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Arengu-uuringud 4. Organisatsiooni areng

Arengu-uuringud 4. Organisatsiooni areng. Mati Heidmets 2013 sügissemester. Vaatepunktid organisatsiooni arengule. Inimestevahelise seose iseloom: nominaalne grupp – tüpoloogiline grupp – assotsiatsioon – organisatsioon.

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Arengu-uuringud 4. Organisatsiooni areng

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  1. Arengu-uuringud4. Organisatsiooni areng Mati Heidmets 2013 sügissemester

  2. Vaatepunktid organisatsiooni arengule • Inimestevahelise seose iseloom: nominaalne grupp – tüpoloogiline grupp – assotsiatsioon – organisatsioon. • Organisatsioon – eesmärgistatud tegevusega, formaliseeritud suhetega, piiritletud inimkooslus. Impersonaalne sotsiaalne struktuur (vrdl perekond ja linnavalitsus). Näited: firma, ülikool, ministeerium, sihtasutus … • Igaüks kuulub X organisatsiooni, globaalne organisatsioonide võrgustik • Kas organisatsioon areneb? • Kas eesmärgini saab jõuda tulemuslikumalt, efektiivsemalt, väiksema aja ja energiakuluga? Kas tulemus võib olla parem või kehvem? Kas tulemuseni jõudmiseks vaja 10 või 100 inimest? Sellised küsimused – alles 20 saj esimesest poolest • Organisatsiooni hinnangu- ja arengudimensioonid: efektiivsus, ressursisäästlikkus, inimkesksus, tulemuse kvaliteet … • Organisatsiooni arendamise (vastuolulised) vaatepunktid: omaniku perspektiiv, juhi positsioon, töötaja vaatepunkt, ühiskonnaliikme arusaam … • Meie: kuidas mõeldakse organisatsiooni arengust, kaks vaatepunkti põhjalikumalt

  3. Ajalugu Esmane organisatsiooni arengukäsitlus = probleemilahendamine. Areng = murede järkjärguline ületamine. Kurt Lewin played a key role in the evolution of organization development as it is known today. As early as World War II, Lewin experimented with a collaborative change process (involving himself as consultant and a client group) based on a three-step process of planning, taking action, and measuring results.He first coined the term “action research” in about 1944. Organisatsiooni enesereflektsioon ja eneseparandus – vormiks tegevusuuring/action research Action research is a reflective process of progressive problem solving led by individuals working with others in teams or as part of a "community of practice" to improve the way they address issues and solve problems. Action research can also be undertaken by larger organizations or institutions, assisted or guided by professional researchers, with the aim of improving their strategies, practices, and knowledge of the environments within which they practice.

  4. Eneseparanduse kolm sammu: teadvustamine, muutus, juurdumine Organisatsioon muutub, muutustes osalemine tähendab motiveeritust. Ühine mõttetöö + tegevus + tulemuste hindamine! Concerned with social change and, more particularly, with effective,permanent social change, Lewin believed that the motivation to change was strongly related to action: If people are active in decisions affecting them, they are more likely to adopt new ways. "Rational social management", he said, "proceeds in a spiral of steps, each of which is composed of a circle of planning, action, andfact-finding about the result of action".Lewin's description of the process of change involves three steps: Unfreezing: Faced with a dilemma or disconfirmation, the individual or group becomes aware of a need to change. Changing: The situation is diagnosed and new models of behavior are explored and tested. Refreezing: Application of new behavior is evaluated, and if reinforcing, adopted Oluline: kolme sammu ei tee juht üksi, vaid organisatsiooni liikmed ühiselt. Selle mõtteviisi jätk: strateegiline arengukavandamine, tagasisidestatud juhtimine … Teadvustamine, muutus, juurutamine – rakendusliku MA loogika!

  5. Action research • .

  6. Täna Tänaseks - palju vaateid organisatsioonile, palju hindamisskeeme ja arengudimensioone Näited: strateegiline planeerimine (strategic planning), teadmusjuhtimine (knowledge management), muutuste juhtimine (change management), organisatsiooniline õppimine (organizational learning), liidrikujundus (leadership development), kvaliteedijuhtimine (quality management), inimsuhete analüüs (human relations movement), töödemokraatia (workplace democracy), organisatsioonikultuur (organizational culture) … Kirjuks ka organisatsiooni (arengu?) hindamiskriteeriumid ja vaatepunktid: kasumlikkus, konkurentsivõime, töötajate rahulolu, organisatsioonile pühendumine, tegevuse kvaliteet, sotsiaalne vastutus … Pole ÜRO globaalset organisatsiooniarengu indeksit, liikumine selles suunas aga olemas Meie: kaks vaatepunkti põhjalikumalt: organisatsiooni sotsiaalne vastutus, organisatsiooni kvaliteet ja kvaliteedikindlustus. Põhjus: maailmas kasvava tähendusega diskursused Mõlema puhul: määratlused (mis see on), standardid/kriteeriumid hindamiseks, mõõtmine ja andmebaasid, kriitika

