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Nutriendo las Naciones

Parte 3 LOS FUNDAMENTOS BIBLICOS. 7 La Biblia8 La Trinidad 9 Actitud de Servicio10 La Transcendencia de la Sexualidad11 El Corazn Maternal de Dios. Bosquejo. Autoridad: Una palabra suciaDefiniendo los TrminosLa Trinidad: Arquetipo de Siervo-LiderLa Humildad de la Cabeza DivinaJerarq

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Nutriendo las Naciones

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    1. Nutriendo las Naciones Servicio

    2. Parte 3 LOS FUNDAMENTOS BIBLICOS 7 La Biblia 8 La Trinidad 9 Actitud de Servicio 10 La Transcendencia de la Sexualidad 11 El Corazón Maternal de Dios

    3. Bosquejo Autoridad: Una palabra sucia Definiendo los Términos La Trinidad: Arquetipo de Siervo-Lider La Humildad de la Cabeza Divina Jerarquía en el Universo Servicio

    4. Autoridad Una Mala Palabra Authority a Dirty Word Modern man sees “authority” as evil Beginning with the Enlightenment Revolt against God Humanism Places man the center of the universe Man decides what is right and wrong, true and false There are no morals, only social norms; there is no Truth; everything is relative Freedom without form People want absolute freedom and autonomy. The revolt against any form of authority beginning with revolt against God and a revolt against the authority of Scripture. It ends with a revolt against nature itself. Power, pride self-service are virtues for modern man. Service and humility are vices. To have authority over another is good. To be under authority is bad. To often in a fallen world, authority manifests itself as tyranny Corruption of power in government Tyranny of men over women Authority a Dirty Word Modern man sees “authority” as evil Beginning with the Enlightenment Revolt against God Humanism Places man the center of the universe Man decides what is right and wrong, true and false There are no morals, only social norms; there is no Truth; everything is relative Freedom without form People want absolute freedom and autonomy. The revolt against any form of authority beginning with revolt against God and a revolt against the authority of Scripture. It ends with a revolt against nature itself. Power, pride self-service are virtues for modern man. Service and humility are vices. To have authority over another is good. To be under authority is bad. To often in a fallen world, authority manifests itself as tyranny Corruption of power in government Tyranny of men over women

    5. Secularismo Moderno y Feminismo Subordinación e igualdad son contradicciones Estar bajo la autoridad es ser inferior Ser igual es ser autónomo Obedecer a Dios o cualquier autoridad humana es restringir la libertad. ¡Esto está mal! Libertad sin restricción es la virtud moderna

    6. Forma y Libertad Tiranía – Estructura sin Libertad Anarquía – Libertad sin estructura La verdadera libertad esta dentro de una estructura El balance bíblico establece que tenemos más libertad: Cuando estamos bajo autoridad Cuando somos obedientes a las ordenanzas de Dios Cannot revolt against God’s order without being destroyed. To “break God’s laws” is impossible God’s laws are immutable –they cannot be broken So when we seek to break God’s laws we end up breaking ourselves against his laws. To seek to break the law against adultery, the person and their family is broken. Like there are natural consequences to trying to break God’s natural laws, so too there are consequences for seeking to live outside the metaphysical order God has created. To deny the dignity of women leads to poverty For a women to seek to become male cannot be done. The feminine is destroyed in the effort. Reality always wins. Truth is self authenticating.Cannot revolt against God’s order without being destroyed. To “break God’s laws” is impossible God’s laws are immutable –they cannot be broken So when we seek to break God’s laws we end up breaking ourselves against his laws. To seek to break the law against adultery, the person and their family is broken. Like there are natural consequences to trying to break God’s natural laws, so too there are consequences for seeking to live outside the metaphysical order God has created. To deny the dignity of women leads to poverty For a women to seek to become male cannot be done. The feminine is destroyed in the effort. Reality always wins. Truth is self authenticating.

