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Nutriendo las Naciones

Parte 4 LA HISTORIA TRANSFORMADORA. 12 La Gran Historia13 G

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Nutriendo las Naciones

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    1. Nutriendo las Naciones Sexismo y el Espíritu de Baal

    2. Parte 4 LA HISTORIA TRANSFORMADORA 12 La Gran Historia 13 Génesis 1: Igualdad en Ser 14 Génesis 2: Diferentes en Función 15 Génesis 3: La Distorsión del Ser y Función 16 El Sexismo y el Espíritu de Baal 17 La Venida del Esposo Divino 18 La Novia de Cristo 19 Las Bodas del Cordero 20 La Mujer que Reina como Ester: Criando y Formando las Naciones

    3. Las Cuatro Épocas de la Historia Bíblica: CREACION

    4. Las Cuatro Épocas de la Historia Bíblica: CAIDA

    5. Las Cuatro Épocas de la Historia Bíblica: REDENCION

    6. Las Cuatro Épocas de la Historia Bíblica: CONSUMACION

    7. Tres Corrientes La corriente oscura El Espíritu de Baal y el Surgimiento del Sexismo La corriente brillante La Distinción Hebrea en el Mundo Antiguo La corriente más brillante El Regreso de Ishi Mardi Keyes, Christian Apologist and staff member of L’Abri Fellowship describes three strands of OT history as it relates to women The Dark Strand: fallen humankind’s treatment of women The rise of Baalism The Brighter Strand: the law of God to protect women against the worst abuses and the unusual place of Hebrew women in the ancient world The Brightest Strand: God’s reclaiming His Bride (Hosea) you will call me ‘my Ishi’; you will no longer call me ‘my Baali.’” The promise of the coming Messiah and His godly treatment of women Mardi Keyes, Christian Apologist and staff member of L’Abri Fellowship describes three strands of OT history as it relates to women The Dark Strand: fallen humankind’s treatment of women The rise of Baalism The Brighter Strand: the law of God to protect women against the worst abuses and the unusual place of Hebrew women in the ancient world The Brightest Strand: God’s reclaiming His Bride (Hosea) you will call me ‘my Ishi’; you will no longer call me ‘my Baali.’” The promise of the coming Messiah and His godly treatment of women

    8. La Corriente Oscura El Surgimiento del Sexismo y el Espíritu de Baal

    9. El Gran Intercambio Génesis 6:5-6 Romanos 1:21-23,25 Romanos 3:23 Small Group Work Read the passages What does this reveal about human depravity? What is the great exchange? Feedback The Great Exchange The worship of the Glorious God For the worship and service of two counterfeits: Pagan Humanism – “like mortal man” Pagan Animism – “created things”: birds, animals, reptiles In our case, the Hebrew people returned to Pagan AnimismSmall Group Work Read the passages What does this reveal about human depravity? What is the great exchange? Feedback The Great Exchange The worship of the Glorious God For the worship and service of two counterfeits: Pagan Humanism – “like mortal man” Pagan Animism – “created things”: birds, animals, reptiles In our case, the Hebrew people returned to Pagan Animism

    10. ¡Tu concepto de hombre y esposo está determinado por el Dios a quien adoras! We are getting ahead of ourselves. Let’s briefly reviewWe are getting ahead of ourselves. Let’s briefly review

    11. Ishi Hebrew Letter by Sarah Leah sarahleah@hebrewletters.comHebrew Letter by Sarah Leah sarahleah@hebrewletters.com

    12. Dios el Arquetipo Ishi Génesis 2:23 Ishi – Hebreo para esposo Dios el arquetipo para esposo El es Esposo La naturaleza misma de Dios es ser esposo - autoridad amorosa, autosacrificada El es Ishi para Su pueblo Israel Cristo es Ishi para Su novia, la Iglesia Before we begin we must review briefly a few things. The transcendent root of ISH is God Himself. I cannot shout loud enough this profound truth. God’s very nature is to HUSBAND. The Transforming Story reveals God’s love fore his people in the O.T. and Jesus love for the Church in the N.T. Thus he created in Adam and Eve the first model of the transcendent nature. And subsequently, God’s intention has been for the human ish to lovingly-self-sacrificing lead his wife.Before we begin we must review briefly a few things. The transcendent root of ISH is God Himself. I cannot shout loud enough this profound truth. God’s very nature is to HUSBAND. The Transforming Story reveals God’s love fore his people in the O.T. and Jesus love for the Church in the N.T. Thus he created in Adam and Eve the first model of the transcendent nature. And subsequently, God’s intention has been for the human ish to lovingly-self-sacrificing lead his wife.

