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Faith Forward 2029: Strategic Plan for St. Mary's Catholic Church & School

Read the full reference version of the 2019-2029 strategic plan for St. Mary's Catholic Church & School in Caledonia, MN. This plan focuses on ensuring the long-term viability of the parish and school, with pillars including Catholic mission, academic standards, enrollment goals, and financial stability. Discover the roadmap for the future and how you can contribute to its implementation.

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Faith Forward 2029: Strategic Plan for St. Mary's Catholic Church & School

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  1. FAITH FORWARD 2029 St. Mary’s Catholic Church & School Strategic Plan 2019-2029 Full Reference Version Caledonia, MN

  2. Faith Forward 2029 Reference Version

  3. Where the Heart of education is the education of the Heart St. Mary’s Catholic Grade School Caledonia, Minnesota Faith Forward 2029 Reference Version

  4. Table of Contents Introduction Letter from Father Stephen Executive Summary St. Mary’s Planning Process Environmental Assessment: Sense-Making Vision, Mission and Values Our Critical to Success Pillars 2019-2029 Strategic Plan 10-Year Goals 3-Year Goals and 1-Year Tactics by Area Critical to Success Strategy Deployment Evaluation and Monitoring Process Strategy Maps with Key Indicators of Performance Communication Plan Plan Refresh and Renewal Process Appendices Faith Forward 2029 Reference Version

  5. Introduction St. Mary’s Catholic Church & School Faith Forward 2029 Reference Version

  6. Initiative Theme and Tagline FAITH FORWARD 2029 Faith Forward 2029 Reference Version

  7. Introduction A message from Bishop Quinn Faith Forward 2029 Dear Parishioners of St. Mary Parish,  St. Mary Church and School has released a strategic plan titled, Faith Foreword 2029. The plan was developed to ensure the long-term viability of St. Mary Parish and School. Found within the plan are the educational pillars for St. Mary School that include Catholic mission academic standards, enrollment goals, financial stability, along with marketing and public relations goals.  The development of the plan has taken over a year and includes the responses and suggestions from parents, board members, benefactors, teachers and staff members. The greatest benefit is to have a strategic plan that is founded on our faith in Jesus Christ and a future rooted in the Lord’s mandate to preach and teach and to form missionary disciples.  I offer my gratitude to all who collaborated in the planning process and encourage every effort to implement the strategic plan. May Mary the Mother of God intercede for us.  Sincerely in Christ, Bishop John M. Quinn Faith Forward 2029 Reference Version

  8. Introduction Faith Forward 2029 This 2019-2029 Strategic Plan document was developed to insure the long term future viability of St. Mary’s School and Church. We have named this planning initiative “Faith Forward 2029” which reflects our vision for St. Mary’s School as the educational institution where students reach their Full Potential. By keeping the student at the center, Academic Excellence is achieved within our Inviting and Focused environment. The key to achieving this is by having a foundation built on Trustthrough transparency that assures that the Heart of St. Mary’s remains grounded in Christian values. This is Faith Forward 2029. This Plan represents the collaborative work of the St. Mary’s School Board, the Parish Council, the Finance Council, and the Staff of St. Mary’s Parish and School. Over the past year, a dedicated group of individuals from each of the aforementioned groups served on the Executive Steering Committee and, working with our external consultants, took ownership over the process of building our roadmap for the future through a thoughtful and proactive organizational planning process. We now face the challenge of bringing Faith Forward 2029 to life! This will not be an easy task. It will require our School, our Parish, and our Community to roll up their sleeves and do the work called forth in this document. To be successful, we will need to remain focused on the pursuit of this vision, monitor our progress, and keep the plan in front of us. Importantly, we should not be afraid to make course corrections where needed. This document is not static. It will evolve over time as changes take place in the environment. We need to embrace the journey and not hesitate with the challenges or to make course corrections as necessary to achieve our Vision. Remember, the driving force behind the development of this Strategic Plan is to insure the long term future of St. Mary’s Parish and School. The development of this plan involved a number of key people. Several “hidden” by-products of this experience will serve us well as we do this work; our transparency and inclusiveness, our “Unity of Purpose”, having key leaders on the same page at the same time regarding both the overall internal and external environment and driving forces, our focus, and finally, building our team and the resulting teamwork. Father Stephen Abaukaka Faith Forward 2029 Reference Version

  9. Executive Summary St. Mary’s Catholic Church & School Faith Forward 2029 Reference Version

  10. “Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” • St. Francis Faith Forward 2029 Reference Version

