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Protest movements in the USA 1968-73

Protest movements in the USA 1968-73. LO1: To be able to describe the different types of protest against the war. LO2: To understand why there were protests. LO3: To assess the what type of protest had more impact.

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Protest movements in the USA 1968-73

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  1. Protest movements in the USA 1968-73 LO1: To be able to describe the different types of protest against the war. LO2: To understand why there were protests. LO3: To assess the what type of protest had more impact.

  2. Quick start: In 3 minutes write as many reasons as you can for Americans at home protesting the war in Vietnam whilst you listen to the song.

  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AgHHgu6ybE4 1) Why did Mohammed Ali refuse to be drafted?2) What happened to him?Challenge: why did black people in particular oppose the war?

  4. http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningzone/clips/protests-against-the-vietnam-war/11788.htmlhttp://www.bbc.co.uk/learningzone/clips/protests-against-the-vietnam-war/11788.html • Opposition from ex-soldiers would be taken the most seriously by the government because… 2. One way the veterans protested was… 3. The effect parents joining the protest was…

  5. Quick Review Put the following events into a timeline – put a red x beside those events you need to find out more about (Fulbright Hearings and Tet Offensive are next two lessons) 1968 Nov – Nixon elected president of USA 1964 – Gulf of Tonkin Incident 1970 – Kent State University protest 1965 Operation Rolling Thunder 1968 Jan - Tet Offensive 1965 – US begins using Agent Orange and Napalm 1971 – Fulbright Hearings 1968 March – My Lai Massacre 1971 – Vietnam War Veterans match to Washington Challenge: Use iPad (if you need to) to write a sentence about each point on your timeline.

  6. Assessing protest What type of protest do you think would have had the most impact on the US leaders? Why?

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