    13. Dios el Ishi de Israel Israel entró en un pacto de matrimonio con Dios (Exodo 19-24) No mucho tiempo después de ellos haber ratificado el pacto (Génesis 24:3) cometieron adulterio con un dios hecho por sus propias manos (Exodo 32) – El Becerro de Oro

    14. Becerro de Oro GRAPHIC Golden Calf patterned after the pagan Animistic BAAL Had a distended phallus Invitation to sexual orgies Israel broke her marriage vows and prostituted herself before another god. Golden Calf patterned after the pagan Animistic BAAL Had a distended phallus Invitation to sexual orgies Israel broke her marriage vows and prostituted herself before another god.

    15. Dios el Ishi de Israel Dios el esposo amoroso acepta el arrepentimiento de Israel y renueva el pacto (Exodo 33-34) Pero por su infidelidad ellos vagarán por el desierto por 40 años (Números 14:33) Durante este tiempo, Dios advierte a Israel de no prostituirse con Baal. (Exodo 34:14-16)

    16. Salmos 106 Rompiendo Sus Votos Salmos 106: 19-22 Salmos 106: 24-29 Salmos 106: 36-39 Psalm 106 records Israel breaking her wedding vows Small Group Work Read the passages Discuss: How did Israel break her marriage vows? Feedback 106:19- 20 “At Horeb they made a calf and worshiped an idol cast from metal. 20 They exchanged their Glory for an image of a bull, which eats grass.” 1.The Glory of God for a Pagan Animistic diety 4. Psalm 106: 28 “28 They yoked themselves to the Baal of Peor and ate sacrifices offered to lifeless gods; 29 they provoked the LORD to anger by their wicked deeds,” 5.Psalm 106: 36-39 “36 They worshiped their idols, which became a snare to them. 37 They sacrificed their sons and their daughters to demons. 38 They shed innocent blood, the blood of their sons and daughters, whom they sacrificed to the idols of Canaan, and the land was desecrated by their blood. 39 They defiled themselves by what they did; by their deeds they prostituted themselves.” Psalm 106 records Israel breaking her wedding vows Small Group Work Read the passages Discuss: How did Israel break her marriage vows? Feedback 106:19- 20 “At Horeb they made a calf and worshiped an idol cast from metal. 20 They exchanged their Glory for an image of a bull, which eats grass.” 1.The Glory of God for a Pagan Animistic diety 4. Psalm 106: 28 “28 They yoked themselves to the Baal of Peor and ate sacrifices offered to lifeless gods; 29 they provoked the LORD to anger by their wicked deeds,” 5.Psalm 106: 36-39 “36 They worshiped their idols, which became a snare to them. 37 They sacrificed their sons and their daughters to demons. 38 They shed innocent blood, the blood of their sons and daughters, whom they sacrificed to the idols of Canaan, and the land was desecrated by their blood. 39 They defiled themselves by what they did; by their deeds they prostituted themselves.”

    17. Baal: Deidad Animista Pagana Deidad local en Moab y Filistea Ganaron posesión de un lugar proveyendo agua - fertilidad para la tierra A menudo tenían un cónyuge, la diosa de la fertilidad – Ashtoreth – la “gran madre de la tierra.” Nombre: dueño, señor, esposo La adoración a Baal envolvía prácticas “sexuales sagradas” con las prostitutas del templo Human beings have worship animistic deity from the beginning of time. Associated with the local tribes and clans Name first appeared in 1700 BC Ashtoreth (1 Sam. 7:4; 12:10; Judges 2:3; 3:7; 10:6) Venus to the Romans Aphrodite to the Greeks Worship of Baal and Ashtoreth involved sexual practices Young girls were like the fertile soil the male would deposit seeds into Men and women had sex with the male and female temple prostitutes Children born from these unions were sacrifice to Baal Human beings have worship animistic deity from the beginning of time. Associated with the local tribes and clans Name first appeared in 1700 BC Ashtoreth (1 Sam. 7:4; 12:10; Judges 2:3; 3:7; 10:6) Venus to the Romans Aphrodite to the Greeks Worship of Baal and Ashtoreth involved sexual practices Young girls were like the fertile soil the male would deposit seeds into Men and women had sex with the male and female temple prostitutes Children born from these unions were sacrifice to Baal

