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Lab 2: Hominid Anatomy

Lab 2: Hominid Anatomy. Key features to know. Lab Materials. Skeletal Changes In Human Evolution

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Lab 2: Hominid Anatomy

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  1. Lab 2: Hominid Anatomy Key features to know

  2. Lab Materials Skeletal Changes In Human Evolution The earliest humans evolved in a parallel track with other primates. To understand the anatomical differences from an paleoanthropological perspective, you have to look at the fossils. You also have to understand some basic skeletal anatomy. This discussion section should help you recognize and understand major features and changes as apparent from the skulls. In section, you can handle skull casts of some of the non-human primates and some of the fossil hominids. You'll also have a simple classification exercise based on the skeletal features. The list of terms below is certainly not a complete list of all the anatomical comparisons, but you should know what they mean and where possible, you should look at each specimen so you have a better understanding. In class, you’ll look at parts 1-2 of the recent video series Ape Man which clearly shows the relationships and development of human evolution and anatomy. A book of the same title is also available. The terms listed below will all be explained in the class demonstrations and hands-on activities. Try to note what each term means and how the characteristics changed as our species evolved.

  3. Locomotion Bipedal locomotionUpright postureStrideGreat toe The Hand BrachiationOpposable thumbPrecision GripPower Grip The Skull For an excellent web presentation and tutorial on the human (H.s.s.) skull, visit the Skull Module from the Department of Anthropology at CSU-Chico (http://www.csuchico.edu/anth/Module/skull.html. Crests (saggital, occipital)Foreman magnumDental Arcade/Arch Y-5 Cusp pattern Supraorbital torusZygomatic archMandibleVaulted foreheadCranial capacityBinocular visionDiastema Terms to know Try to understand the relationship between these elements in terms of the trends for evolutionary change.

  4. Erect posture Shape of spinal column Rare, but possible, true or pseudo human tails

  5. Skeletal implications of bipedalism Location of foramen magnum

  6. Bipedal Locomotion Laetoli Footprints Chimp and human foot

  7. Femurs of upright walkers and ape Leg of modern humanThis modern Homo sapiens bone shows the structure of the femur of an upright walker or bipedal animal. The ball joint, the part that joins the pelvis, sits directly over the outside of the knee. The angle subtended by the femur at the knee in bipedal walkers is greater than that of quadrupedal walkers. This results in the inner bump of the knee joint being longer than the outer bump. Leg of Australopithecus afarensisThis diagram shows the femur with the same shape and structure as that of modern humans, but it is a little shorter. It subtends the same angle at the knee as that of a modern human and the inner bump of the knee joint is larger than the outer one. This shows that this hominin was also a bipedal walker. Leg of apeQuadrupedal animals like apes, have femurs in which the ball joint, the part that joins the pelvis, sits directly over the inside of the knee. The angle subtended by the femur at the knee in quadrupedal walkers is less than that of bipedal walkers.

  8. Skeletal implications of bipedalism Pelvis, femur feet

  9. Skeletal implications of bipedalism Chimp vs. A. afarensis Knock-kneed walk

  10. Human Bipedalism—Balanced on the Edge of Disaster Eadweard Muybridge  (1830-1904) did early studies of human locomotion

  11. Prognathism “Muzzle” angles (prognathism) of ape and modern human

  12. Pongid Prognathism. (Line of greatest muscle force is shown in red.) Understanding Physical Anthropology and Archaeology, 8th ed., p. 245

  13. Satittal crests and temporal muscle orientations. Hominid compared to pongid. (Line of greatest muscle force is shown in red.) Understanding Physical Anthropology and Archaeology, 8th ed., p. 245

  14. Human and Ape Brains Humankind Emerging, 7th ed., p. 389

  15. The brains develop in . . . • size • complexity • the ratio of brain weight to overall body weight

  16. Cranial Capacity Understanding Physical Anthropology and Archaeology, 8th ed., p. 234

  17. Cranial Capacity & Vaulted Forehead Homo erectus Australopithecus afarensis Homo (sapiens?) neandthalensis Homo sapiens sapiens

  18. Teeth / Dental Arcade

  19. Monkey & Ape Canines Apes (and monkeys) still possess conical, dagger-like canines which project well beyond the surface of the opposite teeth. The gap is a diastema.

  20. Teeth of a male patas monkey. Understanding Physical Anthropology and Archaeology, 8th ed., p. 231

  21. Molar Cusp Patterns plus-4 Y-5 Y-5

  22. Example of early hominid fossil Y-5 cusp pattern molars

  23. Dental formulae Understanding Physical Anthropology and Archaeology, 8th ed., p. 125

  24. Changes in dental arcade Proconsul heseloni 19 - 17 mya Modern Chimp Australopithecus africanus,2.8 - 2.3 mya Homo erectus 500,000 - 300,000 y Modern homo sapiens 100,000 ya to now

  25. The Overall Pattern Is Toward Small Jaws and Teeth

  26. Crests and other muscle attachments

  27. Crests and other muscle attachments zygomatic arch

  28. Mandible and chewing Muscle attachments

  29. Some Important Skull Features

  30. Modern human cranium. Understanding Physical Anthropology and Archaeology, 8th ed., p. 510

  31. For a nearly complete look at skulls, click on the image above for the Australian National Museum’s web site.

  32. Adding to the confusion:Sexual Dimporhism How much do we see in the fossil record?

  33. Be sure to look at Becoming Human, the Institute for Human Origins broadband documentary and web site.

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