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The History of the Internet

The History of the Internet. Joachim Åberg Peter Hedberg Distributed Information Systems. Today. 1960. The 60's. Telephone – communication network Berkeley Packet-switching MIT Rand Institute NPL (National Physical Laboratory). The 70's.

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The History of the Internet

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  1. The History of the Internet Joachim Åberg Peter Hedberg Distributed Information Systems

  2. Today 1960

  3. The 60's Telephone – communication network Berkeley Packet-switching MIT Rand Institute NPL (National Physical Laboratory)

  4. The 70's • By 1972 - ARPAnet grown to 15 nodes • NCP (network-control protocol). [RFC 001] • The first host-to host between ARPAnet users known as the NCP • Applications • Email program

  5. The 70's • Different packet-switching networks • ARPAnet, ALOHANet, Telnet, Cyclades... • DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) • A network of networks. • Early versions of TCP, UDP and IP in place by the end of the 1970's. • 1976 Metcalfe and Boggs started an early version of Ethernet protocol

  6. The 80's • ARPAnet • Huge increase • From 100 to 100000 • Why? • Universities connect • North Eastern part of USA • CSNet • connected computers not connected to ARPAnet

  7. The 80's • Internet cornerstones • NSFNet created • ARPAnet NCP→ TCP/IP in 1983 • Late 80's • Important extensions to TCP • Implement Congestion Control • DNS • 32-bit IP a.b.c.d

  8. Minitel • 1982 • French online service • Free computer terminals to telephone suscribers • Services • Online purchases, train reservations. Stock prices, telephone directory, chat • Estimation: 25 million (out of 60) used it by the end of the 90's • Similar systems was introduced ( Teleguide)

  9. WWW • 1980 • Tim Berners Lee • ENQUIRE • Hypertext • 1984 • Physicist needed to share data • 1989 • Proposal ”a large hypertext database with typed links” • TIM, MOI,WWW

  10. WWW • 1990 • HTTP, HTML, browser (WWW) • 92-95 • HTTP, GOPHER • Early Browser • Mosaic→Netscape Navigator • 96-98 • Commercialization of the WWW • Google

  11. Bubble to Present • 1999-2001 • Dot-com bubble burst • 2001 → • Web 2.0 • Wikipedia, MySpace, iTunes, Flickr, World of Warcraft, Facebook, Podcast, Google Earth, Youtube, Twitter, Bittorrent, G-Mail

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