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任务型课堂教学的设计与实践 Task-Based Language Teaching

任务型课堂教学的设计与实践 Task-Based Language Teaching . 临海市回浦中学 张 音.  任务活动和语言练习的区别( Difference )  学习任务的组成( Components )  优秀的任务活动是什么样的?  任务型课堂教学的特点( Features)  任务型课堂的设计原则( Guidelines)  任务活动的分类  任务型课堂教学的设计和实践( Example). The essential difference between task and exercise.

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任务型课堂教学的设计与实践 Task-Based Language Teaching

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  1. 任务型课堂教学的设计与实践Task-Based Language Teaching 临海市回浦中学 张 音

  2. 任务活动和语言练习的区别(Difference)  学习任务的组成(Components ) 优秀的任务活动是什么样的?  任务型课堂教学的特点(Features) 任务型课堂的设计原则(Guidelines) 任务活动的分类  任务型课堂教学的设计和实践(Example)

  3. The essential difference betweentask and exercise • Task Task has a nonlinguistic outcome • ExerciseAn exercise has a linguistic outcome 任务活动与语言练习有着本质的区别。任务活动所谋求的效果不是一种机械的语言训练,而是侧重在执行任务中学生自我完成任务的能力和策略的培养,重视学习者在完成任务过程中的参与和在交流活动中所获得的经验。 (See example below)

  4. A task is an activity or action which is carried out as the result of processing or understanding language ( i.e.as a response). • (Richards, Platt and Weber 1986:289) 任务=人们在学习、理解、体会语言之后所开展的活动。

  5. The components of a task • 目标 (Goals) • 信息输入( Input Data)  语言信息(Verbal data) 如:a dialogue, reading passage, etc.  非语言信息(Non-verbal data) 如:picture, etc. • 活动 (Activities)

  6. A framework for analyzing communicative tasks 交际型任务框架分析 Goals Teacher role Input TASKS Learner role Activities Settings ( A Sample)

  7. Good learning task should: 1 enable learners to manipulate and practice specific features of language 2 allow learners to rehearse, in class, communicative skills they will need in the real world 3 activate psychological/psycholinguistic processes of learning 4 be suitable for mixed ability groups 5 involve learners in solving a problem, coming to a conclusion

  8. 6 be based on authentic or naturalistic source material • involve learners in sharing information • require the use of more than one macro-skill • 9 allow learners to think and talk about language and learning • 10 promote skills in learning how to learn • 11 have clear objectives stating what learners will be able to do as a result of taking part in the task • 12 utilize the community as a resource

  9. 13 give learners a choice in what way they do and the order in which they do it. 14 involve learners in risk-taking 15 require learners to rehearse, rewrite and polish initial efforts 16 enable learners to share in the planning and development of the task 17 have built into them a means of evaluating the success or otherwise of the task

  10. 任务型语言教学的特点 1. 强调通过交流来学会交际 2. 将真实的语言材料引入学习的环境 3.关注语言的本身,也关注学习的过程 4. 把学习者个人的经历作为课堂学习的重要因素 5.试图把课内的语言学习与社会的语言活动结合起来。 ( David Nunan 1991)

  11. 言语、情境真实(The authentic language & situation principle) • 设计任务时要提供给学生明确、真实的语言信息,语言情景和语言形式要符合语言实际功能和语言规律。使学生在一种自然、真实或模拟真实的情境中体会语言、学习语言、掌握语言的应用。

  12. 形式与功能相结合(The form-function principle) 任务的设计要注重形式和语言功能的结合。要让学生在掌握语言形式的同时,学会自我培养掌握语言功能的能力;每一阶段任务的设计都具有一定的导入性,使学生在学习语言形式的基础上,通过系列任务的训练,能够自己进行推理和演绎,从而理解语言的功能,并在交际中进行真实运用。

  13. 阶梯型任务链(The task-dependency & the task-chain principle) 学习单元中任务的设计应由简到繁,由易到难,前后相连,层层深入,并形成由初级任务到高级任务,再由高级任务涵盖初级任务的循环, 并由数个微型任务构成“任务链”。在语言技能方面,应当先输入后输出,使教学阶梯式地层层递进。

