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Analysis of data

Analysis of data. What is suggested by the quantitative data?. What feature of the quant data is of interest - a ecological footprint feature? Or a demographic feature? Or both? ecological footprint – use the filter to create extreme values comparison

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Analysis of data

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Analysis of data

  2. What is suggested by the quantitative data? • What feature of the quant data is of interest - a ecological footprint feature? Or a demographic feature? Or both? • ecological footprint – use the filter to create extreme values comparison • demographic – use the filter to create profile comparison • What are the significant correlations? • Couples with children: fish eaters, better housing, rail travellers • Sole parents: low electricity use, machinery operators and drivers, not in the labour force • Are they significantly different in their consumption of food?

  3. Comparison of couples w/out children and sole parents on food resource issues

  4. Create a demographic profile 1

  5. Create a demographic profile 2

  6. Create a demographic profile 3

  7. Select the narrative files • Use the filter to generate the names for your two groups • Open the narrative data file and cut out all the names that aren’t in your group or groups • Read the narratives to locate themes • Use the Find function to search for words that fit the themes you are interested in

  8. Andrea My theme is awareness and ignorance around resource depletion, climate change and global warming. The synonyms are- informed, enlightened, learnt, disregard, lack of knowledge, uneducated, not aware. I have also added words like shock, surprise, shame, disbelief, uncertain and unsure as I feel they tie up with the two main words. The demographic groups that I will be looking at are both male and female in the age groups 16-35 and 35- 60.

  9. Finding the Not S forms

  10. Semiotic Square V2 Reasonable

  11. Semiotic Square 1

  12. Semiotic Square 2

  13. Semiotic Square 3

  14. Semiotic Square 4 – Andrea’s words

  15. The Narratives of Food • Many of the issues in the transcripts relate to what people do or believe • Some search terms may be easy to identify and very common - compost, recycling, waste, time, money • A two stage process – find the texts that contain the terms – food, vege/garden, meat, fish • Then apply a semiotic analysis to those texts

  16. Petro’s semiotic square. Theme: different responses to recycling

  17. Judith’s belief/doubt square

  18. Geoff Kia ora Geoff Judith’s belief/doubt square

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