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Germany and Genetically Modified Food

Germany and Genetically Modified Food. By Morgan Lawrence Candidate number n333366. Why Genetically Modified. GMO tomatoes stay fresh for over a month. (Whereas they are fresh for 15 days) GMO plants are resilient and grow easily.

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Germany and Genetically Modified Food

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Germany and Genetically Modified Food By Morgan Lawrence Candidate number n333366

  2. Why Genetically Modified • GMO tomatoes stay fresh for over a month. (Whereas they are fresh for 15 days) • GMO plants are resilient and grow easily. • Crops are more identical, aesthetically pleasing and have premium ripeness. • GMO foods allow crops to survive longer and withstand conditions that they usually would not.

  3. Why not Genetically Modify • We do not know the long term effects of consuming GMO products. (possible sterilization and allergens) • The GMO plants are too resilient and take over plots of land. • Companies issue patents over plants and create legal difficulties. • Large companies put family farms out of business and ruin plant diversity.

  4. Data and Statistics • GMO plants grow on approximately 35,000 hectares of German soil. • August 2010, 198 gmo-free-regions, 235 gmo-free-municipalities and 29.836 gmo-free-farmers, i.e. 1.075.407 ha (2.657.388 acres), were sanctioned in Germany. • A label that signifies “non-GMO” will be implemented and also constitutes GMO free-fed animals.

  5. Fragen… 1. How many days will a GMO tomato stay fresh? • A. two days • B. six months • C. fifteen days 2.About how many hectares of German soil do GMO plants grow on? • A. 5 hectares • B. 35,000 hectares • C. 10,000 hectares

  6. Antworten • The answer to question one is C. fifteen days. • The answer to question two is B. 35 hectares.

  7. References • http://uwstudentweb.uwyo.edu/L/LPETER11/gmo1.jpg • http://www.gmo-compass.org/eng/agri_biotechnology/gmo_planting/ • http://www.gmo-free-regions.org/gmo-free-regions/germany.html • http://oetechnology.blogspot.com/2010/09/gmo-news-pros-and-cons-of-genetically.html • http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-RlPVzDK1m7U/TWaIbJtvXZI/AAAAAAAAB-k/aVG_-bn0HCA/s400/monster%252B%2525282%252529.jpg&imgrefurl=http://whatsheeats.blogspot.com/2011/02/she-eats-revolution.html&usg=__yYYWIrcgQBtCSXLKu3E81t-rFGU=&h=274&w=320&sz=33&hl=en&start=1&zoom=1&tbnid=5iaNBp1J2BcvfM:&tbnh=126&tbnw=147&ei=sn4XT-irFMLctwfui73aAg&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dmonsanto%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DX%26biw%3D1366%26bih%3D643%26tbs%3Dsimg:CAQSaRpnCxCo1NgEGgYIBQgXCD0MCxCwjKcIGjwKOggBEhSPAoMCqALmApACpwKjAoADiAOmAhogib4tmhiiUgXL9SSGpepvutnbZ8WfpvcpqHymTzx0GzYMCxCOrv4IGgoKCAgBEgRnFFO1DA%26tbm%3Disch&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=172&vpy=172&dur=1055&hovh=208&hovw=243&tx=135&ty=150&sig=111959075124160574413&page=1&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:0 • http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR0qvPkSOspRmlqvUAfwsBfe5E7gyt73sP7LQeGmFD6Z-u-bfcGfQ • http://lh3.ggpht.com/bonW8udAw-eTAHl9JqVNce8R4lYLZ3oJMgsqlePLkKIMGqWqGDZVkt-KnvlMT7roEJZRQbU=s85 • http://lh4.ggpht.com/Kd6PtRBOx2rJtx9v43bUsp7XtpzimBVuBBqtQu_GT2RZVTnMvCdXdfPw-1K44xhXvQtE1A=s130 • http://lh3.ggpht.com/-nnoJYFKes59WcPSE6fx0joBDVf2jf0HFIc4xCGYJj4CwaUJ-3w3qI522i4oMDX2W2Am=s85

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