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Michael Ondrusek Ocean Color Cal/Val Rehearsal July 19,2011

Michael Ondrusek Ocean Color Cal/Val Rehearsal July 19,2011 VIIRS Insitu data for Vicarious Calibration and Validation. VIIRS Insitu data for Vicarious Calibration and Validation. http://coastwatch.noaa.gov/moby2/moby_data.html. http://coastwatch.noaa.gov/moby2/matchups/Aqua443nm.txt.

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Michael Ondrusek Ocean Color Cal/Val Rehearsal July 19,2011

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  1. Michael Ondrusek Ocean Color Cal/Val Rehearsal July 19,2011 VIIRS Insitu data for Vicarious Calibration and Validation

  2. VIIRS Insitu data for Vicarious Calibration and Validation http://coastwatch.noaa.gov/moby2/moby_data.html

  3. http://coastwatch.noaa.gov/moby2/matchups/Aqua443nm.txt The following files contain calculated MOBY normalized water-leaving radiance data matched to SeaWIFS and MODIS Aqua Satellite data. Only best measurements included in this analysis. This consists of days where all pixels in a 5 by 5 box (25 pixels) around MOBY are good quality. This excludes any day where any satellite data pixel inside the box is flagged or any day where the MOBY data is labeled questionable.

  4. In situ to satellite matchups will be required to analyze satellite performance during the initialization period and with subsequent LUT revisions. The MODIS/VIIRS Data Extractor will used to extract and summarize NOAA VIIRS operational satellite data at locations of in situ shipboard, buoy and platform validation measurements. The tool can extract a box or n closest pixels around a central location for a given time period and export the data, statistics and plots. Flags used in the analysis can be set and time-series, histograms, and scatter plots can be generated A two month storage of all data for the Coast Watch regions will be made available for individual validation point extractions and automated matchups will be performed on specified cal/val locations such as MOBY

  5. MODIS Data Extractor The MODIS/VIIRS data extractor will be used to extract matchup satellite data corresponding to in situ validation measurements and analyze time series of measurements for specific location.

  6. VIIRS Insitu data for Vicarious Calibration and Validation http://coastwatch.noaa.gov/moby2/moby_data.html

  7. Index of ftp://ftp.star.nesdis.noaa.gov/pub/sod/osb/ondrusek/

  8. Index of ftp://ftp.star.nesdis.noaa.gov/pub/sod/osb/ondrusek/seabass/ Up to higher level directory

  9. ftp://ftp.star.nesdis.noaa.gov/pub/sod/osb/ondrusek/seabass/ 2008-004-121339_SB_Lu_L2s.dat

  10. VIIRS Insitu data for Vicarious Calibration and Validation Data availible at: ftp://ftp.star.nesdis.noaa.gov/pub/sod/osb/ondrusek/Seabass/ and Seabass Secured NOAA shiptime for validation and initialization cruise

  11. Comparison of NIR versus NIR-SWIR atmospheric corrections. Only Top. Plot displaying Hyperpro measured water-leaving radiances versus SeaDAS processed satellite data using the default NIR atmospheric correction technique at pixel binning resolutions of 3 x 3 averaging (circles), 5x5 averaging (squares) and no binning (diamonds). Regression displayed is from 3 x 3 binned data only. Bottom. Plot displaying 3 x 3 pixel mean satellite versus Hyperpro measured water-leaving radiances processed with SeaDAS NIR/SWIR atmospheric corrections. Only data points where both NIR and NIR-SWIR processing produced qood data were used in comparison

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