  11. Executive Summary In the Spring of 2018, leadership discussions among three key governance bodies (School Board, Parish Council and Finance Council) within the Parish of St. Mary’s Church and School determined the need to develop a Strategic Plan to address the long-term future of St. Mary’s School. HughesStrategy Consultants were engaged to assist in the development of this plan (Peter Hughes, Principal, and Alissa Sander, Associate). An Executive Committee was formed with representation from each of these groups, along with, the Principal of the school. Their responsibilities are identified in the graphic below: The following provides an overview of the key parameters, or Charter, of the project: Faith Forward 2029 Reference Version

  12. The Charge • Develop a Strategic Plan which addresses the long-term viability of St. Mary’s School in Caledonia, Minnesota, over the next 10 years. • Scope: • Address the relationship needs for St. Mary’s School within the geographical area • Address the demonstrated Catholic Education Needs of the Community, as well as, how St. Mary’s meets and creates value for other families in the community with a St. Mary’s Education • Address three Areas Critical to Success (ACS) considered key to the future viability of St. Mary’s School: “Financial Sustainability,” “Enrollment,” and “Communication and Public Relations.” An additional ACS, “Academics,” was added during the planning process. • Assumptions: • St. Mary’s Parish Council, the School Board, and Finance Council, will be responsible for plan development and draft approval with Father Stephen having final approval. Faith Forward 2029 Reference Version

  13. Plan Deliverables • St. Mary’s School 2019-2029 Vision and Strategic Plan • Establish a multi-year planning horizon, 2019-2029 • A planning process which stresses engagement and inclusion of key internal and external community members to St. Mary’s School in both the creation and the execution of the plan… ownership and accountability • Establish aplan evaluation and monitoring system, built on specific annual activities with a 90-day planning cycle of review • Create an annual process of plan refresh and a three-year process for plan renewal • Implement a communication plan that informs our key internal and external stakeholders about our strategic intent and links investors with investment opportunities Faith Forward 2029 Reference Version

  14. Strategic PlanPlanning Process Participants Faith Forward 2029 Reference Version

  15. Plan Organization • The Plan is organized around “Areas Critical to Success” which were identified during the Leadership Retreats as a framework for organizing Goals and Tactics. These Areas Critical to Success are considered vital areas of performance upon which St. Mary’s School will achieve it’s Vision and Mission. Goals and Tactics with related performance targets and measures have been developed for each area. Enrollment Financial Stability Communication and Public Relations Academics Faith Forward 2029 Reference Version

  16. Environmental Assessment“Sense-Making” “Sense-Making” of the External and Internal Environment is critical to understand past and current performance, as well as, to forecast future performance when factored against a variety of variables. The variables are driving forces in the education sector, regulatory requirements, regional demographic trends and forecasts, school performance with regard to financial health, enrollment trends, and academic achievement. Participants in the planning process were presented with a variety of the aforementioned data and information and were then asked to run a Sense-Making exercise in small groups to determine their top three areas of concern in the data presented. They were then asked to articulate what the implications would be for St. Mary’s School if these were not addressed. These are the “So What” questions. They were then directed to identify actions they would recommend to address any concerns and implications. This stock taking step immediately moved planning leadership retreat participants into the development of initial strategy formulation. This information was leveraged later in the process to develop Goals and Tactics within “Areas Critical to Success”. Faith Forward 2029 Reference Version

  17. Strategic Plan Development Cycle St. Mary’s Catholic Church & School Faith Forward 2029 Reference Version

  18. Annual Planning Rhythm & Cadence Plan Development What are we going to do to develop the next plan? Deliverables Activities Tools 1. Initiate Plan Deployment 2. Formulate And Develop Where do we adapt? Deliverables Activities Tools Where are we today? Where do we want to go? Deliverables Activities Tools 6. Refresh/ Renewal Planning Cycle 5. Evaluate And Monitor 3. Translate And Plan How we hold ourselves accountable. Deliverables Activities Tools What must we do? (i.e. Plan and its components) Deliverables Activities Tools 4. Execute Where we make change happen Budgeting & Approval Faith Forward 2029 Reference Version

  19. Planning Process • Strategy Development • Pre-Planning • Executive Steering Committee • Mission, Vision, Values • Environmental Assessment • Sense-Making • Leadership Inputs • Data Analytics • Community Feedback • Goals and Tactics Development by Critical to Success Factors (Areas) • Strategic Plan Document Development, Review, and Approval Process • Feedback Sessions • Strategy Deployment • Goals and Tactics • Implementation • Strategy Maps • Key Milestones • Responsible Party • Indicators of Performance (Key Metrics) • Communication Planning • Evaluation and Monitoring Process • Process for Plan Refresh/Renewal • Where do we adapt? (lessons learned, course corrections) Faith Forward 2029 Reference Version