    7. Las dos “S” Palabras Servicio Sumisión Two words, that are rejected in the modern world are the “S” words : serve and submit (subordination or submission) These words are denigrated because They have been defined within the context of the fall, they have been deformed and degraded by tyranny. Many people have been abused by tyrannical leaders or tyrannical husbands. People can be forced into involuntary servitude ( note: this is not servantood) by Institutional slavery Economic and political injustices, corruption where people do not receive the fruit of their labor Marriage where the women is seen as a household servant or the property of the man By sex trafficking By dowry Two words, that are rejected in the modern world are the “S” words : serve and submit (subordination or submission) These words are denigrated because They have been defined within the context of the fall, they have been deformed and degraded by tyranny. Many people have been abused by tyrannical leaders or tyrannical husbands. People can be forced into involuntary servitude ( note: this is not servantood) by Institutional slavery Economic and political injustices, corruption where people do not receive the fruit of their labor Marriage where the women is seen as a household servant or the property of the man By sex trafficking By dowry

    8. Definición de Términos

    9. Subordinación Derivada de Ordenación: Se refiere al estado de ser Ordenado o designado Orden: Disposición o distribución metódica de las cosas; como el orden de las tropas, de un desfile o la organización de libros en una biblioteca. Subordinación es estar bajo las órdenes o a disposición de otro Need to distinguish between Subordination and Subjugation which demeans and destroys another person. Apartheid, slavery Caste, racism, tribalism Subordinationism which places someone in a lesser rank of being.Need to distinguish between Subordination and Subjugation which demeans and destroys another person. Apartheid, slavery Caste, racism, tribalism Subordinationism which places someone in a lesser rank of being.

    10. Sumisión Derivado de mision: Siendo enviado Delegado por la autoridad, con ciertos poderes para hacer tratos o negocios comisión Enviar en una misión a un lugar lejano Sumisión: Estar en una misión, con otro y bajo su autoridad Not the sense of inferior mission But in sense of under authority in a complementary aspect of the mission.Not the sense of inferior mission But in sense of under authority in a complementary aspect of the mission.

    11. ¿Sumisión significa inferioridad? Si: Si la humildad y el servicio son considerados como una debilidad Cuando la Tiranía es una virtud, entonces la sumisión es un vicio

    12. ¿Sumisión significa inferioridad? No: Cuando la Humildad y el servicio se consideran como Virtudes Hay que marcar una Distinción: ¡En Ser, no hay inferioridad! En función, hay una distinción de rangos y grados La Sumisión reconoce la autoridad, la legitimidad de un gobierno, administración o liderazgo

    13. Sumisión: Manifestación de la imagen Divina “Suele ser mediante la sumisión a otros que manifestamos mejor los componentes éticos de la imagen divina. Sometiéndonos a otros es la mejor manera para demostrar el amor de Dios, su paciencia, su benignidad y su dominio propiol”. John Frame [1] Piper; Recovering Biblical Manhood …. Pg. 228[1] Piper; Recovering Biblical Manhood …. Pg. 228

    14. Autoridad Poder legal, o el derecho de encomendar o decretar; como la autoridad de un príncipe sobre sus súbditos o la de los padres sobre sus hijos . In contrast to authoritarianism, a rigid, demanding, dictatorial or even tyrannical leadership style.In contrast to authoritarianism, a rigid, demanding, dictatorial or even tyrannical leadership style.

    15. Autoridad Piadosa “La autoridad no autentica mi persona. La autoridad no es un privilegio para ser explotado para ensalzar mi ego. La autoridad es la responsabilidad que nace al buscar el beneficio de otros sin pensar en nosotros mismos. Esta es la única perspectiva cristiana.” Key issues is how is authority wielded? Within same kind: Is it with the honor of equality of others of the same kind or with a sense of arrogance. Father honors the Son, The Son honors the Father The man honors the woman and the woman honors the man. Both women and men are to respect one another as equals in kind thought divers in role or function Outside the same kind: God loves His creation, Creation sings praises to God God honors humankind with real freedom. Humankind is to Steward creation, to treat it with respect because, though different in kind, both man and nature are equally creation (not Creator). And yet humankind is to use for food and resources the rest of creation because there is a distinction in kind. [1] ________; Gender, Worth, and Equality; pg. 40Key issues is how is authority wielded? Within same kind: Is it with the honor of equality of others of the same kind or with a sense of arrogance. Father honors the Son, The Son honors the Father The man honors the woman and the woman honors the man. Both women and men are to respect one another as equals in kind thought divers in role or function Outside the same kind: God loves His creation, Creation sings praises to God God honors humankind with real freedom. Humankind is to Steward creation, to treat it with respect because, though different in kind, both man and nature are equally creation (not Creator). And yet humankind is to use for food and resources the rest of creation because there is a distinction in kind. [1] ________; Gender, Worth, and Equality; pg. 40

