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All About ExCEL 2014-2015

All About ExCEL 2014-2015. Welcome to ExCEL 

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All About ExCEL 2014-2015

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  1. All About ExCEL2014-2015

  2. Welcome to ExCEL  ExCEL has put this PowerPoint together as an introduction to the new or revised information that is being implemented for the 2014-2015 school year. Not all of the ExCEL program requirements are highlighted in this document and we highly encourage everyone to please refer to the ExCEL Program Manualhttp://www.healthiersf.org/ExCELafterschool/Resources/n-programManual.phpand/or contact your assigned Excel staff person with questions. Thank you and have a great year 

  3. Table of Contents • Theory of Action • New or Revised ExCEL Forms • Injury Report • Incident Report • Educational Excursion • Subcontractor • SFUSD Purchasing Funds Processing • SFUSD Purchasing Funds Request from • CBO Expenditure Approval form for Allowable Expenses

  4. Table of Contents • NEW SFUSD Payroll Forms • Extended Calendar Request (ECR) for Certificated Staff • Extended Calendar Request (ECR) for Classified Staff • Classified Request for Over Time (OT) • Certificated & Classified Amendment Request • Academic Partnership Framework • Academic Liaison • ExCEL Lesson Plan • ExCEL Lesson Plan Template

  5. Table of Contents • Restorative Practices • What’s Happening in Restorative Practices • Restorative Practices Cohorts • Restorative Practices Cohorts Calendar • Physical Activity Cohort • What’s the PA Cohort • PA High School Cohort Schedule • PA Middle School Cohort Schedule

  6. Table of Contents • SFUSD Instructional Aide (IA) • SFUSD IA Requirements • IA on EMS • IA Calendar • SFUSD Contracts • ExCEL Invoices • Allowable Expenses • Invoice Dos • Invoice Don’ts

  7. What’s NEW atExCEL

  8. The ExCEL Injury Reportform is available online. Link: http://www.healthiersf.org/ExCELafterschool/Resources/documents/InjuryReportRevised.pdf

  9. The ExCEL Incident Reportform is available online. Link: http://www.healthiersf.org/ExCELafterschool/Resources/documents/IncidentReportRevised.pdf

  10. The Educational Excursionform is available online. Link: http://www.healthiersf.org/ExCELafterschool/Resources/documents/ExpenditureapprovalformforEducationalExcursions_003.pdf

  11. The Subcontractorsform is available online. http://www.healthiersf.org/ExCELafterschool/Resources/documents/ExpenditureVerificationFormforSubcontractors_000.pdf

  12. The SFUSD Purchasing Funds Processform is available online. Link:http://www.healthiersf.org/ExCELafterschool/Resources/documents/SFUSDFundsPurchasingProcess.pdf

  13. The Principal Expenditure Request form is available online. Link:http://www.healthiersf.org/ExCELafterschool/Resources/documents/ExpenditureRequestForm-Principal_001.pdf

  14. CBO Expenditure Approval Form for Allowable Expenses • Submit to ExCEL for approval before purchasing the item. • Include rationale and all required attachments before submitting to your assigned ExCEL staff. • Include APPROVEDCBO Expenditure Approval Form for Allowable Expenses in invoice along with the receipt of the item. Link: http://www.healthiersf.org/ExCELafterschool/Resources/documents/Expenditureapprovalformforallowableexpenses-Aug1st2012_000.pdf

  15. SFUSD PAYROLL FORMS Can be found on the ExCEL website under Forms-District Staff http://www.healthiersf.org/ExCELafterschool/Resources/n-forms.php

  16. Payroll Extended Calendar Request (ECR)for Certificated Staff

  17. Payroll Extended Calendar Request (ECR) for Classified Staff

  18. Payroll Overtime Classified Form

  19. Payroll Certificated & Classified Amendment Request

  20. Academic LiaisonAcademic Partnership FrameworkLesson Plan

  21. Academic Liaison An Academic Liaison position will be utilized (formerly called Lead Teacher) to provide leadership, guidance, and support to academic after school offerings, not direct instruction. The Academic Liaison (AL) will be selected by the school site principal. The scanned Academic Liaison Designation Forms were due via email to the ExCEL Office on 4/30/14 , but still can be submitted. An orientation meeting for Academic Liaisons will be held on9/23/14 at St. Mary’s Cathedral. Link: http://www.healthiersf.org/ExCELafterschool/Resources/nacademicLiason.php

  22. Academic Partnership Framework PURPOSEFor all ExCEL After School Program sites to develop solid academic program components that support student skill building, contribute to academic achievement, and are based upon strong partnership between the CBO Lead Agency and the School Day Staff.