  20. Vision, Mission and Values St. Mary’s Catholic Church & School Faith Forward 2029 Reference Version

  21. ST. Mary’s MISSION & PHILOSOPHY St. Mary’s Catholic Church Mission Our mission is to hear the Word, share in the sacrifice, serve the Lord, and create community. St. Mary’s Catholic School St. Mary's is a fully accredited Catholic elementary school affiliated with St. Mary's Catholic Church in Caledonia, Minnesota. The school includes kindergarten through eighth grade classrooms, as well as, a state-licensed preschool program. The classrooms are single grade level. Each class attends music, physical education, computer, and library classes with a specialist. Religious studies are also part of the curriculum. The students attend Mass on Wednesday and Friday mornings. Mission It is St. Mary's mission to prepare students as lifelong learners who will grow to become service-minded members of the Catholic Church, local, national, and global community (to be updated September/October 2019). Philosophy St. Mary's Catholic School is a faith community dedicated to teaching as Jesus did. Parents are the first teachers of their children. Through a positive flexible learning environment, educational staff working with parents, parish family and community will challenge students to reach their full potential as responsible citizens rooted in Catholic values. Faith Forward 2029 Reference Version

  22. Vision Statement FAITH FULL POTENTIAL– ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE – INVITING– TRUST – HEART St. Mary’s students and parish members reach their Full Potential through servant leadership and creating habits to become life-long learners. By keeping the student at the center, Academic Excellenceis achieved within our Inviting, calm, and nurturing environment. Built on Trust through transparency, St. Mary’s functions in ways that will assure it’s Heartis grounded in Christian values. Faith Forward 2029 Reference Version

  23. Vision Statement FAITH FULL POTENTIAL– ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE – INVITING– TRUST – HEART St. Mary’s school and parish members reach their Full Potential through servant leadership by creating habits to become lifelong learners. By keeping the student at the center, Academic Excellenceis achieved within our Inviting, focused, and nurturing environment. Built on Trust through transparency, St. Mary’s functions in ways that will assure its Heartis grounded in Christian values. Faith Forward 2029 Reference Version

  24. Vision Statement A strong and vibrant “Vision Statement” describes what we expect to become, and it challenges us to determine what it will take to achieve the key operative elements of our vision. F.A.I.T.H. FULL POTENTIAL– ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE – INVITING– TRUST – HEART Our “Areas Critical to Success” and related Goals and Tactics are designed to focus our plan to achieve each of these vision statement elements, e.g. “Reach their Full Potential through servant leadership by creating habits to become lifelong learners.” St. Mary’s students and parish members Faith Forward 2029 Reference Version

  25. Superordinate Goal • A Superordinate Goal, in a few select words, captures the essence of an organization’s Mission, Philosophy and Vision. “Rooted in our Catholic faith, we empower, model, and share the light of Christ with all we meet.” Faith Forward 2029 Reference Version

  26. Values • Catholic Christian Values- We teach the values directed towards Christ-like character formations of every member of St. Mary’s parish family and School through holistic catechesis/religious education. Our education is founded on faith and morals, prayers and sacraments, marriage and family, respect for life, justice and peace, and love, charity and compassion. • Servant Leadership to the Community- Rooted in our faith, we empower, model and share our values with all we meet. • Full Potential and Excellence of Every Individual- We recognize and respect the dignity of every individual as being unique onto themselves. We strive to help each unique individual achieve fulfillment and their full potential. • An Inviting Community with a Focused and Nurturing Environment- All people are openly welcomed into St. Mary’s church and school, creating a feeling of community through a culture of inclusiveness. • Excellence in Academics- Excellence in academics is achieved through a creative, stimulating, diverse, and globally-minded curriculum, along with the use of the servant leadership model and promotion of lifelong learning habits. Our results are proven by the character and success of our alumni. Faith Forward 2029 Reference Version

  27. Future State Vision Statement, 3-Year Goals, 1-Year Tactics of theAreas Critical to Success St. Mary’s Catholic Church & School Faith Forward 2029 Reference Version

  28. Areas Critical to Success Enrollment-The number of students attending St. Mary’s School. Financial Sustainability- Adequate funding to cover all expenses, budgeted and unforeseen, with a surplus. Communication and Public Relations- Increase the overall awareness of St. Mary’s through communication to students, parents, parish, and the community to allow them to know the value and impact in their investments of time, talent, and treasures. Academics- A student-centered curriculum that achieves each individual's full academic potential including character-based life skills incorporating with Catholic values, in preparation to be a productive, lifelong learner and a disciple of Jesus.   Faith Forward 2029 Reference Version