    16. La Trinidad Arquetipo del Liderazgo-Servicio

    17. ¡La naturaleza de Dios es un desafío para la arrogancia del hombre Moderno!

    18. Puntos de Vistas Humano y Divino El hombre moderno ve: El Servicio (auto sacrificio) y la humildad como debilidades El Poder (auto realización) y el orgullo como virtudes Dios honra la humildad, el auto sacrificio y la subordinación en el hombre; estas son virtudes que reflejan la naturaleza del amor de Dios

    19. Arquetipo vs. Antropomorfismo Arquetipo es un modelo ideal basado en principios eternos, del cual fueron diseñadas las actividades terrenales Antropomorfismo son las características o comportamientos humanos que se atribuyen a entidades no humanas The relationships within the living, Triune God, is the prototype of Servant-Leadership The relationships within the living, Triune God, is the prototype of Servant-Leadership

    20. Cuatro formas de Amor El amor por un detalle de la vida, “Amo mi perro.” Fileo: Amor por un amigo, “Amor fraternal,” afecto Eros: Amor romántico, El amor de un esposo y una esposa Ágape: Amor auto sacrificial, ¡El Amor de Dios!

    21. Amor Agape Grupo 1: - Isaías 52: 13 - 53: 12 Grupo 2: – Mateo. 26:39; Juan 3: 16; Juan 17: 24b Grupo 3: - Filipenses 2: 1-8 Pregunta: ¿Qué revelan estos versículos sobre la naturaleza de Dios? Small Group Work Read one set of passages What do they reveal about God’s Nature? Large group feedbackSmall Group Work Read one set of passages What do they reveal about God’s Nature? Large group feedback

    22. Amor Ágape Humilde Desinteresado Piensa primero en los demás Es auto sacrificial Sirve a otros primero Edward Nason West describe agape as “a profound concern for the welfare of another without any desire to control others, to be thanked by that other, or to enjoy the process.”[1] [1] Elliot, Elisabeth, The Mark of a Man, pg 78Edward Nason West describe agape as “a profound concern for the welfare of another without any desire to control others, to be thanked by that other, or to enjoy the process.”[1]

    23. Amor Ágape “… Amor en su plenitud… reúne dos criterios: Primero, nunca retira, solo deposita. Segundo. El no busca llenar sus propios vacíos sino los del otro.” Professor Henry Krabbendam Covenant College [1] Krabbendam, Henry; A Biblical Pattern of Preparation for Marriage; Covenant College, 2000, pg 44 [1] Krabbendam, Henry; A Biblical Pattern of Preparation for Marriage; Covenant College, 2000, pg 44

    24. Amor Ágape Filipenses 2: 9-11 Preguntas: ¿Cuál es la recompensa del amor abnegado? ¿Qué nos revela este pasaje acerca de la naturaleza del amor auto sacrificial? Small Group Work Read Philippians 2: 9-11 in the context of vs. 2:1-8 What is the reward for self-sacrificing love? What does this reveal about the nature of self-sacrificing love? Large group feedback God gives honor to those who willingly subordinate themselves to the interest of others The scriptures exalts the thing that the world despises. The values of the Kingdom of God are right-side up; The world’s values are upside down Small Group Work Read Philippians 2: 9-11 in the context of vs. 2:1-8 What is the reward for self-sacrificing love? What does this reveal about the nature of self-sacrificing love? Large group feedback God gives honor to those who willingly subordinate themselves to the interest of others The scriptures exalts the thing that the world despises. The values of the Kingdom of God are right-side up; The world’s values are upside down