    18. “El Señor del Agujero” Baal-peor Monte Peor en Moab un lugar de adoración Otro nombre Molech (Jer. 19:5) El nombre significa “Señor del Agujero” – orificios del cuerpo The Hebrew people worshiped a particular Baal, the Baal of the Moabites, the Baal on Mt. Peor No sooner had they entered the promised land than they broke their wedding vow (Numbers 25: 1-15)The Hebrew people worshiped a particular Baal, the Baal of the Moabites, the Baal on Mt. Peor No sooner had they entered the promised land than they broke their wedding vow (Numbers 25: 1-15)

    19. Rompiendo los Votos Matrimoniales 1 “Moraba Israel en Sitim; y el pueblo comenzó a fornicar con las hijas de Moab, 2 las cuales invitaban al pueblo a los sacrificios de sus dioses; y el pueblo comió, y se inclinó a sus dioses. 3 Así acudió el pueblo a Baal-peor; y el furor de Jehová se encendió contra Israel.” Números 25:1-3 The God of Israel was abandoned for the Pagan Animistic “god of the hole.” The God of Israel was abandoned for the Pagan Animistic “god of the hole.”

    20. Así como la adoración cambia, la cultura cambia Culto (Adoración) ? Cultura Hacemos las culturas de acuerdo al dios que adoramos Mientras Israel adoraba al Dios del Agujero, su cultura cambiaba

    21. La Cultura del Baalismo La cultura es un producto del culto (adoración) Las características de la cultura Pagana Animista Sensualidad Auto indulgencia Inmoralidad sexual Falta de fe en el matrimonio Sacrificio humano (un punto de vista inferior del ser humano) Fatalismo Corrupción (el soborno de los dioses) We become like the gods that we worshipWe become like the gods that we worship

    22. Cambio de Dioses Cambio de Lenguaje Dios es Ishi: amoroso, autosacrificado, cabeza Dios Baal- Peor: dueño, señor, Palabra para esposo cambia de ISH a BAAL

    23. El Concepto de Matrimonio Cambia Esposo El ya no es la cabeza amorosa y autosacrificada El es el dueño, señor, tirano La Esposa Ya no es la Virreina de la Creación, la imago Dei Ahora es la propiedad de su dueño - esposo

    24. Los Días más Oscuros para la Mujer La cultura pagana animista trajo días oscuros para la mujer Su ser ya no era igual, su función como la que nutre a las naciones ya no es respetada Lo sagrado de un hombre con una mujer en el matrimonio, se perdió a causa de la poligamia y al adulterio Un hombre puede revertir los votos de la esposa

    25. Días Oscuros (Cont.) Una mujer recibiría rechazo en la comunidad si ella no producía un hijo Un esposo podía divorciar a su esposa, pero ella no tenia derecho a divorciarse de un esposo tirano Una mujer se convertía en esclava en su propia casa

    26. La Corriente Brillante La Distinción Hebrea en el Mundo Antiguo Believe it or not, the darkness of the consequences of Israel’s adultery was not as bad a most other ancient societies. Women were not treated as poorly as they were treated in other cultures. The Biblical narrative and God’s laws curbed some of the abuses of men against women Believe it or not, the darkness of the consequences of Israel’s adultery was not as bad a most other ancient societies. Women were not treated as poorly as they were treated in other cultures. The Biblical narrative and God’s laws curbed some of the abuses of men against women

    27. A.T. Mandato que Honraba a la Mujer La Historia de la Creación Leyes hebreas que protegían a la mujer Dios odia el divorcio, llama a los esposos a la fidelidad (7mo mandamiento) El Primer año de matrimonio era honrado (Deut. 24:5) La hija tiene derecho a la herencia (Números 27:1-11) Woman is the image of God, equal in being and equal partner in the Creation Mandate The God of the universe sees Hagar, a “lowly” servant girl and calls her by name (Genesis 16:13)! Mardi Keyes, captures the nature of this common-miracle when she writes: “This is the only instance in all of the many thousands of ancient Near Eastern texts where a deity, or his messenger, calls a woman by name and thereby invests her with exalted dignity.” Woman is the image of God, equal in being and equal partner in the Creation Mandate The God of the universe sees Hagar, a “lowly” servant girl and calls her by name (Genesis 16:13)! Mardi Keyes, captures the nature of this common-miracle when she writes:“This is the only instance in all of the many thousands of ancient Near Eastern texts where a deity, or his messenger, calls a woman by name and thereby invests her with exalted dignity.”

