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Background on Shakespeare

Background on Shakespeare. Model For Web Quest Presentation Due January 23, 2008. His Birth and Birth Place. Born in Stratford Upon Avon in April of 1564. Baptized at Holy Trinity Church on April 26 th 'Shakespeare's Stratford' by Dr Pat Hughes, 1994. Family Ties.

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Background on Shakespeare

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  1. Background on Shakespeare Model For Web Quest Presentation Due January 23, 2008

  2. His Birth and Birth Place • Born in Stratford Upon Avon in April of 1564. • Baptized at Holy Trinity Church on April 26th • 'Shakespeare's Stratford' by Dr Pat Hughes, 1994.

  3. Family Ties • Parents: John Shakespeare, Mary Arden • Parents Jobs • John: trained glove maker, traded wool, and elected Mayor of Stratford in 1568 • Mary: Daughter of farmer Robert Arden of Wilmcote • Syblings • Mother had five more children after William, one died young

  4. Education • Began School around the age of Seven • Grammar School still stands today • Focused on teaching Latin both written and spoken • The works Ovid, Terence and Plautus, Roman History influenced the development of his characters and plots of his poems and plays • Left school at 14-This was the usual custom

  5. Marriage 1582 Married Ann Hathaway He was 18 she was 26 Had three children with her Her home is referred to as Ann Hathaway’s Cottage, still exists in Shottery The Lost Years Possibly a Teacher in Stratford Possibly Poached a dear in a nearby forest Possibly joined a group of traveling actors Arrived in London between 1586-87 The In-between Years

  6. Growing Success 1596 Father Granted Coat of Arms 1597 Bought “New Place” in Stratford A large property 1601 inherited Father’s Coat of Arms and earns title of Gentleman The Early Years -Reputation established In London by 1592 -Earliest plays included: Henry VI, The Two Gentlemen of Verona, and Titus Andronicus. -Two First Printed Work: +Venus and Adonis (1593) + The Rape of Lucrece (1594) -Joined a group of Actors -Wrote about two plays a year The Rise to Stardom

  7. The Theaters The Globe Cheep standing only section for peasants All the Kings Men Actors who played the parts Women could not perform on stage Cheep standing only section for peasants Performed between 2-5 in the afternoon Shakespeare’s Later Career (King James Era) Shakespeare’s actors granted patronage in 1603 “All the Kings Men” Plays performed in royal palaces and public places 1609 Blackfriars (indoor theater) Famous Plays Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth (tragedies) Cymbeline, The Winter's Tale and The Tempest. (The Romances) 1609-12 1623 First Folio-collection of 36 Plays The Performances and et al

  8. Later Years In Stratford • His Daughters • Susanna Married John Hall a Physician (1607) • Had a daughter Elizabeth • Judith Married Thomas Quiney (1616) • Son (twin to Judith) died in 1596 1611-1616 • Spent most of his time in Stratford • March1616 signed will • Died on April 23, 1616 • Left most of his possessions to: Family, friends, and colleagues in “The Kings Men”

  9. The Later Years Continued • His Wife • Died 1623 and is buried besides him in Holy Trinity Church

  10. Resources • Shakespeare Birthplace Trust “Outline of Shakespeare’s Life” Vitural Teacher Center. 2008. Accessed on January 7, 2008. http://www.shakespeare.org.uk/content/view/12/12/ • Accessed on January 8, 2008 • http://www.springfield.k12.il.us/schools/springfield/eliz/images2/ShakTheatCost2.JPEG • Accessed on January 8, 2008 http://thewinger.com/words/wp-content/images/360/20071021_094103.jpg Accessed on January 8, 2008 http://mysite.wanadoo-members.co.uk/heartofengland /shakespeareroots.htm Accessed on January 8, 2008 http://www.pbs.org/shakespeare/images/events/coat-of-arms.jpg Accessed on January 13, 2008 http://www.william-shakespeare.info/images/inn.jpg Accessed on Jaunaury 13, 2008 http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.andreas-praefcke.de/carthalia/uk/ images/uk_stratford_shakespeare_old_2.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.andreas-praefcke.de/carthalia/uk/uk_stratford_shakespeare _old.htm&h=341&w=535&sz=43&hl=en&start=7&tbnid=wsNtJYB1Xc9zXM:&tbnh=84&tbnw=132&prev=/images%3Fq%3D Stratford%26gbv%3D2%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US: official%26sa%3DG Reverse Text: "Shakespeare's Memorial Theatre - from an original water colour drawing by W. W. Quatremain"Publisher: J. Salmon, Sevenoaks; 736Type: Divided Back

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