  14. 在做中学(Learning by doing) 自始至终引导学生通过完成具体的任务活动来学习语言,让学生为了特定的学习目的去实施特定的语言行动,并通过完成特定的交际任务来获得和积累相应的学习经验,享受成功的喜悦。

  15. 任务型课堂教学的基本步骤: Preview task Leading-in / warming-up activities Pre-task (呈现和学习完成任务所需的语言知识) While task(设计数个微型任务,构成任务链,学生以个人或小组形式完成各项任务) Post-task (各小组向全班展示任务结果) Check (学生自评,小组互评,教师总评) Homework (根据课堂任务内容,设计相关项目)

  16. 任务型课堂教学的基本步骤: Preview task Leading-in / warming-up activities Pre-task (呈现和学习完成任务所需的语言知识) While task(设计数个微型任务,构成任务链,学生以个人或小组形式完成各项任务) Post-task (各小组向全班展示任务结果) Check (学生自评,小组互评,教师总评) Homework (根据课堂任务内容,设计相关项目)

  17. SEFC(II) Unit21 Lesson82 Music Preview task New words and expressions:  1. Learn new words and expressions in this lesson 2. Learn the following new words and expressions: organ(风琴), harp(竖琴),flute(笛子),trumpet(喇叭),horn(圆号),saxophone(萨克斯风),triangle(三角响铁),baton(指挥棒),symphony(交响乐),concerto(协奏曲),solo(独唱,独奏),duet(二重唱,二重奏),chorus(合唱) Reading: 1. Read L82 fast, and try to find out how many music names mentioned and what are they. 2. Read L82 Part II “World Music” carefully, and try to find out the features of each world music

  18. Reference articles: 1.      SEFC 1A Unit 11 Country Music 2.      SEFC 1B Unit 26 An Interesting Life 3.      “Making Connections” Book2 Unit 2 Sending Messages Reference web sites: 1.      www.accordions.com 2.      www.duolaimi.com 3.      www.th-tq.com 4.      www.cchild.com.cn 5.      www.beatlezone.net Reference materials:

  19. 任务型课堂教学的基本步骤: Preview task Leading-in / warming-up activities Pre-task (呈现和学习完成任务所需的语言知识) While task(设计数个微型任务,构成任务链,学生以个人或小组形式完成各项任务) Post-task (各小组向全班展示任务结果) Check (学生自评,小组互评,教师总评) Homework (根据课堂任务内容,设计相关项目)

  20. SEFC (I) Unit7 Lesson26&27 Earthquake

  21. 任务型课堂教学的基本步骤: Preview task Leading-in / warming-up activities Pre-task (呈现和学习完成任务所需的语言知识) While task(设计数个微型任务,构成任务链,学生以个人或小组形式完成各项任务) Post-task (各小组向全班展示任务结果) Check (学生自评,小组互评,教师总评) Homework (根据课堂任务内容,设计相关项目)

  22. SEFC(III) Lesson11 Australia

  23. SEFC(II) Unit5 Lesson18 Charlie Chaplin

  24. 任务型课堂教学的基本步骤: Preview task Leading-in / warming-up activities Pre-task (呈现和学习完成任务所需的语言知识) While task(设计数个微型任务,构成任务链,学生以个人或小组形式完成各项任务) Post-task (各小组向全班展示任务结果) Check (学生自评,小组互评,教师总评) Homework (根据课堂任务内容,设计相关项目)

  25. SEFC(I) Unit5 Lesson18 The green hills of Tangsa Group A: a reporter interview the villagers to find out the differences between the past and present (women villagers, a 99-year-old man, a strong man…) ----This is Janson, CCTV reporter.Thank you for watching our program, see you next time. Group B: a woman leader talk about the experience of planting trees Group C: a villager talk about his change of the attitude towards trees (once:cut down trees to make money /now:plant trees)

  26. SEFC(II) Unit6 Lesson22 Coins (productive task) Which city is ready to hold the 2008 Olympic Games? So we need a commemorative coin for it.Would you like to be a designer to give us your own product? In what shape? In what size? What is it made of? What will be pressed on the head/tail side? Why?