  29. Area #1: Enrollment Defined: The number of students attending St. Mary’s School 10 Year Goal St. Mary’s School has each classroom at capacity with recruitment activity that has achieved 20 children per pre-K and kindergarten rooms and retention that has achieved 18 students per class 1st through 8th grades. This has come through the creation of a ready and enthusiastic environment that is in line with the Catholic/Christian faith. 3 Year Goals Goal 1- Recruitment: Pre-K and Kindergarten to be at 100% capacity, 20 by 2021 (All grade levels to be at 100% of capacity as determined on a per-class level in 10 years). 1 Year Tactics: 2019 G1, Tactic 1.1- Follow up and/or visit personally with every Catholic family. (Example 1: By May 1, 2019, the parish council will coordinate a mass and social for families who had a baptism or marriage or have entered into RCIA in the previous calendar year. Example 2: Kindergarten/Marketing Committee to send out happy birthday, baptism, and/or anniversary cards by mail with a school newsletter). G1, Tactic 1.2- By January 1, 2021, school board to research feasibility of before school/after school/daycare programs (Ref: School Strategic Plan O4,S2,A1). Faith Forward 2029 Reference Version

  30. Area #1: Enrollment (continued…) Defined: The number of students attending St. Mary’s School 10 Year Goal St. Mary’s School has each classroom at capacity with recruitment activity that has achieved 20 children per pre-K and kindergarten rooms and retention that has achieved 18 students per class 1st through 8th grades. This has come through the creation of a ready and enthusiastic environment that is in line with the Catholic/Christian faith. 1 Year Tactics: 2019 G2, Tactic 2.1- By January 31, 2021, and annually thereafter, the school board will distribute a “3-2-1 survey” to parents to address fulfillment of promise and any misconceptions (Ref: School Strategic Plan O3,S1,A3). G2, Tactic 2.2- By January 31, 2022, and annually thereafter, Priest and Principal to distribute survey to parish members to address fulfillment of promise, any misconceptions, and inquire as to whether they would recommend St. Mary’s School (Ref: School Strategic Plan O3,S2,A2). G2, Tactic 2.3- Principal to annually review bullying policy to make sure it is accessible. (i.e. on the website). G2, Tactic 2.4- By September 1, 2019, the Principal will start a character development program. 3 Year Goals Goal 2- Retain 75% of students enrolled through 8th grade (if 20 pre-K then 75% is 15). Faith Forward 2029 Reference Version

  31. Area #1: Enrollment (continued…) Defined: The number of students attending St. Mary’s School 1 Year Tactics: 2019 G3, Tactic 3.1- By July 1, 2020, Parish council to research new and innovative ways to increase mass attendance with the specific goal to address increasing enrollment of students from Catholic families. This will be done annually at the December meeting (Example: Begin a Sunday school/CCD program for children during mass). G4, Tactic 4.1- School board to research and consider requests for upgrades such as computer lab upgrades and flexible seating for students in classrooms. This will be done annually at the May meeting. 10 Year Goal St. Mary’s School has each classroom at capacity with recruitment activity that has achieved 20 children per pre-K and kindergarten rooms and retention that has achieved 18 students per class 1st through 8th grades. This has come through the creation of a ready and enthusiastic environment that is in line with the Catholic Christian faith. 3 Year Goals Goal 3- Increase mass attendance. Goal 4- Increase retention by focusing on facility upgrades to keep current with student needs. Faith Forward 2029 Reference Version

  32. Area #2: Financial Sustainability Defined: Adequate funding to cover all expenses, budgeted and unforeseen, with a surplus. 3 Year Goals Goal 1- Maintain the current and future endowments return of 6%. (that would mean taking no more than 4% of principle) 1 Year Tactics: 2019 G1, Tactic 1.1- Beginning in Fall 2019, Finance council to host local financial advisors to give a proposal on the use of their services, determine how to keep financial services local if feasible and cost effective, and get ideas from them. G1, Tactic 1.2- By May 1, 2020, and annually thereafter, finance council to organize an informational meeting after mass for parish members. The meeting will describe possibilities in estate planning to include memorial giving. The meeting will also include information about the endowments and general finances; “State of the Parish” talk. G1, Tactic 1.3- Finance council to oversee a withdrawal for school operations of 6% from the endowment in FY 2019/20 (5% in 2020/21, 4% in 2021/22). 10 Year Goal St. Mary’s will sustain itself over the next 10 years through tuition, fundraising and parish giving sources while withdrawing only 4% of principal, adjusted for inflation (CPI) from the endowments. Faith Forward 2029 Reference Version