    28. Las Mujeres son Prominentes en las Escrituras La mujer es mencionada 400 veces Las madres son mencionadas 300 veces Las esposas son mencionadas 400 veces Las hijas son mencionadas 200 veces Se le da nombre a la mujer 200 veces In a time when women were seldom recognized by name The Bible records the names of 200 women Many of them of humble statureIn a time when women were seldom recognized by name The Bible records the names of 200 women Many of them of humble stature

    29. Las Mujeres son Prominentes en las Escrituras – Se le da nombre a dos libros por sus heroínas Ester Rut Public FiguresPublic Figures

    30. Las Mujeres son Prominentes en las Escrituras Un libro escrito a una mujer: 3ra de Juan Las mujeres son heroínas y el enfoque de las historias Sus canciones han sido registradas en las Escrituras 886 versos fueron escritos por mujeres Las mujeres dirigían celebraciones públicas

    31. Las Mujeres son Prominentes en las Escrituras Son Figuras Públicas Reinas: Ester y Sabá Un Juez (Débora) Profetisas (hablaba con autoridad de parte de Dios) Prophetess by name: Deborah (Judges 4:4) Miriam (Exodus 15:20) Huldah (2 Kings 22:13-14) Isaiah’s wife (Is. 8:3) The false prophet Noadiah (Ne. 6:4) Anna (Luke 2:36) Phillip’s daughters ( Acts 21:9) Prophetess by name: Deborah (Judges 4:4) Miriam (Exodus 15:20) Huldah (2 Kings 22:13-14) Isaiah’s wife (Is. 8:3) The false prophet Noadiah (Ne. 6:4) Anna (Luke 2:36) Phillip’s daughters ( Acts 21:9)

    32. Más Preciosas que Rubíes Proverbios 31 – la esposa ideal Una parte vital de una comunidad extendida La constructora del hogar “La dueña de la casa” “La reina del bosque” La Virreina de la creación Here is no autonomous feminist; not a self focused “individualist” “housewife” – changed in the kitchen, “barefoot and pregnant” Here is The maker of a home With her husband, a co creator of culture, a developer of creation, a builder of a nation Her fullness of life is her being: A woman – practicing womanhood A mother – practicing motherhood A vice-regent of creation Her domain, extends to the world. She welcomes the world to her domain and sends her influence into the larger society. She is a steward of what has been entrusted to her. Small Group Work Read Proverbs 31: 10 – 31 What are this woman’s virtues? What are her skills? What is your response to this vice-regent? FeedbackHere is no autonomous feminist; not a self focused “individualist”“housewife” – changed in the kitchen, “barefoot and pregnant” Here is The maker of a home With her husband, a co creator of culture, a developer of creation, a builder of a nation Her fullness of life is her being: A woman – practicing womanhood A mother – practicing motherhood A vice-regent of creation Her domain, extends to the world. She welcomes the world to her domain and sends her influence into the larger society. She is a steward of what has been entrusted to her. Small Group Work Read Proverbs 31: 10 – 31 What are this woman’s virtues? What are her skills? What is your response to this vice-regent? Feedback

    34. Sus Virtudes Su reputación (31:12, 31) Discernimiento (31: 13, 16) Ética de trabajo (31:15, 17, 18b, 27b) Emprendedora (31:16, 24) Provechosa (31:18) Compasiva (31: 20)

    35. Sus Virtudes (Cont.) Preparada (31: 21, 25b) Fortaleza Personal (31:25a) Dignidad (31:25a) Sabia (31: 26a) Temerosa del Señor (31:30b)

    36. Sus Habilidades Inversionista (31: 16) Agricultora (31:17b) Arte (Materiales y Diseño de Interiores) (31:22) Tejiendo y Cociendo ( 31: 13, 19, 22, 24) Vendedora (31:24b)

    37. Habilidades (Cont.) Comunicación (31:26a) Educación/Instrucción(31:26b) Gerencia (31:27) Criando Hijos (31:28) More Precious than Rubies Here is a woman who understands that her home is the center for the creation of culture. Her work is nothing less than helping her husband to lay the foundation for the building of strong and godly society. She is more precious than rubies. More Precious than Rubies Here is a woman who understands that her home is the center for the creation of culture. Her work is nothing less than helping her husband to lay the foundation for the building of strong and godly society. She is more precious than rubies.