  7. Organisatsiooni sotsiaalne vastutus Mõtteviis: organisatsioon mitte ainult oma eesmärke ja sisemisi huvisid. Organisatsiooni mõju laiem – tööandja, keskkonnakasutaja, kuvandilooja. Siit – laiem vastutus. Firmade vastutus kogukonna eest (globaalse korporatsiooni pankroti tähendus?!), ülikoolide sotsiaalne roll … Tõsisemalt päevakorrale alates 1980datest. Kasumi kõrvale vastutus. Corporate social responsibility (CSR, also called corporate responsibility, corporate citizenship, responsible business and corporate social opportunity is a concept whereby organizations consider the interests of society by taking responsibility for the impact of their activities on customers, suppliers, employees, shareholders, communities and other stakeholders, as well as the environment. This obligation is seen to extend beyond the statutory obligation to comply with legislation and sees organizations voluntarily taking further steps to improve the quality of life for employees and their families as well as for the local community and society at large.

  8. Mis ja miks: Klaus Schwab (Executive Chair of the World Economic Forum) Mis on CSR sisu: vastutustundlik juhtimine, turvaline töökeskkond, kogukonna huvid, keskkonnasõbralikkus, filantroopia … Compared to just a decade ago, it is now common for business-people to talk about social responsibility and the importance of being good corporate citizens. Many business leaders today consider it critical to engage with shareholders, the communities in which their companies operate, and others affected by and interested in what they do. The diverse activities needed to respond to these expanded duties are widely referred to by the catchall phrase "corporate social responsibility." It incorporates a host of concepts and practices, including the necessity for adequate corporate governance structures, the implementation of workplace safety standards, the adoption of environmentally sustainable procedures, and philanthropy. Miks: firmad tugevamaks kui riigivõim. Riik lokaalne, äri globaalne. As state power has shrunk, the sphere of influence of business has widened. Companies get involved in the health of workers, the education of employees and their children, and the pensions that sustain them in retirement. Corporations have an impact on everything from air quality to the availability of life-saving drugs. They have become integral to the survival of governments and the political stability of nations and regions. Kas CSR vaid suurte korporatsioonide teema?

  9. Kuidas: Klaus Schwab Five core concepts--corporate governance, corporate philanthropy, corporate social responsibility, corporate social entrepreneurship, and global corporate citizenship--define the different types of business engagement. Juhtimine. Corporate governance is more than the way in which a company is run. It means that a company complies with local and international laws, transparency and accountability requirements, ethical norms, and environmental and social codes of conduct. More than 3,000 companies in about 120 countries have signed on to the UN GlobalCompact, a framework of ten core principles to guide business behavior in areas such as human rights, the environment, labor practices, and corruption. Vastutus. Corporate social responsibility - this involves how a corporation responds to the expectations of its stakeholders--the wide community of all the organizations and individuals that are in any way affected by or interested in its actions: shareholders, owners, investors, employees, suppliers, clients, consumers--while trying to increase the company's value. Corporate social responsibility means addressing the wider financial, environmental, and social impact of all that a company does. It entails minimizing the negative effects of the actions of a company and maximizing the positive ones on stakeholders as well as on the communities in which the enterprise operates and the governments with which it must work. Heategevus. Corporate philanthropy was traditionally the preferred way for corporations to give back to society. Today, business leaders recognize that companies can make more efficient contributions through active engagement.

  10. Kuidas: Klaus Schwab Sotsiaalne ettevõtlus Corporate social entrepreneurship is strictly defined as the transformation of socially and environmentally responsible ideas into products or services. The last decade has seen many individuals come up with innovative ideas to address the specific social and environmental needs of the communities in which they are living. The role model of these social entrepreneurs, Muhammad Yunus, the inventor of microcredit, received the Nobel Peace Prize in 2006. Globaalne perspektiiv Global corporate citizenship goes beyond the concepts of corporate philanthropy, including social investing; corporate social responsibility; and corporate social entrepreneurship in that it entails focusing on "the global space," which is increasingly shaped by forces beyond the control of nation-states. Global corporations have not only a license to operate in this arena but also a civic duty to contribute to sustaining the world's well-being in cooperation with governments and civil society. Global corporate citizenship means engagement at the macro level on issues of importance to the world: it contributes to enhancing the sustainability of the global marketplace.

