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Islam & the Prophet Muhammad

Islam & the Prophet Muhammad. Founder: Muhammad. while meditating in a cave he saw a vision of the angel Gabriel who told him to “proclaim” Muhammad spent his life spreading the word of Islam. Mecca in 570 AD. It was an agricultural center of the Arab World Nomad Arabs were called Bedouins

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Islam & the Prophet Muhammad

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  1. Islam & the Prophet Muhammad

  2. Founder: Muhammad • while meditating in a cave he saw a vision of the angel Gabriel who told him to “proclaim” • Muhammad spent his life spreading the word of Islam

  3. Mecca in 570 AD • It was an agricultural center of the Arab World • Nomad Arabs were called Bedouins • Mecca was ruled by the major clans of the city’s population • Mecca would become the center of Islamic faith

  4. Islam – “To Submit” • Born in the Arabian Desert • The Prophet is Muhammad • The Quran was “given” to Muhammad by Allah • Similar stories to Bible • Values: • Honor parents • Protect orphans and widows • Generosity • No gambling, drinking, or eating pork • Laws do not separate church and state • Based on Quran and Hadith (Muhammad’s sayings) • Covers marriage, divorce, family, property, and business Kaaba–Islam’s holiest Shrine

  5. Where? • Arabian Peninsula—this was a crossroads for trade • Important cities are Mecca and Medina

  6. Hijra • In 622 Muhammad fled Mecca and went to Medina—here he found many supporters • 622 became the 1st year of the Muslim calendar

  7. Basic Beliefs • Monotheistic • One, all powerful, compassionate God • Allah is the Arabic word for God

  8. Five Pillars of Islam Dome of the Rock • Declaration of Faith • Prayer (5 x a day) • Fasting (Ramadan) • Charity • Pilgrimage Built upon the site where Abraham offered Isaac as a sacrifice Muhammad rose to heaven to learn of God’s will

  9. Sacred Book • Quran (also spelled Koran) • Says that each person is responsible for their actions • Each person will stand before God and be judged and will either go to heaven or hell • The Quran is the final authority on all mattersstresses honesty, social justice, and generosity • There is no separation between the “church” and state

  10. Islamic Terms • Muezzin- Crier • Minaret- slender tower from which prayers are called. • Mosque-house of prayer • Imam-prayer leader(Shia) • Hajj-pilgrimmage to Mecca • Shari’ah-Islamic law (combo) • Jihad-holy struggle

  11. Sharia • Body of law that interpreted the Quran and applied its teachings to daily life • Regulates moral conduct, family life, business practices, gov’t, and community • Does not separate religious matters from criminal or civil lawreligion and gov’t are connected

  12. “People of the Book” • Muslims, Jews and Christians all believe in the same God 3 Branches of Islam • Sunni (86% of Muslims) • Shi’ites • Sufi

  13. Cultural and Scientific Advancements • Arabic alphabet/language • Arabic numbers • Universities • Algebra • Medicine • Expansion of geographic knowledge

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