    38. John Angell James “Allí está ella dando vida a la página sagrada con su narrativa y adornándola con su belleza, algunas veces oscureciéndola con sus crímenes, y otras veces haciéndola brillar con sus virtudes; ahora nos llama a sollozar con ella en sus angustias y luego a regocijarnos con ella en sus alegrías. [1] James; John Angell; Female Piety; Soli Deo Gloria Publications ????; pg 48 [1] James; John Angell; Female Piety; Soli Deo Gloria Publications ????; pg 48

    39. John Angell James “En resumen, la mujer se encuentra en todo lugar, moldeada en los detalles de la Escritura de Dios, un faro para advertirnos o una lámpara para guiarnos. Y todos los avisos inspirados por el Espíritu Santo deben ser considerados como Sus testimonios a la excelencia e importancia de tu sexo, y la influencia que se intenta y está destinada a ejercer sobre el bienestar del ser humano.”

    40. La Corriente más Brillante El Regreso de Ishi Here we return to our narrative The Scriptures are framed by nuptials The marriage of Adam and Eve The marr1age of Christ and His Bride We begin to see the feminine physic and transcendence restored. Two books Hosea : restores marriage Song of Solomon: the glories of sexHere we return to our narrative The Scriptures are framed by nuptials The marriage of Adam and Eve The marr1age of Christ and His Bride We begin to see the feminine physic and transcendence restored. Two books Hosea : restores marriage Song of Solomon: the glories of sex

    41. Oseas La Gran Historia De Amor de Dios

    42. El Legado de Israel Review We have seen that Israel had gone whoring after an Pagan Animistic deity She rejected the Husband who loved her (Hosea 4:13-14, 5:4, 8:5, 9:1, 10:5-6, 13:2) A spirit of prostitution inhabited the nation (Hosea 5:4) The concept of husband and wife has been deformed Yet her loving, self-sacrificing head – ISH is faithful to his adulterous wife, Israel ( Hosea 2:19, 4:1, 6:6, 10:12, 12:6, 13: 5-6 The book of Hosea restores the vision of ISH – loving, self-sacrificing headship of the Edenic Garden and point to the coming of the Ish of the church. The drama unfolds in about 752 B.C. 30 years before the conquering judgment of the 10 northern tribes by Assyrians in 722 B.C. and during the reign of the righteous king Josiah (640-609 BC) of Judah Review We have seen that Israel had gone whoring after an Pagan Animistic deity She rejected the Husband who loved her (Hosea 4:13-14, 5:4, 8:5, 9:1, 10:5-6, 13:2) A spirit of prostitution inhabited the nation (Hosea 5:4) The concept of husband and wife has been deformed Yet her loving, self-sacrificing head – ISH is faithful to his adulterous wife, Israel ( Hosea 2:19, 4:1, 6:6, 10:12, 12:6, 13: 5-6 The book of Hosea restores the vision of ISH – loving, self-sacrificing headship of the Edenic Garden and point to the coming of the Ish of the church. The drama unfolds in about 752 B.C. 30 years before the conquering judgment of the 10 northern tribes by Assyrians in 722 B.C. and during the reign of the righteous king Josiah (640-609 BC) of Judah

