Sectional Debate • The Free-Soil Party was blasted by William Lloyd Garrison, calling it “whitemanism” • Northerners may have been against slavery, but they were not for equal rights • Sec. of State James Buchanan suggested extending the MO Compromise line • Not accepted by the Free-Soil Party (and not seen as equitable by the Southerners given how far south the line is)

  46. Sectional Debate • In 1848 the election swirled around the issue of slavery • Lewis Cass (Democrat) ran instead of Polk who was in bad health • He proposed popular sovereignty • Whigs passed over Henry Clay and chose war hero, Gen. Zachary Taylor • “Old Rough and Ready”, very homespun type • Privately, he opposed expansion of slavery, in public he dodged the issue by playing up a war hero record and a non-party kind of guy

  47. Sectional Debate • Van Buren, mad about being dumped in the `44 election ran as the Free-Soil candidate and stripped enough votes from Democrats so that Taylor won • Taylor also died in office, killing the ability to maintain national unity

  48. Compromise of 1850 • As unrest grew stronger, a compromise was going to be needed to head off a war • Henry Clay would step up to the challenge • He knew that all the issues plaguing the country would have to be addressed if the compromise was going to be successful • The Compromise of 1850 contained: • California comes in as a free state • NM and AZ were established as territorial governments with no restrictions on slavery • Abolition of slave trade in D.C. • New Fugitive Slave Act

  49. Compromise of 1850 • The debate raged on with the usual suspects • Henry Clay, Daniel Webster, and John C. Calhoun • Clay and Calhoun died before the Compromise could be agreed upon and Webster became Sec. of State taking him out of the debate • A new, vibrant crowd emerged to fight the battles in Congress • William Seward (NY)—no slavery • Jefferson Davis (MS)—slavery is an economic issue • Stephen A. Douglas (IL)—Not really concerned with either side, but was concerned about getting railroads in IL

  50. Compromise of 1850 • With the new leaders (mostly Douglas) they decided to break the bill down into its individual parts and pass them one by one • Through backroom deals and bargaining each part of the Compromise was passed • Millard Fillmore, President after Taylor died suddenly, signed the law saying “in its character final and irrevocable.”

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