  11. Suurimad annetajadSeisuga 2009 Warren Buffett:$30.7 billion - healthcare, extreme poverty, education, access to information technology; Bill Gates:$29 billion - Education, AIDS-prevention Li Ka-shing:$10 billion - Education, healthcare George Soros:$6 billion - Democratic governance, anti-fascist publications, human rights, economic, legal, and social reform Howard Hughes:$1.56 billion - Medcine

  12. Miks sotsiaalne vastutus? Teadlikkus, prosotsiaalsus, altruism või kaine ärikaalutlus? Kasvav ärivõimu kriitika maailmas. Lisaks antiglobalistidele ka skeptilised arvamusliidrid Näit: U.Beck ja riskiühiskond. Individualiseerumine + võimas tehnoloogia + varjatud ohud. Korporatsioonide huvides tegutsevate ekspertide diktatuur Näit: tarbijasurve - eetilise tarbimise liikumine Avatud maailmas saanud avalik arvamus karmiks jõuks!

  13. Tarbijasurve CSR-le Eetiline tarbimine. Ethical consumerism is buying products and services that are made ethically. This may mean with minimal harm to or exploitation of humans, animals and/or the natural environment. Ethical consumerism is practiced through 'positive buying' in that ethical products are favoured, or 'moral boycott', that is negative purchasing and company-based purchasing. The rise in ethical consumerism and green brands that identify themselves as ethical, has led to a rise in ethic-based decisions in the mass market, enabled by increased understanding and information about businesses practices. The term ethical consumerism may refer to the wider movement within marketing, which means that large corporations wish to be seen as working ethically and improving the ethical standards of their industry Some argue that "Shopping is more important than voting", and that the disposition of money is the most basic role we play in any system of economics. Some theorists believe that it is the clearest way that we express our actual moral choices, i.e., if we say we care about something but continue to buy from parties that have a high probability of risk of harm or destruction of that thing, we don't really care about it, we are practicing a form of simple hypocrisy. Selektiivse tarbimise tagasimõju korporatsioonidele - ühiskonnasurve toodab vastutustunnet!

  14. Social Accountability International Initsiatiivid organiseeruvad. Tööpaiga inimõiguste standard! Social Accountability International (SAI) is a global standard-setting non-profit human rights organization dedicated to improving workplaces andcommunities. SAI provides capacity-building services for the implementation of its SA8000 standard. As of March 31, 2008, 872,052 workers in 64 countries and 61 industrial sectors were employed at 1,693 factories, stores and farms certified to SA8000. SAI has programs in Europe, China, Vietnam, Central America, Turkey, and others. Vt: http://www.sa-intl.org/ SAI began in 1997 when Alice Tepper Marlin established it. In 1998, SAI convened a multi-stakeholder Advisory Board to develop SA8000, a globalstandard for human rights at work. In 1998, first organizations were accredited to audit for SA8000 compliance; today SAI contracts with Social Accountability Accreditation Services (SAAS)for licencing and oversight of auditing organisations to certify copliance with SA8000. In 2001, SAI worked with Transparency International (TI) to issue "Business Principles for Countering Bribery" for public consultation.

  15. SA8000 Elements Child Labor: No workers under the age of 15; minimum lowered to 14 for countries operating under the ILO Convention 138 developing-country exception; remediation of any child found to be working Forced Labor: No forced labor, including prison or debt bondage labor; no lodging of deposits or identity papers by employers or outside recruiters Health and Safety: Provide a safe and healthy work environment; take steps to prevent injuries; regular health and safety worker training; system to detect threats to health and safety; access to bathrooms and potable water Freedom of Association and Right to Collective Bargaining: Respect the right to form and join trade unions and bargain collectively; where law prohibits these freedoms, facilitate parallel means of association and bargaining Discrimination: No discrimination based on race, caste, origin, religion, disability, gender, sexual orientation, union or political affiliation, or age; no sexual harassment Discipline: No corporal punishment, mental or physical coercion or verbal abuse Working Hours: Comply with the applicable law but, in any event, no more than 48 hours per week with at least one day off for every seven day period; voluntary overtime paid at a premium rate and not to exceed 12 hours per week on a regular basis; overtime may be mandatory if part of a collective bargaining agreement Compensation: Wages paid for a standard work week must meet the legal and industry standards and be sufficient to meet the basic need of workers and their families; no disciplinary deductions Management Systems: Facilities seeking to gain and maintain certification must go beyond simple compliance to integrate the standard into their management systems and practices.

