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B band filters

B band filters. M.Lampton UCB Space Sciences Lab Nov 2003 More charts added Mar 2006, Oct 2006, Apr 2007. M.S.Bessell “UBVRI Passbands” PASP 102 1181 1990 Figure 8. B90: Bessell 1990: GaAs + 2GG385+1BG12+1BG18 B18t: Cousins 1973: S13 + 3GG13

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B band filters

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  1. B band filters M.Lampton UCB Space Sciences Lab Nov 2003 More charts added Mar 2006, Oct 2006, Apr 2007

  2. M.S.Bessell “UBVRI Passbands” PASP 102 1181 1990Figure 8 • B90: Bessell 1990: GaAs + 2GG385+1BG12+1BG18 • B18t: Cousins 1973: S13 + 3GG13 • BB: Bessell 1976, 1979: S13 + 2GG385 + 1BG12+1BG18 • BGR: Graham 1982: GaAs + 3GG13 Lampton B-band filters

  3. Stanishev et al astro-ph/07041244 (2007) Lampton B-band filters

  4. http://www.sao.ru/hq/moisav/scorpio/filters/filters.html Lampton B-band filters

  5. http://www.optecinc.com/astronomy/filters/17132.gif Lampton B-band filters

  6. KPNO glass filters for use with CCDs:B: 1mm BG12 + 2mm BG39 + 1mm GG385http://www.ing.iac.es/~quality/filter/peletier/subsection3.1.3.html Lampton B-band filters

  7. KPNO “B” band interferencehttp://www.ing.iac.es/~quality/filter/peletier/subsection3.1.1.html Lampton B-band filters

  8. The RGO Glass Broad Band Filters (UBVRIZ)http://www.ing.iac.es/~quality/filter/peletier/subsection3.1.2.html Lampton B-band filters

  9. MDM Observatory's 8K CCD array project: FILTERS FOR THE 8K CCD ARRAYhttp://www.astro.columbia.edu/~arlin/MDM8K/filters.html Lampton B-band filters

  10. ESO La Silla standard filter sets: Blue, redhttp://www.ls.eso.org/lasilla/Telescopes/2p2T/E2p2M/WFI/filters/ Lampton B-band filters

  11. http://www.gemini.edu/sciops/telescope/acqcam/filters/acqB_GS.gifGemini Lampton B-band filters

  12. http://www.sbig.com/sbwhtmls/filters.htmSanta Barbara Instrument Group Lampton B-band filters

  13. http://www.sbig.com/products/filters.htm Santa Barbara Instrument Group Lampton B-band filters

  14. http://www.semrock.com/ Single-band filter and sets; over 100 models UV-VIS_NIR Lampton B-band filters

  15. http://www.andcorp.com/Web_store/UBVRI/Johnson.htmlAndover Corporation Lampton B-band filters

  16. http://www.andcorp.com/Web_store/UBVRI/Johnson.htmlAndover Corporation Lampton B-band filters

  17. HST WFC3http://www.stsci.edu/instruments/wfc3/INSTR_HANDBK/wfc3_cy136.html F438W (dotted) Lampton B-band filters

  18. SDSS filtersFukugita et al 1996 AJ 111 1748 • blue side cutoff due to glass dye; reasonably rapid cutoff • red side cutoff due to multi layer interference film • overall good efficiency • overall little ripple Lampton B-band filters

  19. Megacam CFHThttp://bison.obs-besancon.fr/modele/cfhtls.htmlhttp://www.cfht.hawaii.edu/Instruments/Filters/square300.html Lampton B-band filters

  20. Cenko et al “Palomar 60 inch” astro-ph/0608323.pdf Lampton B-band filters

  21. Asiago Database on filter Photometry Systems (ADPS)http://ulisse.pd.astro.it/Astro/ADPS/http://aanda.u-strasbg.fr:2002/articles/aa/full/2003/14/aa3021/node1.html • Moro, D., & Munari, U., 2000, A&AS, 147, 361 (Paper I) • More than 100 photometric systems compared • Several hundred UBV ugriz etc systems • GIF plots • Text listings • Hot links to most of the original work • ADPS 2003: Fiorucci & Munari A&A 401 pp.781-796, Paper II • Parameters for all filters: various mean wavelengths, widths at 50% and 10%, asymmetries; synthetic photometry Lampton B-band filters

  22. Conclusions • There are a variety of B band filter profiles • One has a large asymmetry towards the red • Most are nearly symmetrical • Best choice for SNAP needs to be explored • In our longest NIR passband, a redward extension is a serious contributor to our dark current owing to thermal tails of warm objects within our telescope • We should explore symmetrical passbands Lampton B-band filters

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