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Muslim Civilization

Muslim Civilization. The Rise of Islam. Chapter 10.1 & 10.2- The Rise of Islam. Focus Questions: What messages, or teaching, did Muhammad spread through Islam? How did Muhammad’s successors extend Muslim rule and spread Islam?. Islam

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Muslim Civilization

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  1. Muslim Civilization The Rise of Islam

  2. Chapter 10.1 & 10.2- The Rise of Islam Focus Questions: What messages, or teaching, did Muhammad spread through Islam? How did Muhammad’s successors extend Muslim rule and spread Islam?

  3. Islam Islam is the Arabic word which means to “submit to God”. A Muslim is an individual who follows the Islamic faith. Muslims call their God “Allah”.

  4. Teachings of Islam Study of the Quran (Koran)—this is the holy book of Islam. Sharia—body of law taken from traditions and Koran. The Five Pillars of Faith

  5. 5 Pillars of Islamic Faith A Muslim must declare that Allah is God and the only God is Allah. Pray 5 times a day facing the holy city of Mecca. This is known as the As a regular part of life, Muslims must give alms or charity. Muslims must fast during day-light hours, during the holy month of Ramadan. All Muslims, if it is economically feasible, must make a hajj, or pilgrimage, to the holy city of Mecca. It is stated in the Qur'an that this was the first house that was built for humanity to worship Allah. Call to prayer

  6. Important Dates in Islamic History 570—Muhammad is born 610—Muhammad hears his call to teach Islam 622—Muhammad’s “Night Flight” or hijra to Mahtib (Medina). 622—The first year of the Muslim calendar

  7. Important Dates…Cont. 630—Muhammad returns to Mecca, destroys idols, rededicates Kaaba to Allah. This upset merchants who thought this would disrupt trade. 630-632—Muhammad works to unite Arabs under Islam 632 Muhammad dies

  8. Sunni Muslims Believe in Allah and the 5 Pillars Believe any pious male member from Muhammad’s tribe may lead Leaders have no religious duties or power Have their own religious practices, laws, and rules for daily life.

  9. Shiite Muslims Believe only descendants of Ali may lead Believe that leaders are divinely inspired and interpret the Koran They have their own religious practices, laws, and rules for daily life.

  10. The Prophet Muhammad was the prophet to the followers of Islam. It is believed that he heard a voice from the angel Gabriel. According to Muslims, Muhammad received a message from God. The religion of Islam is based on the messages Muhammad received.

  11. Chapter 10.1 & 10.2- The Rise of Islam Focus Questions: What messages, or teaching, did Muhammad spread through Islam? How did Muhammad’s successors extend Muslim rule and spread Islam?

  12. Chapter 10.3- Muslim Civilizations Golden Age Focus Question: What achievements did Muslims make in economics, art, literature, science?

  13. Muslim Achievements in… Economics Arts Literature Philosophy Sciences

  14. Muslim Achievements in Economics Muslims developed a system of accounting Pioneered business relationships in partnerships, credit, banks, and even had a form of a check • Hand crafted manufactures organized guilds, and set up vast trading networks.

  15. Economics…Continued Opened banks in every major city Artisan guilds were formed, and they regulated price Governments helped improve farming

  16. Muslim Achievements in Arts Restricted religious art images Illustrated medical texts and some literature • Built domes, built minarets (tall, slender towers of mosques), and had much-admired calligraphy (handwriting)

  17. Muslim Achievements in Literature Had a long tradition of oral storytelling Had elaborate formal rules for written poems and have a fine poetic tradition Best-known literature includes “The Thousand and One Nights”

  18. Muslim Achievements in Philosophy IbnRushd applied reason to knowledge IbnKhaldun studied history and established standards in study

  19. Muslim Achievements in the Sciences Al-Khwarizmi pioneered the study of algebra & wrote mathematical text Advances in medicine & public health; including having hospitals with facilities similar to today’s emergency rooms Physicians traveled to outlying areas to provide care The works of Muhammad al-Razi and IbnSina became standards for medical textbooks in European schools for over 500 years—Christians forbade the cutting up of bodies for study

  20. Chapter 10.3- Muslim Civilizations Golden Age • Focus Question: What achievements did Muslims make in economics, art, literature, science?

  21. Chapter 10.4- India's Muslim EmpiresFocus Question: How did Muslim rule affect Indian government and society?

  22. The Sultan of Delhi defeats the Hindus Muslim Turks and Afghans push into India around AD 1000 Delhi becomes the Muslim capital in the late 1100’s and the Sultanate rules from 1206-1526 Muslims have a superior military, which faces the Hindu princes, and gains converts.

  23. Muslim Rule Changes Indian Government and Society Sultans introduce Muslim traditions and use immigrants as soldiers or officials Trade increases Mongols invade in 1398—this causes India to divide into Muslim and Hindu states

  24. Muslims and Hindus Clash…Many Differences Exist Hindus worship many gods (polytheism) and support castes Muslims worship only one god (monotheism) and believe in equality

  25. The Blending of Muslim and Hindu Cultures Hindus are allowed to practice their religion, but they are required to pay a tax to do so Some Hindus convert to Islam because Islam taught that all believers were equal Eventually, many Muslims would absorb Hindu customs, developing a new language and new religion—Sikhism

  26. Mughal Dynasty in India Babur founded the Mughal dynasty The remaining Delhi sultanate is defeated • The Mughal Dynasty rules from 1526 to 1857

  27. Akbar the Great Reigns from 1556-1605—creates a strong central government with paid officials He promotes peace through religious tolerance He also modernizes the army and encourages trade

  28. Akbar’s Successors Son’s wife, Nur Jahan manages the government well & supports culture • Shah Jahan, Akbar’s grandson, rules at the height of Mughal culture and builds the TajMahal as a tomb for his wife.

  29. Chapter 10.4- India's Muslim EmpiresFocus Question: How did Muslim rule affect Indian government and society?

  30. Chapter 10.5- The Ottoman and Safavid EmpiresFocus Question: What were the main characteristics of the Ottoman and Safavid empires?

  31. Ottoman Empire Capital: Istanbul, until they moved it to Constantinople Dates: 1453 to 1700s Strongest Ruler: Suleiman Type of Islam: Sunni

  32. Ottoman Empire Extent of Empire: Hungary to Arabia and Mesopotamia and across North Africa

  33. Ottoman Empire The Ottomans were respected & feared. The Ottomans had elite forces called janizaries who helped their army gain power. The Ottoman Turks would be the people who put an end to the great Byzantine Empire.

  34. Safavid Empire Capital: Isfahan Dates: 1500s to 1722 Strongest Ruler: Shah Abbas- who wanted to expand the silk trade Type of Islam: Shiite

  35. Safavid Empire Extent of the Empire: From the Ottoman Empire west and Mughal India to the east (present-day Iran)

  36. Safavid Empire The Safavid Empire: were Shiite Muslims for geographical reasons- were in competition with the Ottomans maintained alliances with Europeans against the Ottomans.

  37. Chapter 10.5- The Ottoman and Safavid EmpiresFocus Question: What were the main characteristics of the Ottoman and Safavid empires?

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