  23. The Academic Partnership Framework that ExCEL is promoting consists of: • Partnership between school site and CBO • Shared priorities for student success Academic Liaison Position is: • To coordinate academic after school components • Utilizing data to inform instruction

  24. ExCEL Lesson Plan Key Points for Planning *ExCEL Lesson Plans* • Keep in mind the following frameworks: • ExCEL Theory of Action • School Day Common Core “Habits of the Mind” in after school • Restorative Practices • Physical Activity When should I use the template? • It may be utilized by program sites to structure activities. Link: http://www.healthiersf.org/ExCELafterschool/Resources/documents/ExCELLessonPlanTemplate_000.pdf

  25. Lesson Plan Template

  26. Lesson Plan Template Link: http://www.healthiersf.org/ExCELafterschool/Resources/documents/ExCELLessonPlanTemplate_000.pdf

  27. RestorativePractices

  28. Restorative Practices SFUSD ExCEL ASP will continue to provide Restorative Practice (RP) trainings to all After School staff. The training will follow the same format as last year. 4 cohorts will meet during their assigned Thursday workshop training of scheduled month. Link: http://www.healthiersf.org/ExCELafterschool/Resources/nrestPractices.php

  29. What’s Happening in Restorative Practice in 14-15 ExCEL Site Coordinator or designee must attend the RP Informational during the Expanded Learning August Institute. Program Directors are welcome as well. Each ExCEL after school site is assigned to a RP cohort by CBO. Each school site is committed to attend 4 RP trainings this year. Each school site is expected to implement RP into your programs. ExCEL Staff will check and assist with your progress Questions: Karen Polk, 750-4500, ext.1019, polkK@sfusd.edu

  30. Restorative Practice (RP) Cohorts

  31. Physical Activity

  32. ExCEL After School Physical Activity Cohort 2014-2015: Let’s Move in After School All ExCEL Programs will identify at least one staff to be their “Let’s Move” point of contact. This staff will attend a required session during the August Institute and (2) PD Sessions scheduled during the 2014-15 school year. (2) On-Site Observations will also be scheduled. ExCEL August Meeting: All After School Programs will identify PA Goals during common planning/QAP planning.

  33. August Institute Meeting: (2) Sessions will be offered and while required for ExCEL will be open for all participants. The goals of this session are to: • Provide program leaders with strategies for incorporating moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) during after school time. • Incorporate quality PA into after school time using the principals of youth development. • Strengthen awareness of the importance of PA and the impact of sedentary behavior. • Learn at least (3) activities that can be used as a Brain Break or PA Break during after school time.

  34. On-Going Professional Development Sessions (Secondary): (2) sessions will occur one in each semester. The goals of these sessions are: • To create a learning community that supports active and healthy after school environments. • To provide program leaders with tools and resources to ensure that students are participating in daily physical activity. • To support after school programs with implementing their PA QAP Goal(s).

  35. Secondary sites will participate in (2) Cohort meetings through out the school year. Elementary sites can arranged as needed on-site trainings. Cohort meetings will be held at 20 Cook Street from 10 to 12 unless otherwise indicated. See the boxes below for dates.