  27. Unit 8 First Aid ( SBII ) Task 1 Has you school founded your own first aid unit? Why not organize such a unit? Suppose you are one of the leaders of this unit, make an introduction. Following details are expected to be contained: Name? Members? Purpose? Service? etc. Huipu High School First Aid Unit (HHSFAU) was founded in 2001 with the purpose of providing medical cover for events and first aid training within the school and its surrounding neighborhoods. ………… If you need help, just call us: 5111911. If you are willing to be a first aider, please join us!

  28. Task 2 Suppose you, a parent of a 7-year-old child, have rich experience in always keeping your child safe, give suggestions to other young parents on how to protect your child inside the house and out, what to do in an emergency, how to stock a first-aid kit, where to call for help, and so on. Use the knowledge you’ve just learned in this unit, and go on line or go to a library to get more information as the reference. What to do in an emergency? (just do retelling of the text, give extra information if possible) Where to call for help? How to stock a first-aid kit?

  29. SEFC(III) Unit7 Advertising Make a survey: How do the advertisers manage to make a good ad? What make the ads more possible to capture the audiences’ attention? What are the most popular ads? What kind of ad can be called a good one? Try to make a good ad.

  30. 任务型课堂教学的基本步骤: Preview task Leading-in / warming-up activities Pre-task (呈现和学习完成任务所需的语言知识) While task(设计数个微型任务,构成任务链,学生以个人或小组形式完成各项任务) Post-task (各小组向全班展示任务结果) Check (学生自评,小组互评,教师总评) Homework (根据课堂任务内容,设计相关项目)

  31. SEFC(I) Unit6 A new factory Lesson21 • Homework: • Get on line and search information for cars and car factories in and out of China. Chose one and make an introduction report; • Compare NOTICE with POSTER, clarify the differences and similarities between them. Design a POSTER for your National Day’s activity.

  32. Teaching Plan for a Writing Mini-lesson Aims: 1.Cultivate Ss’ ability to tell a story and summarize opinions. 2.Provide Ss with a chance to exchange their opinions on owning a car, and thus help them to know one another better. 3.Give Ss a chance to practise communicating through the discussion and debate. 4.Help Ss understand more about the characteristics and functions of an essay. Procedures: 1.Pre-writing Attract Ss’ attention to the news:“Though many car accidents take place all over the world every day, buying a private car becomes more and more popular…”, then organize a debate on the topic:“It is (not) a good idea to own a car”, make them give various opinions and summarize their different opinion. (esp. one student in each side take notes and make a summary at last)

  33. 2. Drafting: Get Ss to produce a first, rough draft on the debating topic, then confirm their points of view, and later review the draft for content and clarify of meaning, edit the paragraphs for spelling and mechanical errors. Evaluate their writings with the checklist—“writing assessment”. (All these are designed as individual work first,then exchange drafts with partner as pair work or team work). 3. Post-writing: Have Ss share their completed and polished paragraphs with the help of a slider, evaluate different writings using a “writing assessment” as an aid, decide which writing pieces will become part of T’s portfolio or even recommended to be part of the school English magazine “Sunshine”.

  34. 高潮 梯度 广度 深度 任务

  35. 融合 各种语言技能(听、说、读、写) 语言与其他课程内容(自然科学、 社会科学、文学知识……) 学生之间 学校与社会 以人为本 合作学习 形成性评估 教学反思

  36. SEFC(II) Unit21 Lesson82 Music Teacher Reflection: ◆Are Ss able to identify some different music and musical instruments after having the lesson? ◆Can Ss use what they have got in the lesson to do their research? ◆Are all Ss willing participants in making dialogues and discussions? How can I help those who find it a difficult process?

  37. Thank you!

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