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The Current status of the MPD@NICA Project at JINR

The Current status of the MPD@NICA Project at JINR. A.Litvinenko for MPD@NICA collaboration litvin@moonhe.jinr.ru. MPD@NICA Project. The M ulti P urpose D etector( MPD ) is designed to study Heavy I on collisions at the N uclotron-based heavy I on

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The Current status of the MPD@NICA Project at JINR

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  1. TheCurrent status of the MPD@NICA Project at JINR A.Litvinenko for MPD@NICA collaboration litvin@moonhe.jinr.ru A.Litvinenko VBLHEP JINR

  2. MPD@NICA Project The MultiPurposeDetector(MPD)isdesignedtostudy Heavy IoncollisionsattheNuclotron-based heavyIon ColliderfAcility(NICA)atJINR,Dubna. ( A.Litvinenko VBLHEP JINR

  3. Outline • Motivation • Observables • Detector conception • Simulation of some tasks • Conclusions A.Litvinenko VBLHEP JINR

  4. MPD@NICA Project The MultiPurposeDetector(MPD)isdesignedtostudy Heavy IoncollisionsattheNuclotron-based heavyIon ColliderfAcility(NICA)atJINR,Dubna. • Colliding nuclei up to the Au • Energy • Luminosity ( A.Litvinenko VBLHEP JINR

  5. http://nica.jinr.ru/ http://nica.jinr.ru/files/CDR_MPD/MPD_CDR_en.pdf http://nica.jinr.ru/files/WhitePaper.pdf A.Litvinenko VBLHEP JINR


  7. MPD general view A.Litvinenko VBLHEP JINR

  8. Some history PHENIX Energy STAR NA-61 NA-49 NICA CBM Time A.Litvinenko VBLHEP JINR

  9. Why the initial energy Parameter of Fireball (Parameters of exited hadronic matter) Baryon density Energy density (Bjorken equation) Energy density increases with increasing initial energy Baryon density decreases with increasing initial energy A.Litvinenko VBLHEP JINR

  10. Energy density density of charged hadrons PHOBOS DATA A.Litvinenko VBLHEP JINR

  11. Baryon charge of fireball can be obtained from net-proton distribution Net protons = By the way, is often used Stopping power and 11 A.Litvinenko VBLHEP JINR

  12. RHIC Energy Small baryon density Lattice QCD F. Karsch, Lecture Notes in Physics 583 (2002) 209. A.Litvinenko VBLHEP JINR

  13. Rough estimation – ideal mass less gas Bosons -- 1- degree of freedom: Fermions -- 1- degree of freedom: 2 quarks 3 quarks A.Litvinenko VBLHEP JINR

  14. For 14 A.Litvinenko VBLHEP JINR

  15. Creation of the deconfirment QGP state in heavy-ion collisions, Kind of transition depends on the net baryon density high baryon density  first order transition to QGP A.Litvinenko VBLHEP JINR

  16. The horn in strangeness yield NA-49 data A.Litvinenko VBLHEP JINR

  17. Conclusions I • There is experimental indication on singularity at NICA energy • The initial energy scan is necessary for determination of EoS parameters • It is interesting to know where is critical point • The first order transition can give many interesting signals including signals from mixed phase. A.Litvinenko VBLHEP JINR

  18. Nuclei collisions complicated process. To study it we need a lot of observables. A.Litvinenko VBLHEP JINR

  19. Space-time structure of heavy ions collisions kineticfreeze-out (no collisions) Chemical freeze-out (no particles production) Parton-parton interaction Initial inelastic collisions world line 19

  20. Observables Particles ratios  temperature and chemical potential at Chemical Freezeout A.Litvinenko VBLHEP JINR

  21. Observables Particle spectra  temperature and expansion velosity at Kinematic Freezeout A.Litvinenko VBLHEP JINR

  22. elliptic flow Observables Flows equilibrium time, EoS …. Space eccentricity Elliptic flow Coordinate space asymmetry  momentum space anisotropy A.Litvinenko VBLHEP JINR

  23. Observables Fluctuations:Multiplicities, Particle Ratios, mean pT … Fluctuations from 1st order transition have to be more strong No hard collisions at small energy A.Litvinenko VBLHEP JINR

  24. General view of the MPD CD-central parts,(FS-A, FS-B) - two forward spectrometers (optional). Superconductor solenoid (SC Coil) and magnet yoke, inner detector (IT), straw-tube tracker (ECT),time-projection chamber (TPC),time-of-flight stop counters (TOF), electromagnetic calorimeter(ECal), fast forward detectors (FFD), beam-beam counter (BBC), and zero degree calorimeter(ZDC). A.Litvinenko VBLHEP JINR