    25. Dios, El Dios -Siervo “Fue porque Jesús voluntaria y sacrificadamente decidió ser un siervo que Dios lo exaltó con la mayor expresión de Gloria. A El se le ha dado la mayor posición que podría ser dada. A El se le ha dado el nombre que sobrepasa todo nombre. Toda lengua confesará que este siervo es Señor. Esta exaltación es mayor que cualquier otra que algún otro ser haya tenido o tendrá ….” Dr. Bob Moffitt in If Jesus Were Mayor!Dr. Bob Moffitt in If Jesus Were Mayor!

    26. Dios, El Dios -Siervo “ ….¿Por qué Dios hizo esto? La respuesta está en la primera palabra del verso 9– ‘Por lo cúal.’ Dios Honró a Jesús con esta gran Exaltación porque Jesús reflejaba plenamente la intención de Dios al crear al hombre. Jesús fue la máxima expresión de la imagen de Dios. Servicio voluntario y sacrificial. Dios es un Siervo, ¡Increíble! Dios es un siervo y Jesús modeló ese servicio.” [1] Moffitt, Robert, If Jesus Were Mayor! Chapter 4 The Jewel in the Crown[1] Moffitt, Robert, If Jesus Were Mayor! Chapter 4 The Jewel in the Crown

    27. Los Dos Reinos El Reino del Mundo Orgullo Autoservicio Poder El Reino de Dios Humildad Auto sacrificio Servicio

    28. El Dios Siervo - Su Carácter Hesed Significa Amoroso - Bondadoso Se encuentra 250 veces en el A.T. Se refiere a la lealtad y firmeza del amor de Dios Ágape – Auto sacrificio de Dios, amor de servicio a otros As we speak of God being a servant, we are speaking archetypically, not anthropomorphically. God is a serving God; His character provides the pattern for our own activity. The love of God is manifested in His service and self-sacrifice. It is seen in His character and in the incarnation Hebrew word Hesed: describes His kindness and mercy towards us in practical, everyday terms Greek Agape: This serving love is found expressed everywhere God touches life. It is found there because it is inherent in His character. As we speak of God being a servant, we are speaking archetypically, not anthropomorphically. God is a serving God; His character provides the pattern for our own activity. The love of God is manifested in His service and self-sacrifice. It is seen in His character and in the incarnation Hebrew word Hesed: describes His kindness and mercy towards us in practical, everyday terms Greek Agape: This serving love is found expressed everywhere God touches life. It is found there because it is inherent in His character.

    29. Dos Imágenes Salmo 23 Pregunta: ¿Qué revelan estas dos imágenes (versículos 1-4 y 5-6) sobre el corazón de siervo de Dios? The Lord is My Shepherd (vs. 1-4) The Lord is a Servant – Host, preparing the table and serving a meal (vs. 5-6) In the harsh environs of the Middle East, the Hebrew people, like many modern Arabs today, understood this characteristic of God and made hosting (serving the stranger) a virtue of desert life The Lord is My Shepherd (vs. 1-4) The Lord is a Servant – Host, preparing the table and serving a meal (vs. 5-6) In the harsh environs of the Middle East, the Hebrew people, like many modern Arabs today, understood this characteristic of God and made hosting (serving the stranger) a virtue of desert life

    30. El Dios Siervo – La Encarnación Juan 1:14; Colosenses 2:9; Marcos 10:45 Preguntas: ¿Qué nos revela este pasaje sobre la naturaleza de Dios? ¿Es el servicio de Cristo una contradicción con su posición de Dios? ¿Por qué o por qué no? Small Group Work Read the passages Discuss the questions Large group feedback Jesus came to serve not to be served. Why? Because he is God! Not a contradiction to his being God! But a full manifestation of His being God! God is a serving God. Jesus is the Servant King These are not a contradiction. Serving defines the nature of authority The Royal King is the suffering servant. Similarly Jesus is; the Shepherd and the Lamb the Lion and the Lamb Small Group Work Read the passages Discuss the questions Large group feedback Jesus came to serve not to be served. Why? Because he is God! Not a contradiction to his being God! But a full manifestation of His being God! God is a serving God. Jesus is the Servant King These are not a contradiction. Serving defines the nature of authority The Royal King is the suffering servant. Similarly Jesus is; the Shepherd and the Lamb the Lion and the Lamb