  16. Sekkujad: AccountAbility AccountAbility was established in London, United Kingdom in 1996 with the stated aim to “develop new tools, thinking and connections that enable individuals, institutions and alliances to respond better to global challenges” Vt: http://www.accountability21.net/ AccountAbility's work is closely related but not limited to the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) field. The organisation is often labelled as a global think-tank, and has undertaken work in the areas of Responsible Competitiveness, Partnership Effectiveness, Collaborative Governance and Sustainability Assurance and Reporting. AccountAbility’s members include businesses, NGOs and research bodies, who elect the international, multi-stakeholder Council, with representatives from Africa, Asia, Europe and the Americas, spanning the business, non-profit, consultancies and academia sectors. AccountAbility’s Chief Executive, Simon Zadek is also a Senior Fellow at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, and is a member of the Clinton-Dalberg Task Force programme effectiveness in leveraging private enterprise for development. In 2003, he was named the World Economic Forum’s ‘Global Leaders for Tomorrow.'

  17. AA: võimu tsiviliseerimine Accountability is about holding those with power to account. We believe that this  ‘civilizing of power’ is critical to reconciling conflict and mobilising action, to address global challenges, from climate change to poverty and from HIV/AIDs to the needs of an aging population. We are an international not-for-profit organisation  working with partners in business, the public sector and civil society. We bring together people working in apparently diverse fields to learn from each other about accountability experiences and innovations and to understand and disseminate global best practice. Our role is to act as an innovation hub, developing and promoting new tools and  systems which enable people to hold to account those individuals and institutions whose decisions and actions affect their lives.  At the core of our work is the AA1000 Series of Standards. AccountAbility's standards, the AA1000 Series, are principles-based standards that provide the basis for improving the sustainability performance of organisations. They are applicable to organisations in any sector, including the public sector and civil society, of any size and in any region.

  18. Järjestus AA1000 is promoted as a standard for the measuring and reporting of ethicalbehaviour in business. It provides a framework that organisations can use to understand and improve their ethical performance, and a means for others to judge the validity of claims to be ethical AccountAbility and Csrnetwork have launched the fifth Accountability Rating™ published annually in Fortune International. The top ten companies in 2006 Rating are: • Vodafone • General Electric • HSBC • France Telecom • HBOS • Nokia • EDF • Suez • BP • Royal Dutch/Shell

  19. Sotsiaalse vastutuse dilemmad • Sotsiaalne vastutus – organisatsiooni keskne hindamisdimensioon. Arenenud firma – vastutustundlik firma. • Lähtepunkt: ühiskonna positiivne hoiak • Vastuolud: kasum vs laiemad huvid, töötajate rahulolu vs ühiskonna positiivne hoiak? • Eetilised ja ebaeetilised tegevusvaldkonnad - vaibakudumine, karusnahad, kaevandus … • Korporatsioonide globaalne vastutus: reaktsioon ühiskonna halvakspanule. Avatus kui mehhanism ja usaldus kui kapital. Ühiskonna ja äri debatt!

  20. Kvaliteet kui arengudimensioon Kvaliteet - palju määratlusi: klassikirjeldus (kvaliteetvein), väljapaistvus (parim auto), veatu toodang, hinnang ja võrdlus (elukvaliteet), süsteemne eneseparandus (kvaliteedikindlustus), vastandumist kvantiteedile (kvalitatiivne uuring) … Organisatsiooni kontekstis kvaliteet tõsise tähelepanu alla viimased 20-30 aastat Kaks aspekti: produkti/ toodangu kvaliteet, organisatsiooni juhtimise, töökorralduse kvaliteet Kvaliteet – väärtustatud dimensioon. Liikumine kvaliteedi suunas – positiivne! Kvaliteet see, mida kvaliteedi puhul mõõdetakse! Järgnev: kvaliteediteema (äri)organisatsioonis ja kvaliteet elus (elukvaliteet)

  21. Kvaliteet ärimaailmas - TQM Palju kvaliteediliikumisi, lähenemisi ja mõõtmisviise! TQM – kvaliteedi teadvustamine Total Quality Management (TQM) is a business management strategy aimed at embedding awareness of quality in all organizational processes. TQM has been widely used in manufacturing, education, call centers, government, and service industries, as well as NASA space and science programs. One theory is that Total Quality Management was created as an misinterpretation from Japanese to English since no difference exist between the words "control" and "management" in Japanese. TQM was first mentioned by Koji Kobayashi at (Nippon Electrical Company) in his speech when he received the Deming Prize in 1974.