    43. Oseas y Gomer

    44. Los Tres Hijos de Gomer Oseas 1: 3-5 Jezreel - “Dispersadores de Dios” Oseas 1:6-7 Lo-Ruhamah – “Sin Misericordia” Oseas 1:8-9 Lo-Ammi – “No son mi Pueblo” The names of the three children reflect three aspects of God’s judgment on Israel “God Scatters” Israel will not heed the prophet’s warning and will be judged and scattered by Assyria “No Mercy” God will withdraw His mercy from unrepentant Israel, but will continue to show His mercy to Judah who responds to the prophets and repents under King Josiah Israel's adultery has broken the bonds of marriage. She is no longer “my people”The names of the three children reflect three aspects of God’s judgment on Israel “God Scatters” Israel will not heed the prophet’s warning and will be judged and scattered by Assyria “No Mercy” God will withdraw His mercy from unrepentant Israel, but will continue to show His mercy to Judah who responds to the prophets and repents under King Josiah Israel's adultery has broken the bonds of marriage. She is no longer “my people”

    45. Ish continúa siendo el Esposo de Israel God continues to Husband Israel God continues to Husband Israel

    46. Respuesta de Israel Oseas 2: 12-13 Oseas 10: 1-2 Oseas 2:8b Small Group Process How did Israel respond to Ish’s love? Report Israel Declared that the bounty had come from Baal She offered the gifts from her husband to her lover.Small Group Process How did Israel respond to Ish’s love? Report Israel Declared that the bounty had come from Baal She offered the gifts from her husband to her lover.

    47. Una Parábola Viva Leer Oseas 1: 2-3, 3: 1-3 Preguntas: ¿Qué le pidió Dios a Oseas que hiciera? ¿Bajo que estándar Oseas debe hacer lo que Dios le llamó a hacer? ¿Por qué Dios le pidió que hiciese esto? ¿Cómo respondes a la petición de Dios? Small Group Work Read the passages Questions: What did God ask Hosea to do? By what standard is Hosea to do what God has called him to do? Why did he ask him to do it? How do you respond to God’s request? Feedback By what standard? Hosea 3:1: “Go, show your love to your wife again, though she is loved by another and is an adulteress. Love her as the LORD loves the Israelites, ….” Hosea is to buy her back, to buy her out of slavery. This shows the world The price that God will pay to redeem Israel The future price that Christ will pay to redeem his people, the church Small Group Work Read the passages Questions: What did God ask Hosea to do? By what standard is Hosea to do what God has called him to do? Why did he ask him to do it? How do you respond to God’s request? Feedback By what standard? Hosea 3:1: “Go, show your love to your wife again, though she is loved by another and is an adulteress. Love her as the LORD loves the Israelites, ….” Hosea is to buy her back, to buy her out of slavery. This shows the world The price that God will pay to redeem Israel The future price that Christ will pay to redeem his people, the church

    48. La Canción de Amor de Dios Oseas 2:14-23 Pastor John Piper describes this portion of scripture as “The Love Song of God” He says this is “one of the tenderest and most beautiful love songs in the Bible.” Pastor John Piper describes this portion of scripture as “The Love Song of God” He says this is “one of the tenderest and most beautiful love songs in the Bible.”

    49. Dios Cortejará a Israel Small Group Work What is the character of this one whom God is going to court? What does this tell you about the nature of God? Of the God who is HUSBAND? What does this tell you about what a husband is to be? Feedback Small Group Work What is the character of this one whom God is going to court? What does this tell you about the nature of God? Of the God who is HUSBAND? What does this tell you about what a husband is to be? Feedback

    50. Les Devolveré Esperanza Achor is the Hebrew word for “trouble.” The phrase “Valley of Achor” was a phrase that meant “the valley of trouble.” Israel was in deep trouble. God was going to provide her a ‘door of hope.” Parallel between the enslavement in Egypt and the enslavement by Baal The hope she experienced when freed from Egypt she will experience when she is freed from Baal. Israel is a prostitute, but God will restore her to a state of innocence Achor is the Hebrew word for “trouble.” The phrase “Valley of Achor” was a phrase that meant “the valley of trouble.” Israel was in deep trouble. God was going to provide her a ‘door of hope.” Parallel between the enslavement in Egypt and the enslavement by Baal The hope she experienced when freed from Egypt she will experience when she is freed from Baal. Israel is a prostitute, but God will restore her to a state of innocence