    31. La Excelencia de Cristo “infinita grandeza y condescendencia infinita … justicia infinita y gracia infinita … gloria infinita y humildad extrema … majestad infinita y mansedumbre trascendental … reverencia profunda a Dios e igualdad con Dios … digno de bondad infinita, y la mayor paciencia bajo sufrimientos de maldad … un espíritu que sobrepasa la obediencia, con dominio supremo sobre cielos y tierra … soberanía absoluta y resignación perfecta … autosuficiencia, y completa confianza y dependencia en Dios.” In his sermon, , Jonathan Edwards shows the complementarianess of the infinite and finite, the temporal and eternal as integrated in Christ [1] Edwards, Jonathan, The Religious Affections, in The Works of Jonathan Edwards, vol. 1; Edinburg: Banner of Truth, 1974, pg. 681-682 Quoted in John Piper’s “A Divine And Supernatural Light Immediately Imparted to the Soul by the Spirit of God,” October 12, 2003 In his sermon, , Jonathan Edwards shows the complementarianess of the infinite and finite, the temporal and eternal as integrated in Christ [1] Edwards, Jonathan, The Religious Affections, in The Works of Jonathan Edwards, vol. 1; Edinburg: Banner of Truth, 1974, pg. 681-682 Quoted in John Piper’s “A Divine And Supernatural Light Immediately Imparted to the Soul by the Spirit of God,” October 12, 2003

    32. La Cruz La cruz es una afrenta para las virtudes modernas de poder, orgullo y autorrealización

    33. La Cruz “Sin haberse negado a si mismo, sin auto sacrificio y auto sujeción la cruz no hubiera sido posible … Difícilmente se puede argumentar que la cruz o algo que se le parezca, hubiera sido iniciado o alcanzado por el hombre. El egoísmo, el autoservicio, y la auto preservación lo hubieran impedido.” [1] ibid Krabbendam pg 52[1] ibid Krabbendam pg 52

    34. Humildad En la Trinidad

    35. Humildad en la Trinidad Grupo #1: El Padre: Gen. 1:26-28; 2:20; Juan 3:16 Grupo #2: El Hijo: Mat. 26:39,42,44; 27:46; Filipenses 2:5 Grupo #3: El Espíritu Santo: Juan 14:16; 15:16; 16:7 Small Group Work Read and reflect on a set of scriptures What does it reveal about the humility of the persons of the Trinity? What does it reveal about submission and servanthood?Small Group Work Read and reflect on a set of scriptures What does it reveal about the humility of the persons of the Trinity? What does it reveal about submission and servanthood?

    36. La Humildad de Dios Hacia Todo lo Creado La humildad divina del Padre se encuentra en Libertad Humana – Génesis 2:16 El hombre le dio nombres a los animales Génesis 2: 19 La Cruz, Juan 3:16

    37. La Humildad de Dios a Todo lo Creado Jesús se sometió a Si Mismo, no sólo al Padre sino también a: Peticiones Humanas (Convertir el agua en vino) Juan: 2:3-8 Vino a servir Marcos 10:45; Juan 13: 1-17 (Lavo los pies de los discípulos) La autoridad injusta (1 Pedro 2: 19-25)

    38. La Humildad de Dios a Todo lo Creado El Espíritu Santo es el Paraklete – el “ayudador” Juan 14:16 Juan 15:16 Juan 16:7