  22. TQM Kõik toimingud nähtavaks, korratavaks, mõõdetavaks, igaüks teeb oma asja parimal viisil, toimingud peavad olema ilusad! Vigadeta töö! In Japan, TQM comprises four process steps, namely: • Kaizen – Focuses on "Continuous Process Improvement", to make processes visible, repeatable and measurable. • Atarimae Hinshitsu – The idea that "things will work as they are supposed to" (for example, a pen will write). • Kansei – Examinating the way the user applies the product leads to improvement in the product itself. • Miryokuteki Hinshitsu – The idea that "things should have an aesthetic quality" (for example, a pen will write in a way that is pleasing to the writer) TQM requires that the company maintain this quality standard in all aspects of its business. This requires ensuring that things are done right the first time and that defects and waste are eliminated from operations.

  23. The Eight Elements Of TQM Total Quality Management is a management approach that originated in the 1950's and has steadily become more popular since the early 1980's. Total Quality is a description of the culture, attitude and organization of a company that strives to provide customers with products and services that satisfy their needs. To be successful implementing TQM, an organization must concentrate on the eight key elements: • Ethics • Integrity • Trust • Training • Teamwork • Leadership • Recognition • Communication

  24. TQM 1. Ethics - Ethics is the discipline concerned with good and bad in any situation. It is a two-faceted subject represented by organizational and individual ethics. Organizational ethics establish a business code of ethics that outlines guidelines that all employees are to adhere to in the performance of their work. Individual ethics include personal rights or wrongs. 2. Integrity - Integrity implies honesty, morals, values, fairness, and adherence to the facts and sincerity. The characteristic is what customers (internal or external) expect and deserve to receive. People see the opposite of integrity as duplicity. TQM will not work in an atmosphere of duplicity. 3. Trust - Trust is a by-product of integrity and ethical conduct. Without trust, the framework of TQM cannot be built. Trust fosters full participation of allmembers. It allows empowerment that encourages pride ownership and it encourages commitment. It allows decision making at appropriate levels in the organization, fosters individual risk-taking for continuous improvement and helps to ensure that measurements focus on improvement of process and are not used to contend people. Trust is essential to ensure customer satisfaction. So, trust builds the cooperative environment essential for TQM.

  25. TQM 4. Training - Training is very important for employees to be highly productive. Supervisors are solely responsible for implementing TQM within their departments, and teaching their employees the philosophies of TQM. Training that employees require are interpersonal skills, the ability to function within teams, problem solving, decision making, job management performance analysis and improvement, business economics and technical skills. During the creation and formation of TQM, employees are trained so that they can become effective employees for the company. 5. Teamwork - To become successful in business, teamwork is also a key element of TQM. With the use of teams, the business will receive quicker and better solutions to problems. Teams also provide more permanent improvements in processes and operations. In teams, people feel more comfortable bringing up problems that may occur, and can get help from other workers to find a solution and put into place. There are mainly three types of teams that TQM organizations adopt: 6. Leadership - It is possibly the most important element in TQM. It appears everywhere in organization. Leadership in TQM requires the manager to provide an inspiring vision, make strategic directions that are understood by all and to instill values that guide subordinates. For TQM to be successful in the business, the supervisor must be committed in leading his employees. A supervisor must understand TQM, believe in it and then demonstrate their belief and commitment through their daily practices of TQM. 7. Communication - It binds everything together. Starting from foundation to roof of the TQM house, everything is bound by strong mortar of communication. It acts as a vital link between all elements of TQM. Communication means a common understanding of ideas between the sender and the receiver. The success of TQM demands communication with and among all the organization members, suppliers and customers.

