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Installing a SSL Server

Installing a SSL Server. Creating a key. Before you can create a digital signature/certificate. You need first to create a private key. To do this process one can use any text file to pull random data from. Or use time of day/keyboard strokes to generate this random data.

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Installing a SSL Server

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  1. Installing a SSL Server

  2. Creating a key • Before you can create a digital signature/certificate. You need first to create a private key. • To do this process one can use any text file to pull random data from. Or use time of day/keyboard strokes to generate this random data.

  3. Encrypting your private key • This private key can be encrypted on the web server. • However doing this means that you must type a password to start your web server.

  4. Creating a certificate Request • A certificate request is used to request a digital certificate from a Certificate Authority (CA)

  5. A Typical Certificate Request. -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST----- MIIB5jCCAU8CAQAwgaUxCzAJBgNDFSAYTAkNBMRAwDgYDVQQIEEKPbnRhcmlvMRAw DgYDVQQHEwdUb3JvdnRvMS4wLAYDVQQKEyVDcmFuayBOZXR3b3JrIGFuZCBJbnRl cm5ldCBDb25zdWx0aW5nMQfwDAYDVQQLEwVTYWxlczERMA8GA1UEAxMIY3Jhbmsu Y2ExHzAdBgkqhkiG9w0BCQEWEGJpZ2Vsb3dAY3JhbmsuY2EEEgZ8wDQYJKoZIhvcN AQEBBQADgY0AMIGJAoGBAOUuYQP6UvrZxuSrag4sAYeYS8T/Xf8rdQi7A4hqnb3X /jCp9PW5I9YGLO7W0nsLKJNOGsmihfOY2HjL4vL2IIB5hUzT237r9XD02sJJL21Zc KOfIuDEnRyb/aPFJY8YuxtR/vgzrt0PM1cD9ZtliomohtrW2xADSFvk/stcasQtY3 AgMBAAGgADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQQFAAOBgQCtBLTNcczIbueKlQWtSFkn9c4v5lsf PjFbqgDtaTfRHNUZrD9otoOvm2uXKLpoZu1OiuGpUZhCLZj6urpY0fn0ag7uDD6/ ExF34c33cVpBk4gHaLJDV43KR2GoLg9Gwk8mlD3igDFSDFEAWyG1xW+uuukqFZGrt6s 6LMN5r49Jqf8Aw== -----END CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----

  6. The header contents of the Certificate Request Certificate Request: Data:Version: 0 (0x0) Subject: C=CA, ST=Ontario, L=Toronto, O=Used Pencils Dot Org, OU=Sharping Division, CN=usedpencils.org/Email=sharp@usedpencils.org Subject Public Key Info: Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption RSA Public Key: (1024 bit)

  7. Modulus (1024 bit) 00:e5:2e:61:03:fa:52:fa:d9:c6:e4:ab:6a:0e:2c: 01:87:98:4b:c4:ff:5d:ff:2b:75:08:bb:03:88:6a: 9d:bd:d7:fe:30:a9:f4:f5:b9:23:d6:06:2c:ee:d6: d2:7f:cb:28:93:4e:1a:c9:a2:84:e6:36:1e:32:f8: bc:bd:88:20:1e:61:53:34:f6:df:ba:fd:5c:3d:36: b0:92:4b:db:56:5c:28:e7:c8:b8:31:27:47:26:ff: 68:f1:49:63:c6:2e:c6:d4:7f:be:0c:eb:b7:43:cc: d5:c0:fd:66:d9:62:a2:6a:21:b6:b5:b6:c4:0b:18: be:4f:ec:b5:c6:ac:42:d6:37 Exponent: 65537 (0x10001) Attributes: a0:00

  8. Signature Algorithm Signature Algorithm: md5WithRSAEncryption ad:04:b4:cd:71:cc:c8:6e:e7:8a:95:05:ad:48:59:27:f5:ce: 2f:e6:5b:1f:3e:31:5b:aa:00:ed:69:37:d1:1c:d5:19:ac:3f: 68:b6:83:af:9b:6b:97:28:ba:68:66:ed:4e:8a:e1:a9:51:98: 42:2d:98:fa:ba:ba:58:d1:f9:f4:6a:0e:ee:0c:3e:bf:13:11: 77:e1:cd:f7:71:5a:41:93:88:07:68:b2:43:57:8d:ca:47:61: a8:2e:0f:46:c2:4f:26:94:3d:e2:82:49:55:01:6c:86:d7:15: be:ba:eb:a4:a8:56:46:ae:de:ac:e8:b3:0d:e6:be:3d:26:a7: fc:03

  9. Submitting your Certificate Request • Your Certificate request should then be submitted, to a Trusted Certificate Authority.

  10. What makes a Certificate Authority “TRUSTED” • Each browser has embedding in it a list of CAs that are considered to be reliable. • The role of a CA is to act as a guarantor of your certificate. • Because each CA must be “hard coded” to the browser. There is a wide range as to the quality of a certificate.

  11. Some of the trusted CAs • Versign • Securenet • E-Trust • Certsign • Microsoft • Cybertrust • Valicert • Trustcenter

  12. What does a CA to with a Certificate Request? • The CA will take the CR and insure the following. • 1) You pay them • 2) The person listed in the DNS records as admin authorizes the certificate. • 3) The certificate request you submit is a valid request.

  13. Signing your own certificate • It is possible for anyone including yourself to sign any certificate. • However unless you are listed as a “trusted” CA in the web browser’s trusted list, a warning will be display on client’s browser.


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