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Philippians 3

Pressing Toward Christ. Philippians 3 . Colossians 2: 16 – 23 We need to finish up the thought we started last week. Remember, we talked about the fact that in Christ we are knit together and built up in the body. Recall that the essence of Chapter 2 is the Phrase “In Him.”. Colossians 2.

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Philippians 3

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  1. Pressing Toward Christ Philippians 3

  2. Colossians 2: 16 – 23 • We need to finish up the thought we started last week. • Remember, we talked about the fact that in Christ we are knit together and built up in the body. • Recall that the essence of Chapter 2 is the Phrase “In Him.” Colossians 2

  3. We completed the thought of life in Christ with the realization that our sins had been blotted out and nailed to the Cross. We finish with the idea that Christ has disarmed all the influence of Satan. Paul then continues his thought with verses 16 through 23 –dealing with the various days of worship. Colossians 2

  4. Paul tells us to let no one judge us in food or drink or regarding a festival. • The reference to food and drink is twofold: clearly he is talking about the traditions of the Jews, but he is also talking about food offered to idols. • The rest of the passage deals with an argument that had plagued the early church that certain holidays were essential for proper salvation. • Look at verse 18, and compare it to verse 8. Colossians 2

  5. Now, compare verse 20 with verse 8. • What is the purpose of the word cheat? • What is the purpose of the phrase “basic principles”? • Worshiping of Angels was an established tradition in Colosse. In fact, this tradition would plague the church for centuries. • If ceremonies and holy days seem not to be important, what are they for? Remember, God himself instituted the four holy days of Israel, and Jesus instituted the Last Supper. • Look closely at verse 17. Colossians 2

  6. Now we return to the book of Philippians, chapter 3. At this point, we see the very personal nature of the book of Philippians. It meanders. We keep in mind that the purpose of the book was to assure the Philippians that Epaphrodituswas doing well. The letter is also designed to inform the Philippian church that Paul believes his Roman imprisonment is about to end. Philippians 3

  7. Recall that Paul has already given the Philippian church 2:5—let this mind to be in you which was also in Christ Jesus. • We talked about what that mind was. • He continues this theme as he starts into chapter 3. Verse one has always puzzled me. • Why is rejoicing in the Lord safe? Philippians 3

  8. Verses two through six address the heresy of the circumcision. • Verse 3 tells us that we are all circumcised if we rejoice in Christ. • The last part of the verse is a dig at the Judaizers. No act of the flesh can defeat sin. • And Paul demonstrates his point in verses 4 through 6 by listing his credentials. Frankly, he’s better than us. Philippians 3

  9. Philippians 3:7—Paul demonstrates that he is not, in fact, better than us. • This is the pinnacle of the book. Most of us memorize verse 8. But verse 8 and verse 9 are a continuous sentence. Let us take a look at verse 9. • Found in Christ and not of my own righteousness but God’s. Notice how this thought leads into verse 10. Philippians 3

  10. Philippians 3:10 is the height, the pinnacle of the book. • To know Him. There are 178 words in Greek to capture the concept of know. This one means to know intimately, to know as a friend. I have done all of this to be found in Him in His righteousness, so that I might know Him. Not know about him. • Power. The Greek word is δύναμις, dynamis. The root word for Dynamo, power Plant. I pray, says Paul, to share in the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of his sufferings. Philippians 3

  11. Verses 12 and 13 are often used to argue that we can lose our salvation, or that salvation is not perfect at the time of conversion. • This is not what Paul is teaching. But this is complicated. • In the eyes of Christ, we are perfect upon conversion. • But in terms of the perfect service of God, we are growing more like Christ as time goes on. Philippians 3

  12. The growth process does not change our inheritance. Paul is attacking Antinomianism, a doctrine that says our freedom in Christ frees us from any moral law. That is not the case. Look at verse 16 –as you review your notes on these four books, look how often Paul uses the analogy of walking to refer to our Christian life. Philippians 3

  13. Verse 20 is a highlight. • Our citizenship is in heaven. • We await our Savior. • Verse 21 you will transform this body of sin into a glorious body. • And this verse clarifies what he was saying in verse 12. He is already working in us to bring about the perfection of his own body. • Now, go back to verse 13 and 14. This is a good way to conclude this section. Philippians 3

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