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Biology 3201 13.2 Endocrine glands (pituitary)

Learn about the pituitary gland and its important role in the endocrine system. Understand the two lobes of the pituitary gland, their control mechanisms, and the hormones they produce. Explore disorders such as gigantism, acromegaly, pituitary dwarfism, and diabetes insipidus. Discover the functions of oxytocin and antidiuretic hormone. Find reliable resources for further information.

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Biology 3201 13.2 Endocrine glands (pituitary)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Biology 320113.2 Endocrine glands (pituitary) p. 427-431

  2. Pituitary is connected to Hypothalamus

  3. Pituitary has 2 lobes

  4. Control of the Anterior is different from the posterior

  5. Posterior pituitary stores hormones for release

  6. Where the pituitary fits in the big picture!!

  7. Real pituitary

  8. Portal system or vessels

  9. Master Gland

  10. OxytocinAntidiureticACTHTSHHGHLH/FSHProlactin

  11. Gigantism12 year old boy 6’ 5”Too much HGH in youthusually caused by tumour

  12. Acromegalyenlarged hands, feet & faceToo much HGH as adultUsually caused by tumourtreat tumor or hGH blocking drugs

  13. Pituitary dwarfismtoo little HGH as childtumor or missing pituitarynote normal proportions

  14. Genetic dwarfismnote out of proportionbig head regular body, short legs & arms

  15. Prolactin stimulates lactogenesisNormally dopamine inhibits prolactinsuckling stimultes nerves on nipplehypothalmus stimultes the production of prolactin Neuroendocrine reflex

  16. Anti-diuretic hormoneproduced in Posterior Pituitarycauses body to retain watertoo much salt detected by HYPOADH producedtoo little salt detected less ADH producedDiabetes insipidus=insufficient Anti-diuretic produced

  17. Oxytocin1 function

  18. Oxytocin2nd function

  19. Oxytocin; Affiliation hormone

  20. Web sites • http://www.umm.edu/endocrin/pitgland.htm • http://arbl.cvmbs.colostate.edu/hbooks/pathphys/endocrine/hypopit/ • http://users.rcn.com/jkimball.ma.ultranet/BiologyPages/P/Pituitary.html • http://www.pituitary.org.uk/disorders/

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