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Using Sunapsis ® to Identify and Track Sponsored Students

Using Sunapsis ® to Identify and Track Sponsored Students. Daniel Whitmer Associate Director Sponsored Student Services Office of International Services Indiana University. Using Sunapsis ® to Identify and Track Sponsored Students.

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Using Sunapsis ® to Identify and Track Sponsored Students

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  1. Using Sunapsis®to Identify and Track Sponsored Students Daniel Whitmer Associate Director Sponsored Student Services Office of International Services Indiana University

  2. Using Sunapsis®to Identify and Track Sponsored Students If your school is identifying sponsored students in order to provide them with specialized services and-or advising, then find out how sunapsis® can help you track this information and make them easier to identify. This session will introduce users to the Sponsored Student Table. Other ideas related to sponsored students will be discussed, such as custom reports, creating alerts for SACM financial guarantees, and e-forms for handling transcripts. 

  3. The Sponsored Student Information Table Once this table is saved, it inserts the sponsor info in top-left profile panel. Found in >Record Management>Immigration Documents>Sponsored Student Information

  4. The Sponsored Student Information Table (con’t) • Highlights of this table: • Administrative Organization • Funding source • Agency advisor • Track fee applicability • Track U.S. Government sponsored (i.e. Fulbright) • Run custom reports based on this table

  5. Other Sponsored Document Table • Other Sponsored Document Table: • Find this under Record Management>Immigration Documents>Other Sponsored Document • Keep track of DS-2019 information for U.S. Government Sponsored Students • Note: End Program date will affect dates shown on profile box.

  6. Running a Sponsored Student Custom Report • Other Sponsored Document Table: • Find this under Record Management>Immigration Documents>Other Sponsored Document • Keep track of DS-2019 information for U.S. Government Sponsored Students • Note: End Program date will affect dates shown on profile box.

  7. Other Sponsored Document Table: • Find this under Record Management>Immigration Documents>Other Sponsored Document • Keep track of DS-2019 information for U.S. Government Sponsored Students • Note: End Program date will affect dates shown on profile box.

  8. Custom Report Results – Exported to MS Excel • Use this report for things like: • Enrollment Stats • Email Communication INDIANA UNIVERSITY

  9. Creating Alerts for Financial Guarantees 2. Title 3. Group 4. Level 5. Alert Date 1. New INDIANA UNIVERSITY

  10. Creating Alerts for Financial Guarantees (Con’t) Once the alert is set, it will appear in your case tracker. INDIANA UNIVERSITY

  11. Using e-Forms to Handle Transcript Requests • If your office is coordinating transcript requests for Saudi or other sponsored students, you can set this up on an e-form to handle these requests. • Issues for consideration: • Registrar/FERPA requirements • Billing process • Sending process • How I handle it: • I send the link to all new students each semester. • I add myself as a second approver so I get the email that the student has submitted the e-form. • I keep an Excel spreadsheet with this data and email it to the registrar at the end of each semester. INDIANA UNIVERSITY

  12. Transcript Requests e-Form Design I keep this e-form hidden from the i-Start menu. The link at the top can be emailed to qualified students for them to access it directly. INDIANA UNIVERSITY

  13. Transcript Requests e-Form Design (con’t) INDIANA UNIVERSITY

  14. Transcript Requests e-Form Design (con’t) INDIANA UNIVERSITY

  15. Transcript Requests e-Form Design (con’t) INDIANA UNIVERSITY

  16. Questions? Thanks for coming! Daniel Whitmer Email: djwhitme@iu.edu INDIANA UNIVERSITY

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