  26. ISO kvaliteedistandardid organisatsioonile (juhtimisele) ISO 9000 is a family of standards for quality management systems. ISO 9000 is maintained by ISO, the International Organization for Standardization and is administered by accreditation and certification bodies. Some of the requirements in ISO 9001 (which is one of the standards in the ISO 9000 family) include • Reflektsioon: a set of procedures that cover all key processes in the business; • Monitooring:monitoring processes to ensure they are effective; • Dokumenteerimine: keeping adequate records; • Reageerimine defektidele:checking output for defects, with appropriate and corrective action where necessary; • Tagasiside:regularly reviewing individual processes and the quality system itself for effectiveness; and • Püsiv eneseparandus:facilitating continual improvement A company or organization that has been independently audited and certified to be in conformance with ISO 9001 may publicly state that it is "ISO 9001 certified" or "ISO 9001 registered". Certification to an ISO 9000 standard does not guarantee any quality of end products and services; rather, it certifies that formalized business processes are being applied. Indeed, some companies enter the ISO 9001 certification as a marketing tool. Although the standards originated in manufacturing, they are now employed across several types of organization. Individuaalne õppetöö ISO 9000 põhimõtete kohaselt! Erinevus TQM-st – ei rõhuta eetikat ja rühmatööd!

  27. Six Sigma Six Sigma is a business management strategy, originally developed by Motorola, that today enjoys widespread application in many sectors of industry. Six Sigma seeks to identify and remove the causes of defects and errors in manufacturing and business processes. It uses a set of quality management methods, including statistical methods, and creates a special infrastructure of people within the organization ("Black Belts" etc.) who are experts in these methods. The term "six sigma process" comes from the notion that if one has six standard deviations between the mean of a process and the nearest specification limit, there will be practically no items that fail to meet the specifications. This is based on the calculation method employed in a process capability study. In a capability study, the number of standard deviations between the process mean and the nearest specification limit is given in sigma units. As process standard deviation goes up, or the mean of the process moves away from the center of the tolerance, fewer standard deviations will fit between the mean and the nearest specification limit, decreasing the sigma number. Six Sigma = 3.4 DPMO = 99.9997% efficiency

  28. Six Sigma näide: DMADV Tegevuse dekonstruktsioon! DMADV is used to create new product or process designs. The basic methodology consists of the following five steps: • Define design goals that are consistent with customer demands and the enterprise strategy. • Measure and identify CTQs (characteristics that are Critical To Quality), product capabilities, production process capability, and risks. • Analyze to develop and design alternatives, create a high-level design and evaluate design capability to select the best design. • Design details, optimize the design, and plan for design verification. This phase may require simulations. • Verify the design, set up pilot runs, implement the production process and hand it over to the process owners. DMADV is also known as DFSS, an abbreviation of "Design For Six Sigma".

  29. Six Sigma: kvaliteedikindlustuse professionaliseerumine One of the key innovations of Six Sigma is the professionalizing of quality management functions. Six Sigma identifies several key roles for its successful implementation. • Executive Leadership includes the CEO and other members of top management. They are responsible for setting up a vision for Six Sigma implementation. They also empower the other role holders with the freedom and resources to explore new ideas for breakthrough improvements. • Champions are responsible for Six Sigma implementation across the organization in an integrated manner. The Executive Leadership draws them from upper management. Champions also act as mentors to Black Belts. • Master Black Belts, identified by champions, act as in-house coaches on Six Sigma. They devote 100% of their time to Six Sigma. They assist champions and guide Black Belts and Green Belts. Apart from statistical tasks, their time is spent on ensuring consistent application of Six Sigma across various functions and departments. • Black Belts operate under Master Black Belts to apply Six Sigma methodology to specific projects. They devote 100% of their time to Six Sigma. They primarily focus on Six Sigma project execution, whereas Champions and Master Black Belts focus on identifying projects/functions for Six Sigma. • Green Belts are the employees who take up Six Sigma implementation along with their other job responsibilities. They operate under the guidance of Black Belts

  30. Haridus ja kvaliteet • Tõsiseks teemaks 1990datel. Areng järgib sama loogikat, kuidas kvaliteediparadigma jõudis äriorganisatsioonidesse • Arenguetapid: rahulolematus (massiharidus), väline kontroll (akrediteerimine), ühised standardid (standards and guidelines), rahvusvaheline kontroll ja pingeread (agentuur), sisemised mehhanismid (eneseparandus), kvaliteedikultuur (sisemine norm) • Analoog tsiviliseerumisega – normi internaliseerumine. Kui kaugele erinevad eluvaldkonnad (äri, meditsiin, haridus, riigikaitse) on (kvaliteedi) arengus jõudnud?