  25. Central Detector of MPD with based dimensions A.Litvinenko VBLHEP JINR

  26. MPD pseudorapidity coverage. The barrel part The endcaps (FS-A and FS-B) A.Litvinenko VBLHEP JINR

  27. Magnet of MPD Distribution of the magnetic induction The field inhomogeneityin the tracker area of the detector is about 0.1%. A.Litvinenko VBLHEP JINR

  28. Detector simulation software packages The software framework for the MPD experiment (MpdRoot) is based on the objectorientedframework FairRoot and provides a powerful tool for detector performancestudies, development of algorithms for reconstruction and physics analysis of the data. http://mpd.jinr.ru A.Litvinenko VBLHEP JINR

  29. Time projection chamber (TPC) (tracking, PID) Schematic view A.Litvinenko VBLHEP JINR

  30. Time projection chamber (TPC) Simulation view of TPC in the MpdRoot. A.Litvinenko VBLHEP JINR

  31. Time projection chamber (TPC) Tracks reconstruction Charge particle tracks in the TPC volume for a central Au + Au collision UrQMD 2.3 A.Litvinenko VBLHEP JINR

  32. Time projection chamber (TPC) Particle identification Separation of particles in the TPC by ionization loss A.Litvinenko VBLHEP JINR

  33. Inner Tracker System (vertex reconstruction, secondary vertex reconstruction) A.Litvinenko VBLHEP JINR

  34. Inner Tracker System Hyperons identification TPC TPC + ITS A.Litvinenko VBLHEP JINR

  35. Time of Flight System (ToF) Multigap Resistive Plate Counters (MRPC) PID (0.1–2 GeV/c) – ToF + TPC Barrel of TOF system Distribution of RPC elements in the barrel A.Litvinenko VBLHEP JINR

  36. Time of Flight System (ToF) PIDwith TOF and TPC A.Litvinenko VBLHEP JINR

  37. Electromagnetic calorimeter The “shashlyk” type calorimeter sampling Pb(0.5mm) + Sc(1.5 mm) (170 layers) the “shashlyk” calorimeter module Detector sector ECAL detector. A.Litvinenko VBLHEP JINR

  38. Electromagnetic probes provide information about: • Early stage of collision • Temperatureevolution of the system from its formation to thermal freez-out • Comparison of resonanses properties as seen in dielectron and hadronicdecay channels in Au+Au collisions A.Litvinenko VBLHEP JINR

  39. A.Litvinenko VBLHEP JINR

  40. A.Litvinenko VBLHEP JINR

  41. The importance of the centrality classification Elliptic flow Space eccentricity Nuclear Physics A V757, No. 1-2 , p.184,2005 elliptic flow scaling with space eccentricity short equlibration time A.Litvinenko VBLHEP JINR

  42. LAQGSM, Sqrt(S)=5 GeV URQMD, Sqrt(S)=5 GeV Total kinetic energy of all nucleonsand fragments directed to ZDC A.Litvinenko VBLHEP JINR

  43. The centrality determination: ZDC + number tracks in TPC A.Litvinenko VBLHEP JINR

  44. Position of extZDC within MPD set-up extZDC Reaction plane peconstruction

  45. Methods of reaction plane reconstruction • Using 1-st Fourier harmonics → directed flow in a collision in Lab frame: Method 1: b φR Method 2: → Optimize weight wi to increase sensitivity to RP → combine measurements for η<0 and η>0 to improve precision, study as a function of impact parameter b Reaction plane peconstruction

  46. Directed Flow v1 vs Rapidity y nucleons π-mesons UrQMD QGSM Reaction plane peconstruction

  47. Extended ZDC detector dcell = 5x5 cm, 420 cells in each side of MPD • Simulation of extended ZDC within mpdroot: • L = 120 (60, 40) cm • 5 < R < 61 cm, z0=270 cm, 1<θ<12.5o (2.2<η<4.8) • dcell = 5x5,10x10 cm • wi=ΣEvis in active layers of 1 module → use methods 1 and 2 for RP reconstruction • No π vs p/ion identification • Geant 4 , QGSP_BIC physics model dcell = 10x10 cm, 121 cells in each side of MPD Reaction plane peconstruction

  48. Resolution δφRP and <cos δφRP> vs b Effects of ZDC cell size and length, beam energy and interaction model Reaction plane reconstruction

  49. Polarization observables at MPD. one example Analyzing powers Ayy of the reactions: + = S wave D wave A.Litvinenko VBLHEP JINR

  50. Experimental data C.E.Allgower et al., Phys.Rev. D 65 ,092008, (2002) Simulation for MPD A.Litvinenko VBLHEP JINR

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