  33. Area #2 : Financial Sustainability (continued…) Defined: Adequate funding to cover all expenses, budgeted and unforeseen, with a surplus. 1 Year Tactics: 2019 G2, Tactic 2.1- School board to host annual spring fundraiser to be similar to District 299 Foundation with first event by spring 2019. G2, Tactic 2.2- By January 1, 2020, Principal to oversee the creation of a “giving tree” at the school with branches of time, talent, and treasure. G2, Tactic 2.3- By the 2021/2022 school year, volunteer coordinator and school board to research two new and innovative ways to recruit new parent and parishioner volunteers (Ref: School Strategic Plan O3,S2,A5). 10 Year Goal St. Mary’s will sustain itself over the next 10 years through tuition, fundraising and parish giving sources while withdrawing only 4% of principal, adjusted for inflation (CPI) from the endowments. 3 Year Goals Goal 2- Increase fundraising sources and proceeds from current events to cover 33% of school expenses. Faith Forward 2029 Reference Version

  34. Area #2 : Financial Sustainability (continued…) Defined: Adequate funding to cover all expenses, budgeted and unforeseen, with a surplus. 3 Year Goals Goal 3- Increase Scrip usage to attain a goal of $100,000 in sales profits annually. Goal 4- Increase parish giving by 25% or $92,000. 10 Year Goal St. Mary’s will sustain itself over the next 10 years through tuition, fundraising and parish giving sources while withdrawing only 4% of principal, adjusted for inflation (CPI) from the endowments. 1 Year Tactics: 2019 G3, Tactic 3.1- By January 1, 2020, school board and marketing committee to begin researching two new and innovative ways to increase scrip usage. (Ref: School Strategic Plan O5,S1,A4). G4, Tactic 4.1- By May 1, 2020, and annually thereafter, the Marketing committee will develop materials for donors focusing on specific tactics in the Faith Forward 2029 strategic plan to promote. Faith Forward 2029 Reference Version

  35. Area #2 : Financial Sustainability (continued…) Defined: Adequate funding to cover all expenses, budgeted and unforeseen, with a surplus. 1 Year Tactics: 2019 G5, Tactic 5.1- School board to increase tuition by $200 per student for 2019/2020 school year. G6, Tactic 6.1- By September 1, 2019, school board and finance council to locate two volunteers with knowledge of grant writing. G6, Tactic 6.2- Grant writers to write a minimum of 10 grants per school year to achieve $10k in 2019, $20k in 2020, $30k in 2021. G6, Tactic 6.3- By the 2020/2021 school year, grant writers to achieve a collaborative agreement with a local non-profit organization that could help with grant writing services. In addition, the idea of hiring a writer versus using volunteers should be explored. 10 Year Goal St. Mary’s will sustain itself over the next 10 years through tuition, fundraising and parish giving sources while withdrawing only 4% of principal, adjusted for inflation (CPI) from the endowments. 3 Year Goals Goal 5- Increase tuition fees to average of all local Catholic schools. Goal 6- Increase grant funding by 100% to $30,000 annually. Faith Forward 2029 Reference Version

  36. Area #2 : Financial Sustainability (continued…) Defined: Adequate funding to cover all expenses, budgeted and unforeseen, with a surplus. 10 Year Goal St. Mary’s will sustain itself over the next 10 years through tuition, fundraising and parish giving sources while withdrawing only 4% of principal, adjusted for inflation (CPI) from the endowments. 1 Year Tactics: 2019 G7, Tactic 7.1- Executive steering committee to develop and implement an evaluation and monitoring process that both school governance and school leadership review to monitor performance to plan. The process will establish daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly reviews (as appropriate), which will focus on performance to goals, understanding variances, identifying corrective actions, and resources needed to be successful. This will be done upon completion of the Faith Forward plan. G7, Tactic 7.2- Executive steering committee to develop and implement a communication plan of our strategic intent to key stakeholders. This will be done upon completion of the Faith Forward plan. 3 Year Goals Goal 7- Implement the St. Mary’s 2029 Strategic Plan through the utilization of accountabilities, measures, indicators, and timelines. Faith Forward 2029 Reference Version

  37. Area #2 : Financial Sustainability (continued…) Defined: Adequate funding to cover all expenses, budgeted and unforeseen, with a surplus. 1 Year Tactics: 2019 G7, Tactic 7.3- Executive steering committee to conduct an annual plan refresh, identifying goals and tactics achieved. This should be carried over for completion in the next fiscal year and should identify what new tactics should be adopted. This will be done upon completion of the Faith Forward plan. G7, Tactic 7.4- Executive steering committee to create orientation packets for each committee or board upon completion of the Faith Forward plan. G7, Tactic 7.5- By May 1, 2021, executive steering committee to conduct a plan renewal to include a review of plan performance, environmental assessment, and identifying new 3-year goals and tactics. 3 Year Goals Goal 7- (continued…) Implement the St. Mary’s 2029 Strategic Plan through the utilization of accountabilities, measures, indicators, and timelines. 10 Year Goal St. Mary’s will sustain itself over the next 10 years through tuition, fundraising and parish giving sources while withdrawing only 4% of principal, adjusted for inflation (CPI) from the endowments. Faith Forward 2029 Reference Version