  31. Praktilised sammud hariduses • Akrediteerimissüsteemid alates 1990date algusest • European Standards and Guidelines 2005 • Eestis: 1200 õppekava aastatel 1997-2008 • Mõjuanalüüs BV: palju energiat, tulemus tagasihoidlik • Eesti uus süsteem: üleminekuhindamine + tagasisidele orienteeritud kvaliteedihindamine • Kontroll vs kvaliteedikultuur

  32. Elukvaliteet • Teemaks 1970datel, koos heaoluühiskonnaga. Väärtuspilt eemale ellujäämisvajadustest, päevakorrale vaba aeg, eneserealisatsioon, hea elu, elu mõte … • Väliste näitajate (sissetulek, eluiga, elamistingimused) kõrvale subjektiivne pilt ja hinnang toimuvale • Elukvaliteet kui loend nn hea elu tunnustest või kui ootuste ja võimaluste suhe? Välispilk ja sisemine hinnang. • Vangi, miljardäri ja kindrali elu kvaliteet!?

  33. Mercer: linnaelu kvaliteet Linn kui organisatsioon! Mercer is the global leader for trusted HR and related financial advice, products and services. In our work with clients, we make a positive impact on the world every day. We do this by enhancing the financial and retirement security, health, productivity and employment relationships of the global workforce.  Mercer has more than 18,000 employees serving clients in over 180 cities and 40 countries and territories worldwide. http://www.mercer.com/referencecontent.htm?idContent=1128060#top50all Välised tunnused! What makes one person's quality of life better or worse cannot be quantified in an objective index. Therefore, Mercer's Quality of Living report reflects only the tangible aspects of living in a city on expatriate assignments, and leaves the question of the quality of one's life to those living it!

  34. Mercer: 39 key quality of living determinants, grouped in the 10 categories: • Political and social environment (political stability, crime, law enforcement, etc) • Economic environment (currency exchange regulations, banking services, etc) • Socio-cultural environment (censorship, limitations on personal freedom, etc) • Health and sanitation (medical supplies and services, infectious diseases, sewage, waste disposal, air pollution, etc) • Schools and education (standard and availability of international schools, etc) • Public services and transportation (electricity, water, public transport, traffic congestion, etc) • Recreation (restaurants, theatres, cinemas, sports and leisure, etc) • Consumer goods (availability of food/daily consumption items, cars, etc) • Housing (housing, household appliances, furniture, maintenance services, etc) • Natural environment (climate, record of natural disasters)

  35.    Rank 2007  Rank 2006  1 ZURICH Switzerland  108.1  108.22 2 GENEVA Switzerland  108.0  108.13 3 VANCOUVER Canada  107.7  107.73  4 VIENNA Austria  107.7  107.55  5 AUCKLAND New Zealand  107.3  107.35 6 DUSSELDORF Germany  107.3  107.27  7 FRANKFURT Germany  107.1  107.08  8 MUNICH Germany 106.9  106.89 9 BERN Switzerland  106.5  106.59  9 SYDNEY Australia  106.5  106.511  11 COPENHAGEN Denmark  106.2  106.212  12 WELLINGTON New Zealand 105.8  105.813  13 AMSTERDAM Netherlands  105.7  105.714 14 BRUSSELS Belgium  105.6  105.615  15 TORONTO Canada  105.4  105.416 16 BERLIN Germany  105.2  105.117  17 MELBOURNE Australia  105.0  105.018  18 LUXEMBOURG Luxembourg 104.8  104.818  18 OTTAWA Canada  104.8  104.820  20 STOCKHOLM Sweden  104.7  104.721  21 PERTH Australia  104.5  104.522  22 MONTREAL Canada  104.3  104.323  23 NURNBERG Germany  104.2  104.124 24 DUBLIN Ireland  103.3  103.827  25 CALGARY Canada  103.6  103.624  26 HAMBURG Germany  103.6  103.426  27 HONOLULU, HI USA  103.3  103.329  28 SAN FRANCISCO, CA USA  103.2  103.230  29 ADELAIDE Australia  103.1  103.1 30 29 HELSINKI Finland  103.1  103.132 31 OSLO Norway  103.5  102.827   31 BRISBANE Australia  102.8  102.833  33 PARIS France  102.7  102.734  34 SINGAPORE Singapore  102.5  102.535  35 TOKYO Japan  102.3  102.336 37 LYON France  101.9  101.636  36 BOSTON, MA United States  101.9  101.938  37 YOKOHAMA Japan  101.7  101.639  39 LONDON United Kingdom  101.2  101.240 40 KOBE Japan  101.0  101.041  44 BARCELONA Spain  100.6  100.242  45 MADRID Spain  100.5  100.142  51 OSAKA Japan  100.5  99.644  41 WASHINGTON, DC United States  100.4  100.444  41 CHICAGO, IL United States 100.4  100.446  43 PORTLAND, OR United States  100.3  100.347  53 LISBON Portugal  100.1  98.948  46 NEW YORK CITY, NY United States  100.0  100.049 51 MILAN Italy  99.9  99.649  47 SEATTLE, WA United States  99.9  99.9  worldwide Quality of Living Survey Mercer Human Resource Consulting 2007 Top 50 Base City: New York, USA (=100)

