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ROAD SAFETY:. Towards a European Road Safety Area: Policy orientations on road safety 2011-2020. TWO MAIN POLICY PAPERS. WHITE PAPER 2011: Towards a ‘zero-vision’ on road safety POLICY ORIENTATIONS ON ROAD SAFETY 2011 - 2020. Policy orientations on road safety 2011-2020.

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  1. ROAD SAFETY: Towards a European Road Safety Area: Policy orientations on road safety 2011-2020

  2. TWO MAIN POLICY PAPERS • WHITE PAPER 2011: Towards a ‘zero-vision’ on road safety • POLICY ORIENTATIONS ON ROAD SAFETY 2011 - 2020

  3. Policy orientations on road safety 2011-2020 • 7 Strategic Objectives: • Education and training • Compliance with road traffic rules • Safer road infrastructure • Safer vehicles • Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) • Emergency and post-injuries services • Vulnerable road users • Quantitative target: - 50% reduction of number of road fatalities by 2020, starting from 2010 3 Pillars A common European road safety area An integrated approach with other policies (health, environment, employment, etc.) Shared responsibility (EU, national, local…)

  4. “A shared responsibility” • Action by ALL stakeholders is needed • Public Authorities: EU + Central • Governments + Local Authorities… • Private Companies: Car industry + • Transport companies + Road operators • Users: everybody ! • The EU acts wherever it provides an added value

  5. The “-50%” objective • A political & global commitment • - 43% achieved ( 2001 – 2010)

  6. Fatalities – evolution 2001-2010 --- EU27 fatalities / year --- EU27 target for 2010 (-50%) -43%

  7. Fatalities – evolution 2001-2020

  8. Contrasted progress by Country

  9. The EU instruments Road accident data and information Financial support to research and studies Best practice guidelines Legislation (only when necessary)

  10. Policy orientations on road safety 2011-2020 7 strategic objectives: 1. Improve education and training of road users 2. Increase compliance with road traffic rules 3. Safer road infrastructure 4. Safer vehicles 5. Promote the use of modern technology to improve road safety 6. Improve emergency and post-care services 7. Improve safety of vulnerable road users.

  11. Policy orientations on road safety 2011-2020 How to reach the objectives ? • Improved cooperation Cooperation framework, twinnings, exchange of best practices • Improved participation Information and awareness campaigns, improvement of the European Road Safety Charter • Improved monitoring Enhance CARE accidents database, extend the tasks of ERSO (European Road safety Observatory), common principles for road accidents investigation • Improved enforcement Priority given to the control of the implementation and correct application of EU legislation on road safety

  12. Policy orientations on road safety 2011-2020 Objective n°6: Improve emergency and post-injuries services Setting-up of a global strategy of action on road injuries including: Harmonization of definitions and concepts Setting-up an EU target for the reduction of injuries Enhance post-crash intervention organization

  13. Public consultations • EU STRATEGY TO REDUCE INJURIES RESULTING FROM ROAD TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS • Consultation period: 17/04/2012 - 22/06/2012

  14. ROAD SAFETY DATA - Accidents data : CARE database Legal base, Council Decision 93/704/EC • - Exposure DATA : Eurostat data • Transport data • Othe data : population - Safety Performance Indicators : no legal base

  15. Safetynet project 1 - Macroscopic data CARE • Exposure Safety Performance Indicators( commonmethodology) 2 - In-depth Accident Investigation procedures Fatal accident data • Accident causation data 3 - Data analysis and dissemination

  16. Safetynet project Performance indicators http://ec.europa.eu/transport/road_safety

  17. Safetynet project Performance indicators http://ec.europa.eu/transport/road_safety ……..

  18. Dacota projectData Collection, Transfer and Analysis FP 7 funded project • •Started in 2010 and will finish in 2012 • •18 Partners and a total budget of €7m, €5m funded by Commission • •Take development of ERSO to next stage Enriching the information content • Amalgamating and structuring existing data • New in-depth data gathering infrastructure • Gathering new types data • Linking data to policy

  19. Dacota project 1- Policy-making and Safety Management 2 - Developing a Pan-European In-depth Accident Investigation 3 - Web-based access to data - developing a safety data and knowledge system (Data Warehouse) 4 - Decision Support 5 - Safety and eSafety 6 - Driver Behaviour Monitoring through Naturalistic Driving

  20. Dacota project WP3

  21. Dacota project WP3

  22. Dacota project WP3

  23. Dacota project WP3

  24. http://ec.europa.eu/roadsafety

  25. Thank you

  26. Provisional data for 2011

  27. Fatalities by population - 2010

  28. Contrasted progress by transport mode

  29. Contrasted progress by age

  30. Contrasted progress by car drivers ages

  31. Contrasted progress by motorcycle drivers ages

  32. 18-24 years old fatalities by day of the week and hour

  33. % of ….

  34. % of ….

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