  38. Area #2 : Financial Sustainability (continued…) Defined: Adequate funding to cover all expenses, budgeted and unforeseen, with a surplus. 3 Year Goals Goal 7- (continued…) Implement the St. Mary’s 2029 Strategic Plan through the utilization of accountabilities, measures, indicators, and timelines. 1 Year Tactics: 2019 G7, Tactic 7.6- Executive steering committee to create an organizational flow and decision-making flow chart (or something similar) with all employees, boards and committees and volunteers listed, which details who is responsible and who has to get the “ok” from whom when making decisions. This will be done upon completion of the Faith Forward plan. G7, Tactic 7.7- Beginning in 2019, parish council to hold an annual meeting consisting of the School Board, Finance Council and Parish Council. G7, Tactic 7.8- Beginning in April 2019, and annually thereafter, School Board and Finance Council will have a joint meeting to discuss the school budget. 10 Year Goal St. Mary’s will sustain itself over the next 10 years through tuition, fundraising and parish giving sources while withdrawing only 4% of principal, adjusted for inflation (CPI) from the endowments. Faith Forward 2029 Reference Version

  39. Area #3: Communication and Public Relations Defined: Increase the overall awareness of St. Mary’s through communication to students, parents, parish and the community to allow them to know the value and impact in their time, talent and treasures investments. 1 Year Tactics: 2019 G1, Tactic 1.1- Marketing committee to complete PR & media plan by May 1, 2021. (Ref: School Strategic Plan O4,S1,A3) G1, Tactic 1.2- Marketing committee to complete communications plan and parent school handbook by May 1, 2021. (Ref: School Strategic Plan O4,S1,A3) G1, Tactic 1.3- Marketing committee to complete social media plan by completion of the strategic plan. G1, Tactic 1.4- School board to complete a strategic relationship management plan by May 1, 2021. 10 Year Goal St. Mary’s is well-known for it’s excellence in religion, academics, leadership, and character development through consistent communication efforts in Caledonia and surrounding communities. 3 Year Goals Goal 1- Create an integrated marketing plan which includes PR, communications, and social media plans. Faith Forward 2029 Reference Version

  40. Area #3: Communication and Public Relations Defined: Increase the overall awareness of St. Mary’s through communication to students, parents, parish and the community to allow them to know the value and impact in their time, talent and treasures investments. 3 Year Goals Goal 2- Create a committee to oversee marketing decisions and one volunteer to coordinate the efforts. 1 Year Tactics: 2019 G2, Tactic 2.1- Principal to form the marketing committee consisting of two school board members, two parents (other than school board members), one student, one teacher, and one parish member. This will be done by the completion of the Faith Forward Plan. G2, Tactic 2.2- Marketing committee to nominate one member as coordinator at their first meeting or by September 1, 2019. 10 Year Goal St. Mary’s is well-known for it’s excellent reputation in religion, academics, leadership, and character development through consistent marketing efforts in Caledonia and surrounding communities. Faith Forward 2029 Reference Version

  41. Area #3: Communication and Public Relations (continued…) Defined: Increase the overall awareness of St. Mary’s through communication to students, parents, parish and the community to allow them to know the value and impact in their time, talent and treasures investments. 10 Year Goal St. Mary’s is well-known for it’s excellent reputation in religion, academics, leadership, and character development through consistent marketing efforts in Caledonia and surrounding communities. 1 Year Tactics: 2019 G3, Tactic 3.1- By September 1, 2019, Marketing committee will revamp website. G3, Tactic 3.2- By September 1, 2019, Marketing committee will increase social media followers by 500 and will create two additional platforms (Ref: School Strategic Plan O4,S3,A4). G3, Tactic 3.3- By May 1, 2022, Marketing committee will pick two of the following: After mass social, fair booth, pancake breakfasts, wine and cheese social after 5:10 mass, parish picnic, articles in more papers such as the Bluff Country Reader, Houston County News and/or Spring Grove Herald. Will also put more events on the Caledonia Haulers and Chamber signs and create a commercial or promotional video for St. Mary’s (Ref: School Strategic Plan O3,S2,A4). 3 Year Goals Goal 3- Use new and creative ways to reach more community members including new parishioners and prospective students and their parents. Faith Forward 2029 Reference Version

