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It’s Cool in the Shade:

It’s Cool in the Shade:. The Savage Facts about Skin Cancer and the Killer Tan. Educational programs of the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service are open to all people without regard to race, color, sex, disability, religion, age, or national origin.

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It’s Cool in the Shade:

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  1. It’s Cool in the Shade: The Savage Facts about Skin Cancer and the Killer Tan Educational programs of the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service are open to all people without regard to race, color, sex, disability, religion, age, or national origin. The Texas A&M University System, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the County Commissioners Courts of Texas Cooperating

  2. Early morning Early evening Mid-day Late evening Test Your Sun Sense…Question 1 • The sun’s rays are the most dangerous during:

  3. Instructor Answer 1 • Mid-day • The hours from 10:00am—3:00pm are when the sun’s rays are the hottest and can cause the most damage. If you have to be out in the sun during this time, take extra precautions and find some shade to take a break.

  4. 1 inch 3 inch 2 inch 4 inch Test Your Sun Sense…Question 2 • You should wear a hat with a • brim for the best protection:

  5. Instructor Answer 2 • 3 inch • A hat with a minimum 3 inch brim protects your ears and the back of your neck while also protecting your face and the top of your head. Baseball caps only protect your face and nose, they leave your ears and neck exposed.

  6. True False Test Your Sun Sense…Question 3 • Skin cancer is a disease that only happens to old people, not teenagers:

  7. Instructor Answer 3 • False • Skin cancer is becoming a problem for more and more young people—especially those in their late teens and early twenties. Most of the sun damage that causes skin cancer occurs before age 18. This means that it is important for you to protect yourself from the sun now!

  8. True False Test Your Sun Sense…Question 4 • People who tan easily don’t have to worry about skin cancer:

  9. Instructor Answer 4 • False • Even if you don’t burn when you’re out in the sun, the sun’s rays are still causing damage to your skin—this damage is what causes skin cancer.

  10. Short-sleeved shirt Long-sleeved shirt Sleeve-less shirt T-shirt Test Your Sun Sense…Question 5 • You should cover up with this type of shirt when you are outside in the sun:

  11. Instructor Answer 5 • Long-sleeved shirt • Shirts with long sleeves provide the best protection from the sun—especially if they are tightly woven cotton. Dark colors are best because the reflect more of the sun’s harmful rays than lighter colors do.

  12. True False Test Your Sun Sense…Question 6 • Tanning beds are safer than laying out:

  13. Instructor Answer 6 • False • Even though your skin may not get burned if you are in a tanning bed, UV rays are still penetrating your skin and causing damage.In fact, indoor tanning is just as dangerous as tanning outdoors. The rays actually penetrate deeper into your skin and cause more serious damage.

  14. As you are walking out the door 1 hour before you go outside 30 minutes before you go outside After you are out in the sun for a little while Test Your Sun Sense…Question 7 • You should put sunscreen on:

  15. Instructor Answer 7 • 30 minutes before you go outside • This allows time for the sunscreen to soak in so that it can protect your skin—also remember to reapply your sunscreen often especially if you are sweating or in the water. The best way to apply sunscreen is to smooth it over the area gently a few times. This lets the skin absorb what it needs. Rubbing it in entirely makes the sunscreen lose some of its protection power.

  16. Protecting your skin from damage Nothing but a color change A sign of injury to your skin Proving that you are healthy Test Your Sun Sense…Question 8 • A tan is:

  17. Instructor Answer 8 • A sign of injury to your skin • A tan is like a big scab trying to protect your skin from more damage

  18. For More Information about Sun Safety, Please visit our website http://coolshade.tamu.edu

  19. Thanks for Playing! Any Questions?

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