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Mx Practical Monday afternoon 2 Group analysis 6 Group analysis Trivariate analysis

Mx Practical Monday afternoon 2 Group analysis 6 Group analysis Trivariate analysis. Based on the paper:

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Mx Practical Monday afternoon 2 Group analysis 6 Group analysis Trivariate analysis

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  1. Mx Practical Monday afternoon 2 Group analysis 6 Group analysis Trivariate analysis Based on the paper: Marian Beekman, Bastiaan T. Heijmans, Nicholas G. Martin, Nancy L. Pedersen, John B. Whitfield, Ulf DeFaire, G. Caroline M. van Baal, Harold Snieder, George P. Vogler, P.Eline Slagboom, and Dorret I. Boomsma (2002). Heritability of Apolipoprotein and Lipid Level in Three Countries. Twin Research, 5(2); 87-97. The Sixteenth International Workshop on Methodology of Twin and Family Studies, Boulder, CO, March 2003

  2. Monday Practical • get scripts and data: F:\meike\ • - 2 group analysis • - 6 group analysis • - trivariate analysis • Practical in two ways: • rookies: listen to CAROLINE!!! • advanced students: work independently The Sixteenth International Workshop on Methodology of Twin and Family Studies, Boulder, CO, March 2003

  3. Description of the data Variables: NIH_ID identification number POPUL/COUNTRY population (1= Dutch younger population; 2= Dutch older population 3= Australian population; 4= Swedish population) ZYGOT6 zygosity (1= MZM; 2= DZM; 3= MZF; 4= DZF; 5= DOS m-f; 6= DOS f-m) REAR how are the twins reared (relevant for Swedish population only; 1= reared apart; 2= reared together AGE age at time of measurement (years) SEXA sex oldest (expressed by ‘A’) LDLLNA LDL oldest (Ln-transformed) APOBLNA ApoB oldest (Ln transformed) APOELNA ApoE oldest (Ln transformed) SEXB sex youngest (expressed by ‘B’) LDLLNB LDL youngest (Ln transformed) APOBLNB ApoB youngest (Ln transformed) APOELNB ApoE youngest (Ln transformed) The Sixteenth International Workshop on Methodology of Twin and Family Studies, Boulder, CO, March 2003

  4. Twin correlations LDL MZM .86 DZM .26 MZF .77 DZF .53 DOS-mf .73 DOS-fm .07 The Sixteenth International Workshop on Methodology of Twin and Family Studies, Boulder, CO, March 2003

  5. Advanced students F:\meike\6 group analysis - 6 group_practical.mx - Fix the script, run the job and don’t forget to look at your output! - reduce model to models without sex differences and/or AE, CE and E models - change this script to a trivariate cholesky and calculate genetic correlations The Sixteenth International Workshop on Methodology of Twin and Family Studies, Boulder, CO, March 2003

  6. 1/.5 1 A C E A C E x x y y z z TWIN II TWIN I The Univariate Model The Sixteenth International Workshop on Methodology of Twin and Family Studies, Boulder, CO, March 2003

  7. Go to Mx F:\meike\2 group analysis open script: 2 group.mx The Sixteenth International Workshop on Methodology of Twin and Family Studies, Boulder, CO, March 2003

  8. F 1 A C E A C E x s t y z u TWIN F TWIN M The Univariate Model The Sixteenth International Workshop on Methodology of Twin and Family Studies, Boulder, CO, March 2003

  9. A A A C C C E E E LDL ApoB ApoE The Trivariate Model The Sixteenth International Workshop on Methodology of Twin and Family Studies, Boulder, CO, March 2003

  10. A A A LDL ApoB ApoE The Trivariate Model a31 a32 a21 a33 a11 a22 The Sixteenth International Workshop on Methodology of Twin and Family Studies, Boulder, CO, March 2003

  11. The Trivariate Model a11 0 0 a11 a21 a31 a21 a22 0 0 a22 a32 a31 a32 a33 0 0 a33 = * a11 a11 a11 a21 a11 a31 a21 a11 a21 a21 + a22 a22 a21 a31 + a22 a32 a31 a11 a31 a21 + a32 a22 a31 a31 + a32 a32 + a33 a33 The Sixteenth International Workshop on Methodology of Twin and Family Studies, Boulder, CO, March 2003

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