  42. Area #3: Communication and Public Relations (continued…) Defined: Increase the overall awareness of St. Mary’s through communication to students, parents, parish and the community to allow them to know the value and impact in their time, talent and treasures investments. 1 Year Tactics: 2019 G4, Tactic 4.1- By January 1, 2021, parish council will follow-up with alumni regarding their achievements and send information to Marketing committee (Ref: School Strategic Plan O5,S3,A3). G4, Tactic 4.2- By September 1, 2022, and annual thereafter, the Principal and School board will oversee each grade (pre-K to 8th) involved with a Sunday mass including an after-mass social which will showcase that grades in-class work/projects. These 10 school-focused masses will be spread evenly September through May each year. (Ref: School Strategic Plan O3,S2,A4). G4, Tactic 4.3- By September 2019, School Board to recommend teachers rotating attendance at each School Board meeting. 10 Year Goal St. Mary’s is well-known for it’s excellent reputation in religion, academics, leadership, and character development through consistent marketing efforts in Caledonia and surrounding communities. 3 Year Goals Goal 4- Increase awareness that the church has ownership in the school. Faith Forward 2029 Reference Version

  43. Area #4: Academics Defined: A student-centered curriculum that achieves each individual's full academic potential including character- based life skills incorporating with Catholic values, in preparation to be a productive, lifelong learner and a disciple of Jesus.   10 Year Goal Through the use of strategic partnerships and a flexible, diverse curriculum that keeps the student at the center by helping each student achieve their full, individual potential as well as fulfill it’s mission to create life-long learners who make a positive contribution to society. 3 Year Goals Goal 1-Form Two Strategic Local and Global Partnerships 1 Year Tactics: 2019 G1, Tactic 1.1- By July 31, 2020, Principal to start a pen-pal/sister school program with a school in Mexico, Ireland, Luxemborg or Germany to learn new languages, cultures or cultural heritage. G1, Tactic 1.2- By July 31, 2020, Curriculum Committee to form a strategic partnership with a college and create goals for the relationship to include diverse teacher training (Example: Compression planning and future problem-solving to address critical thinking component) (Ref: School Strategic Plan O1,S2,A3). Faith Forward 2029 Reference Version

  44. Area #4: Academics (continued...) Defined: A student-centered curriculum that achieves each individual's full academic potential including character- based life skills incorporating with Catholic values, in preparation to be a productive, lifelong learner and a disciple of Jesus.   10 Year Goal Through the use of strategic partnerships and a flexible, diverse curriculum that keeps the student at the center by helping each student achieve their full, individual potential as well as fulfill it’s mission to create life-long learners who make a positive contribution to society. 3 Year Goals Goal 2 – 65% of individual students will meet their projected academic growth goal at the end of each school year. Goal 3- Investigate stimulating new course programing. 1 Year Tactics: 2019 G2, Tactic 2.1- Beginning in the Fall of 2019, Principal will arrange a teacher meeting in the fall, winter and spring to review NWEA scores and look for areas for improvement. G3, Tactic 3.1- By Jan. 1, 2022, the Marketing committee will address what is lacking in community education. (Ex. A summer STEM program) The committee will arrange for electrical and plumbing trades to do demonstrations or mini-courses. And they will look into working with the historical society and rotary. G3, Tactic 3.2- By August 31, 2020, parish council to review current Catholic education, concentrating on faith formation for Catholic public-school students. Faith Forward 2029 Reference Version

  45. Area #4: Academics (continued...) Defined: A student-centered curriculum that achieves each individual's full academic potential including character- based life skills incorporating with Catholic values, in preparation to be a productive, lifelong learner and a disciple of Jesus.   10 Year Goal Through the use of strategic partnerships and a flexible, diverse curriculum that keeps the student at the center by helping each student achieve their full, individual potential as well as fulfill it’s mission to create life-long learners who make a positive contribution to society. 3 Year Goals Goal 4 – The School Strategic Plan is to work in conjunction with the Faith Forward 2029 Plan. 1 Year Tactics: 2019 G4, Tactic 4.1- Beginning in the Fall of 2020, the Principal will have on the agenda at the teacher’s weekly meetings to give an update on one of each of the “areas” in this plan as it relates to the school. Faith Forward 2029 Reference Version

  46. Faith Forward 2029 Plan Working In Conjunction With The St. Mary’s School Strategic Plan (MNSAA) St. Mary’s School Strategic Plan Objective, Strategy and Action Step Objective 4, Strategy 2, Action Step 1 Objective 3, Strategy 2, Action Step 2 Objective 3, Strategy 2, Action Step 5 Objective 5, Strategy 1, Action Step 4 Objective 4, Strategy 1, Action Step 3 Objective 4, Strategy 1, Action Step 3 Objective 4, Strategy 3, Action Step 4 Objective 3, Strategy 2, Action Step 4 Objective 5, Strategy 3, Action Step 3 Objective 3, Strategy 2, Action Step 4 Objective 1, Strategy 2, Action Step 3 • Faith Forward 2029 Area, 3 Year Goal and 1 Year Tactic • Enrollment, Goal 1, Tactic 1.2 • Enrollment, Goal 2, Tactic 2.2 • Financial Stability, Goal 2, Tactic 2.3 • Financial Stability, Goal 3, Tactic 3.1 • Communications & PR, Goal 1, Tactic 1.1 • Communications & PR, Goal 1, Tactic 1.2 • Communications & PR, Goal 3, Tactic 3.2 • Communications & PR, Goal 3, Tactic 3.3 • Communications & PR, G4, Tactic 4.1 • Communications & PR, G4, Tactic 4.2 • Academics, Goal 1, Tactic 1.2 Faith Forward 2029 Reference Version

