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Learn How to Overcome Depression from Dr. Pratibha Sharma

Depression is a state of mind when a person feels sad and left out from its surrounding. Come, let us see what Dr. Pratibha sharma has to say about dealing with it.

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Learn How to Overcome Depression from Dr. Pratibha Sharma

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  1. Learn How to Overcome Depression from Dr. Pratibha Sharma Dealing with depression can demand a lot of strength than anything else in this world. The life we live is filled with a lot of negative aspects. Especially because of this pandemic situation we all are stuck in for the past one and a half years. Such situations air depression the most and leave us stuck in it for a long time. Dr. Pratibha Sharma shares a few tips on how to overcome depression. But before that, let us recall what depression is all about. Depression is a state of mind when a person feels sad and left out from its surrounding. Come, let us see what Dr. Pratibha Sharma has to say about dealing with it. Get into a Routine- When we plan a routine in our lives and stick to it, it helps us remain in form. A planned day not only keeps us away from the chaos but also takes the time that we use otherwise to overthink. Having a planned meal, sleep, work, and play routine, positively balances our life thoughts. This also helps us to lead a healthy life, which makes us feel positive from within. Set a Goal- Every single person on this planet should have a goal to achieve as it helps in focusing our time on it. Set a career or personal goal and work towards accomplishing it. When we do so, we also set a stipulated time limit. That leaves us with the least free time to overthink and get depressed about anything. Also, when we work towards achieving something, we feel pumped up from within that sideways any negative thought. Begin Exercising- Exercise helps us fight diseases as well as keeps our mind and soul happy that is never depressed. Exercising opens up our muscles and loosens our body, which relieves all the stressed nerves. It keeps our body healthy and mind sane, which does not let any depressed thought hit it again. Exercising not only means joining a gym you can try yoga, cycling, walking, cardio, etc. Switch to Healthy Eating- Not every food that goes in our mouth is healthy. When we deal with depression, we often eat unhealthy food. So, to deal with depression, you need to eat healthily. Include salad, green vegetables, fresh fruits, organic teas, etc., in your diet. No, you need not include all these at one go but include them slowly-slowly in your diet. These are some of Dr. Pratibha’s tips onhow to overcome depression. She has some more such tips for that visit her YouTube channel.

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