  36. Let’s Move in High School After School: 2014-2015 Physical Activity Cohort Schedule- 10 to 12 PM @ 20 Cook Street

  37. Let’s Move in Middle School After School: 2014-2015 Physical Activity Cohort Schedule- 10 to 12 PM @ 20 Cook Street

  38. SFUSD IA Requirements Link: http://www.healthiersf.org/ExCELafterschool/Resources/n-instAideExam.php

  39. Instructional Aide (IA) Requirement All program staff and subcontractors who directly supervise students must document meeting minimum educational requirements or pass the IA exam administered by the ExCEL Office. Documentation in EMS: • Sign-in to EMS • Click on Participants & Staff • Click on View Program Staff • Click on Staff Name

  40. Instructional Aide on EMS

  41. Instructional Aide Exam Calendar 2014-2015 Location: 20 Cook St.

  42. Contracts &Invoices Link: http://www.healthiersf.org/ExCELafterschool/Resources/n-invoicing.php

  43. Contracts • Contract Amendments-Allowed on a case by case basis ONLY • Carry over: There are NO carry over funds allowed from year to year. SFUSD bills CDE on a cost reimbursement basis. Any funds not expended by the end of the fiscal year cannot be billed to CDE. As such all POs are liquidated at the end of the fiscal year. It is absolutely necessary to invoice on a monthly basis and to meet end of the year invoice deadlines.

  44. Invoices • Invoices are paid on a cost reimbursement model. Payroll should be billed for the month in which it is PAID out even if the hours worked fall in the previous month. (For example if staff worked August 1-15 paid on 8/25 will be billed on the August invoice, but staff time worked August 16 – 31 paid on 9/10 will be billed on the September invoice.) • Payroll ledger must be on file with the CBO and available upon request, but is NOT required each month as invoice documentation. • Receipts, payroll summary page (page 2 of the invoice template), Approved ExCEL CBO Approval forms must be submitted as documentation of expenses with the invoice to the ExCEL office.

  45. Allowable & Non Allowable Expenses Updates • ExCEL Logo is required on all custom printed materials for youth participants only. • Computers and tablets must be purchased through SFUSD and must include a completed quote from SFUSD IT Department and SFUSD Purchasing Request Form • All equipment purchased must be entered into the EMS inventory log. • Subcontractors require a subcontractor approval form. • Food for weekly meetings, professional development, refreshments for Educational Excursions or Club Meetings is NOT an allowable expense.http://www.healthiersf.org/ExCELafterschool/Resources/documents/FY13-14-EXCELALLOWABLEEXPENSESLISTRevised.pdf

  46. Invoice Do’s • DOinclude back up documents and/or spreadsheets outlining the amount billed to ExCEL. If only a certain percentage of staff salary will be billed to ExCEL, please indicate on your back-up documents or create a spreadsheet outlining the amount billed to ExCEL. • DO make sure photocopied receipts are clear with items purchased and prices clearly legible. • DO make sure each receipt is itemized. For receipts from small businesses (produce stores, neighborhood stores) that do not offer itemized receipts, please list items that were purchased on the copy of the receipt. • DO be sure to circle the total on the receipt. • DO be sure to indicate the reason for purchase, for example: “materials for cooking class.” You can photocopy your lesson plan on the same page of the associated receipt. • DO organize your supporting documentation by the order of your summary page. http://www.healthiersf.org/ExCELafterschool/Resources/documents/InvoiceDosandDonts13-14.pdf

  47. Invoice Do’s • DO keep supporting documentation to a minimum when reporting expenses. • For items that need approval, DO be sure to include a copy of the signed CBO Expense Approval Form for that particular purchase you are billing for. • DO make sure the math adds up! Proof read and double check your work prior to making your final submission. • DO email your assigned ExCEL staff in advance about unique situations relating to the invoice. • DO make sure you turn in Budget Revisions prior to the pertaining invoice • DObe sure to include a detailed lesson plans that includes educational objectives if purchases of junk food-like materials for a lesson or activity

  48. Invoice Don’ts • DON’T include receipts not billed to ExCEL. If it is easier to photocopy receipts together, please clearly cross out receipts not included in the billing with a large “X” and clearly note “not ExCEL.” • DON’T include personal items on receipts. • DON’T include a lost receipt document. • DON’T turn in illegible copies of receipts. If the copy is too light, try to make a darker copy. • DON’T include extra paperwork such as, internal cover pages, petty cash requests, multiple pages of supporting documentation for a single item. • DON’T include information that is not required. • DON’Tinvoice over the contracted amount for the year. • DON’T invoice over the administrative budget for the year.

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