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Measurement of the D  p e n form factor

Measurement of the D  p e n form factor. A. Oyanguren (IFIC, Valencia) J. Costa, A. D’Orazio, P. Roudeau, J. Serrano (LAL, Orsay). Status report.  Event selection.  Background control.  To do list. Event selection.  Check fitting results using two selection criteria:.

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Measurement of the D  p e n form factor

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  1. Measurement of the Dpen form factor A. Oyanguren (IFIC, Valencia) J. Costa, A. D’Orazio, P. Roudeau, J. Serrano (LAL, Orsay) Status report Event selection Background control To do list

  2. Event selection Check fitting results using two selection criteria: Tight cuts for Fisher variables: Fcc > 0.25 ; Fbb > 1.1  Looser cuts: Fcc > 0.16 ; Fbb > 0.2 (optimized for stat. signal significance) Run 4 ~ 100 fb-16363 evts 13091 evts data data signal (40%) signal (50%)  + uds (3%)  + uds (3%) bb Bkg. (14%) bb Bkg. (5%) cc Bkg. (43%) cc Bkg. (42%) dm (GeV) dm (GeV) MC scaled to the data luminosity AWG meeting April 07 2 A. Oyanguren

  3. Event selection Fit results:  Extended Likelihood2D fit (RooFit based): Nsignal xPDF signal(apole ; q2rec, cosl rec) + Nbkg xPDF bkg(q2rec, cosl rec) Form factor: 1)Tight cuts for Fisher variables: Fcc > 0.25 ; Fbb > 1.1 Nsignal = 2578 ± 177 Nbkg = 3785 ± 180 apole = 0.61 ± 0.09 AWG meeting April 07 3 A. Oyanguren

  4. Event selection Fit results: 1)Looser cuts for Fisher variables: Fcc > 0.16 ; Fbb > 0.2 Nsignal = 4697 ± 267 Nbkg = 8394 ± 274 apole = 0.65 ± 0.07 AWG meeting April 07 4 A. Oyanguren

  5. Background control dm > 0.16 GeV: Fit toSk=cc,BB,uds+tNk(PDFkdm x PDFkq2 x PDFkcosql x PDFkH2/H0) BB cc uds+t dm q2 cosql H2/H0 Fit results (correction factors): cc (bkg+sig): 0.884  0.020 bb bkg: 1.128  0.021 light bkg: 1.336  0.085 corrected plots: cosql dm H2/H0 q2 AWG meeting April 07 5 A. Oyanguren

  6. Background control Wrong signevents (ps-,e+): Fit toSk=cc,BB,uds+tNk(PDFkdm x PDFkq2 x PDFkcosql x PDFkH2/H0) BB cc uds+t dm cosql H2/H0 q2 Fit results (correction factors): cc bkg: 1.052  0.029 bb bkg: 1.157  0.018 light bkg: 0.807  0.019 dm cosql q2 H2/H0 corrected plots AWG meeting April 07 6 A. Oyanguren

  7. Background control Applying dm>0.16 corrections: (correction factors: 0.88 for cc, 1.128 for bb, 1.34 for taus+uds) a= 0.651  0.073 nbkg= 8394  274 nsig= 4698  267 fcn= -90372 a= 0.651  0.069 nbkg= 8234  268 nsig= 4857  262 fcn= -90382 (a stable (a=0.0002), small improvent of the fit) AWG meeting April 07 7 A. Oyanguren

  8. To do list  In process: corrections from charm fragmentation in the signal PDF (effect seems to be <0.5stat)  Redo ntuples with DKp Run-4 energy smearing  Check results with Run2  Systematics from physics bkg (K*)  Systematics from MC bkg stat.  DKp normalization  BAD in process AWG meeting April 07 8 A. Oyanguren

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