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Reproduction. The process by which an organism produces others of its same kind. One form of reproduction is … . Asexual Reproduction. A new organism (sometimes more than one) is produced from one parent. Most unicellular and a few multicellular organisms reproduce asexually.

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  1. Reproduction The process by which an organism produces others of its same kind. One form of reproduction is …

  2. Asexual Reproduction A new organism (sometimes more than one) is produced from one parent. Most unicellular and a few multicellular organisms reproduce asexually. Parent and offspring will be genetically identical. The purpose of cell division in a unicellular organism is for reproduction.

  3. Budding • Process by which a new, duplicate plant or animal begins to form at the side of the parent and enlarges until an individual is created. • Offspring grows out of parent and will be the same genetically. • Very common in plants, yeast and hydra. Hydra in fresh water Texas Prickly Pear Cactus

  4. Budding in a hydra

  5. Regeneration • This refers to the ability of some animals to re-grow severed or damaged parts. • Function can isrepair or reproduction. • Some of these animals can also grow new organisms from the severed pieces • Segmented Worms, some fungi, moss, plants, and Sea Stars

  6. Regeneration Moss

  7. Binary Fission • A type of cell division. • Becoming two by division of the complete organism. • Cell splits and replicated DNA goes with each part. • Many Prokaryotes and Bacteria reproduce this way. A single celled organism; paramecium undergoing binary fission.

  8. Binary Fission

  9. Pros Cons • Faster and easier; one parent so no need for fertilization. • Doesn‘t have to travel, can conserve energy. • More reliable, less steps to go wrong. • No variations in the population; offspring genetically identical to the parent. • Individuals may not adapt to changing environment. • Generally leads to overcrowding and a struggle to exist.

  10. Comparing Asexual and Sexual Reproduction Asexual Reproduction Sexual Reproduction Cell division and other processes Cell Division One parent organism Two parent organisms Rate of reproduction is rapid Rate of reproduction is slower than rate for asexual reproduction Offspring identical to parents Offspring have genetic information from two parents Both sexual and asexual reproduction involve cell division. 3.3 Both sexual and asexual reproduction involve cell division.

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