    39. Jerarquía En el Universo

    40. Definición de Jerarquía Diccionario Webster’s 1828: Un orden o rango de ángeles o seres celestiales; o la sumisión de los seres santos Etimología: Griego hieros - sagrado Archos – gobernador o literalmente gobernador sagrado This is a reflection that there is a non-material realm The universe is an open system and God and angels govern the universe and the affairs of men. The word is derived from the subordination of angelic beings into three spheres of order[1]: 1st Sphere Angels who serve as heavenly counselors: Seraphim, Cherubim, Archangels 2nd Sphere Dominions: Angels who work as heavenly governors 3rd Sphere: Angels who function as heavenly messengers [1] www.encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com; 4/9/04This is a reflection that there is a non-material realm The universe is an open system and God and angels govern the universe and the affairs of men. The word is derived from the subordination of angelic beings into three spheres of order[1]: 1st Sphere Angels who serve as heavenly counselors: Seraphim, Cherubim, Archangels 2nd Sphere Dominions: Angels who work as heavenly governors 3rd Sphere: Angels who function as heavenly messengers

    41. Contraste de Jerarquías “jerárquico” quien estructura la jerarquía a expensas de su glorioso movimiento - la danza de los seres independientes. “Igualitario” quien niega cualquier jerarquía en la creación. No hay inferioridad ya que no hay subordinación.

    42. El Universo “La forma colectiva de nombrar el cielo, la tierra, y todo lo que les pertenece; el sistema entero de las cosas creadas.” Diccionario Webster 1828 Universo = La unidad de toda la diversidad En contraste con el monismo del Hinduismo – unidad sin diversidad Creation is filled with differentiation Genesis 1 i.e. light from dark Genesis 2 Man names the animals by differentiating Creation is filled with differentiation Genesis 1 i.e. light from dark Genesis 2 Man names the animals by differentiating

    43. La Gloriosa Jerarquía del Orden “….lo que veo es el ordenamiento del universo y la plena armonía y concordancia de la Escritura. Este ordenamiento es un glorioso orden jerárquico de un grado esplendoroso, empezando con la Trinidad, descendiendo a través de los serafines, querubines, arcángeles, ángeles, el hombre y todas las criaturas menores, Una danza universal poderosa, dirigida por la perfección y cumplimiento de cada participante.” Elisabeth Elliot [1] Piper & Guidens: Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood; Crossways Books _______, pg. 394 Elisabeth Elliot [1] Piper & Guidens: Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood; Crossways Books _______, pg. 394

    44. Jerarquía en la Creación La esfera espiritual Ángeles Seres humanos Vida animada Animales Plantas Objetos inanimados: Piedras, minerales, etc. Within this hierarchy there is a difference in essence between each level within the hierarchy The angels are created beings and are thus a lesser being than God. Man is “a little lower than the angles” (Psalm 8:5), with “eternity in the hearts of men” (Eccl. 3:11) But because we are made in the Image of God we are higher than the rest of creationWithin this hierarchy there is a difference in essence between each level within the hierarchy The angels are created beings and are thus a lesser being than God. Man is “a little lower than the angles” (Psalm 8:5), with “eternity in the hearts of men” (Eccl. 3:11) But because we are made in the Image of God we are higher than the rest of creation

    45. Unidad y Diversidad Within each level of the hierarchy, there is not difference in essence; there is a difference in function In the trinity there is no hierarchy in being In mankind there is no hierarchy in being all tribes are different, but equal in value male and female are equal in value but different in functionWithin each level of the hierarchy, there is not difference in essence; there is a difference in function In the trinity there is no hierarchy in being In mankind there is no hierarchy in being all tribes are different, but equal in value male and female are equal in value but different in function

    46. Revelación (Palabra y Hechos) Revelados El Único y El Todo La trinidad Creación Humanidad La estructura de autoridad entre clases: Dios sobre la creación, Los ángeles sobre los humanos, Humanos sobre el resto de la creación

    47. La Escritura Sitúa la igualdad y la subordinación en dos categorías diferentes y complementarias: Igualdad en el ser Diversidad en función

    48. La Caída Corrompió la Jerarquía La rebelión tiránica de Satanás hacia Dios y el orden de los ángeles El dominio de la raza humana sobre la naturaleza la violación de lo natural El esposo como cabeza de la esposa Dominio Hombres o Mujeres en roles de liderazgo tiranía

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