    51. Llámame Ishi, No Baal 16 “Sucederá en aquel día -- declara el Señor -- que me llamarás Ishí; y no me llamarás más Baalí. 17 Porque quitaré de su boca los nombres de los Baales; y nunca más serán mencionados por sus nombres.” Oseas 2: 16-17 Here is the heart of the book of Hosea Is, perhaps, the turning point for the Scriptures nuptial narrative. Between the Glorious Eve and the Glorious Bride of Christ Israel fell to her lowest point. H Here is the promise of restoration. God is not Baal, He is Ish. The pattern for a godly husband is the loving self-sacrificing head – Ish, not the tyrannical, brutal, owner – Baal Hosea is to demonstrate Ish to Gomer so that she may be restored to Ishah. Here is the heart of the book of Hosea Is, perhaps, the turning point for the Scriptures nuptial narrative. Between the Glorious Eve and the Glorious Bride of Christ Israel fell to her lowest point. H Here is the promise of restoration. God is not Baal, He is Ish. The pattern for a godly husband is the loving self-sacrificing head – Ish, not the tyrannical, brutal, owner – Baal Hosea is to demonstrate Ish to Gomer so that she may be restored to Ishah.

    52. El Carácter de Ishi “Te desposaré conmigo para siempre; sí, te desposaré conmigo en justicia, en derecho, en misericordia y en compasión. Te desposaré conmigo en fidelidad, y tú conocerás al Señor.” Oseas 2: 19-20 It will not simply be a courtship, it will be a marriage forever. It will be a “forever fix” because God is faithful to his vows Note the character of husbandIt will not simply be a courtship, it will be a marriage forever. It will be a “forever fix” because God is faithful to his vows Note the character of husband

    53. Yada “… y conocerás al Señor. Oseas 2: 20b KJV We have seen this word “know” – yada, before This Hebrew word refers to the soulish intimacy between the believer and God (Genesis 18:19; Deu. 34:10; Isaiah 48:8;Psalm 1:6,; 37:18) God knows Moses by name and “face to face” (Ex. 33:17; Deu. 34:10) It is also used to refer to the intimacy of sexual intercourse (Gen. 4: 1a) It is also used to refer to the intimacy of sexual intercourse (Gen. 4:1a)it is the soulish union of human beings between the sexual and spiritual To yada is the intimacy between God and man and man and woman.We have seen this word “know” – yada, before This Hebrew word refers to the soulish intimacy between the believer and God (Genesis 18:19; Deu. 34:10; Isaiah 48:8;Psalm 1:6,; 37:18) God knows Moses by name and “face to face” (Ex. 33:17; Deu. 34:10) It is also used to refer to the intimacy of sexual intercourse (Gen. 4: 1a) It is also used to refer to the intimacy of sexual intercourse (Gen. 4:1a)it is the soulish union of human beings between the sexual and spiritual To yada is the intimacy between God and man and man and woman.

    54. Yada

    55. Cantar de los Cantares As we have mentioned, the O.T. has two books tha focus exclusively on marriage. Hosea focuses on Ish The Song of Solomon focuses on YADA – intimate knowledge, soulish sexuality It is a grand love poem that Reflects the intimacy of God and His people It presents the beauty of physical and soulish union of marital love _____?_______; describes the Song of Solomon: “… eros as it should be! There is a sensuality without licentiousness, passion without promiscuity, love without lust. As we have mentioned, the O.T. has two books tha focus exclusively on marriage. Hosea focuses on Ish The Song of Solomon focuses on YADA – intimate knowledge, soulish sexuality It is a grand love poem that Reflects the intimacy of God and His people It presents the beauty of physical and soulish union of marital love _____?_______; describes the Song of Solomon: “… eros as it should be! There is a sensuality without licentiousness, passion without promiscuity, love without lust.

    56. Amor Puro “¡… eros como debería ser! Hay sensualidad sin lascivia, pasión sin promiscuidad, amor sin lujuria.” And God did this! He created the unimaginable beauty in the soulish and sexual union of a man and a women. The Song of Solomon reflects a view of spiritual and physical intimacy that God intends for marriage. In contrast: To Secularism that reduces Yada to recreation and plumbing To many Christians who dicotomize, separating the physical from the spiritual Place the spiritual on a high plane Sees the sexual as a “dirty thing.”And God did this! He created the unimaginable beauty in the soulish and sexual union of a man and a women. The Song of Solomon reflects a view of spiritual and physical intimacy that God intends for marriage. In contrast: To Secularism that reduces Yada to recreation and plumbing To many Christians who dicotomize, separating the physical from the spiritual Place the spiritual on a high plane Sees the sexual as a “dirty thing.”

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