  36. The Economist Intelligence Unit Economist – analoog Mercer’ile. Linnade elamisväärsus! • The Economist Intelligence Unit’s quality of life index is based on a unique methodology that links the results of subjective life-satisfaction surveys to the objective determinants of quality of life across countries. The index was calculated in 2005 and includes data from 111 countries and territories Subjektiivne + objektiivne pilt! Elukvaliteedi näitajad: • The survey uses nine quality of life factors to determine a nation's score. They are listed below including the indicators used to represent these factors: • Health: Life expectancy at birth (in years.) Source: US Census Bureau • Family life: Divorce rate (per 1,000 population), converted into index of 1 (lowest divorce rates) to 5 (highest). Sources: UN; Euromonitor

  37. Economist: cities liveabilty

  38. The Economist Intelligence Unit: Quality of life index • Community life: Dummy variable taking value 1 if country has either high rate of church attendance or trade-union membership; zero otherwise. Source: World Values Survey • Material well being: GDP per person, at PPP in $. Source: Economist Intelligence Unit • Political stability and security: Political stability and security ratings. Source: Economist Intelligence Unit • Climate and geography: Latitude, to distinguish between warmer and colder climes. Source: CIA World Factbook • Job security: Unemployment rate (%.) Source: Economist Intelligence Unit • Political freedom: Average of indexes of political and civil liberties. Scale of 1 (completely free) to 7 (unfree). Source: Freedom House • Gender equality: measured using ratio of average male and female earnings. Source: UNDP Human Development Report

  39. 1 Ireland8.333 2 Switzerland8.068 3 Norway8.051 4 Luxembourg8.015 5 Sweden7.937 6 Australia7.925 7 Iceland7.911 8 Italy7.810 9 Denmark7.797 10 Spain7.727 11 Singapore7.719 12 Finland7.618 Quality of life index, 2009Allikas: Economist Intelligence Unithttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quality-of-life_index 13 United States7.615 14 Canada7.599 15 New Zealand7.436 16 Netherlands7.433 17 Japan7.392 18 Hong Kong7.347 19 Portugal7.307 20 Austria7.268 58 Romania6.106 59 Venezuela6.090 60 China6.084

  40. 61 Vietnam6.081 62 Bahrain6.036 63 Lithuania6.034 64 Jamaica6.023 65 Morocco 6.019 66 Latvia6.009 67 Oman5.917 68 Estonia5.906 69 Pakistan5.230 98 Ukraine5.033 99 Moldova5.010 100 Belarus4.978 101 Uganda4.879 102 Turkmenistan4.870 103 Kyrgyzstan4.846 105 Russia4.796 108 Nigeria4.505 109 Tanzania4.495 110 Haiti4.090 111 Zimbabwe3.892 Quality of life index, 2005Allikas: Economist Intelligence Unithttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quality-of-life_index

  41. The Economist Intelligence Unit’s quality-of-life index, 2005

  42. Kokkuvõtteks • Organisatsiooni hindamise kriteeriumid: sotsiaalne vastutus, kvaliteet, innovaatilisus … ja nende sarnane arenguloogika: teadvustamine – tähtsustamine – mõõtmine – järjestamine - mõjutamine • Kvaliteet – universaalne ja rõhutatult mitmetähenduslik mõõdupuu. Organisatsioonide puhul: produkti ja tegevuse kvaliteet, sisepilk ja välispilk, kvaliteet kui surve ja kvaliteet kui sisemine norm • Kvaliteedimõõdikud, kvaliteedijärjestused, sisusse süüvimine ja skeptiline pilt • Võrreldes HDI-ga – kõik veel ühtse lähenemise otsimise staadiumis

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