  47. Tactics Timeline Complete Area - Goal#/Tactic# • Enrollment- • Financial-G5/T5.1 Marketing- G2/T2.1, G2/T2.2 Academics- Year 1 - 2019/20 Area - Goal#/Tactic# • Enrollment-G1/T1.1, G2/T2.3, G2/T2.4,G3/T3.1, G4/T4.1 • Financial-G1/T1.1, G1/T1.2,G1/T1.3, G2/T2.1, G2/T2.2, G3/T3.1, G6/T6.1, G6/T6.2, G7/T7.1, G7/T7.2, G7/T7.3, G7/T7.4, G7/T7.6, G7/T7.7, G7/T7.8 Marketing- G1/T1.3, G3/T3.1, G4/T4.3 Academics- G2/T2.1 Year 2 – 2020/21 Area - Goal#/Tactic# • Enrollment- G1/T1.1,G1/T1.2,G2/T2.1, G2/T2.3, G4/T4.1 • Financial- G1/T1.2,G1/T1.3, G2/T2.1, G4/T4.1, G6/T6.2, G6/T6.3, G7/T7.1, G7/T7.2, G7/T7.5, G7/T7.7, G7/T7.8 • Marketing-G1/T1.1, G1/T1.2, G1/T1.4 • Academics- G1/T1.1, G1/T1.2, G2/T2.1, G3/3.2 Year 3 – 2021/22 Area - Goal#/Tactic# • Enrollment- G1/T1.1,G2/T2.2, G2/T2.3, G4/T4.1 • Financial- G1/T1.2,G1/T1.3, G2/T2.1, G2/T2.3, G6/T6.2, G7/T7.1, G7/T7.2, G7/T7.7, G7/T7.8 Marketing- G3/T3.2, G3/T3.3, G4/4.1, G4/T4.2 • Academics- G2/T2.1, G3/T3.1 Version 4

  48. Tactics Spread Over Committees/Individuals Grant Writers Pillar - Goal#/ Tactic# • Enrollment- • Financial- G6/T6.2, • G6/T6.3, • Marketing-Academics- Steering Committee Pillar - Goal#/ Tactic# • Enrollment- • Financial-G7/T7.1, G7/T7.2, G7/T7.3, G7/T7.4, G7/T7.5, • G7/T7.6 • Marketing-Academics- Parish Council Pillar - Goal#/ Tactic# • Enrollment-G1/T1.1, G3/T3.1 • Financial-G2/T2.2, • G7/T7.7 Marketing- G4/T4.1 Academics- G3/T3.2 School Board Pillar - Goal#/ Tactic# • Enrollment- G1/T1.2,G2/T2.1 • Financial- G2/T2.1, G2/T2.3, G3/T3.1, G5/T5.1, G6/T6.1, • G7/T7.8 • Marketing-G1/T1.4, G4/T4.2, G4/T4.3 • Academics- Marketing Committee Pillar - Goal#/ Tactic# • Enrollment- • Financial- G3/T3.1, G4/T4.1,G6/T6.2, • G6/T6.3, • Marketing-G1/T1.1, G1/T1.2, G1/T1.3, G2/T2.2, G3/T3.1, G3/T3.2, G3/T3.3, • Academics- G3/3.1 Finance Council Pillar - Goal#/ Tactic# • Enrollment- • Financial- G1/T1.1, G1/T1.2,G1/T1.3, G6/T6.1, • G7/T7.8 Marketing-Academics- Principal/ Admin. Pillar - Goal#/ Tactic# • Enrollment- G2/T2.2, G2/T2.3, G2/T2.4 • Financial- Marketing- G2/T2.1, G4/T4.2 Academics- • G1/T1.1, G1/T1.2, G2/T2.1 Version 4

  49. Strategic Plan Approval Process St. Mary’s Catholic Church & School Faith Forward 2029 Reference Version

  50. Strategic Plan Approval Process • Feedback and Review Sessions • Final Edits • Approval • Executive Steering Committee • Father StephenAbaukaka • School Superintendent and Diocese Faith Forward 2029 Reference Version

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