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The Reformation

The Reformation. Modern Devotion Religious movement of late 15 th century Low Countries Advocates more individualist approach toward religion Influences Erasmus and paves the way for Luther Thomas a Kempis writes their philosophy in Imitation of Christ. William of Ockham 1 st Protestant

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The Reformation

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  1. The Reformation

  2. Modern Devotion Religious movement of late 15th century Low Countries Advocates more individualist approach toward religion Influences Erasmus and paves the way for Luther Thomas a Kempis writes their philosophy in Imitation of Christ

  3. William of Ockham 1st Protestant Calls for separation of church & state Goes against Pope on issue of poverty and prosperity for Franciscan order Calls Pope a heretic

  4. John Wycliffe Forerunner of Luther, Wycliffe criticizes the church over luxuries and indulgences Argues against Transubstantiation Translates the Bible into English His followers are the Lollards

  5. Benefice System- Lands and its income to the priest This is the compensation for the services the priest provides Becomes part of the Feudal system Some church officials would have multiple benefice

  6. Church Abuses Church in Worldly affairs Wars to protect Papal States from Secular rulers Church also wanted to expand its own interests

  7. Sixtus IV Famous for nepotism – six of his nephews made cardinal, involved in Pazzi Conspiracy

  8. Innocent VIII Married his son to daughter of Lorenzo in exchange for cardinal’s hat for Lorenzo’s son

  9. Pope Julius II the Warrior Pope

  10. Alexander VI the Borgia Pope Known for extravagant living and his four children

  11. The Medici Popes Clement VII Leo X

  12. Leo X – son of Lorenzo Issues indulgences to pay for St. Peter’s Clement VII – nephew of Lorenzo Sack of Rome and English Reformation

  13. Indulgences “the lessening of time in purgatory” Usually granted for good deeds Sold for money-pay for St. Peter’s Used Treasury of Merit stores of extra merit from saints that could be given away in indulgences

  14. Martin Luther Wittenberg, Germany Archbishop Albert of Mainz pushes indulgences, he gets a cut 95 Theses

  15. Firestorm Luther does not recant-calls for rejection of Rome Excommunicated by Pope Leo X Charles V labels him an outlaw

  16. Frederick the Wise of Saxony Protects Luther from the Pope and the HRE

  17. Teachings All Christians equal before God Rejects authority of the Pope Bans indulgences, confession, pilgrimages and prayers to saints. Permits Clergy to marry and simplifies the services – no Latin Believes in justification of faith rather than acts

  18. Protestants Luther’s writing spreads 1530 called Protestants Northern German princes see Luther as an excuse to throw off Pope and HRE

  19. In response to pressure from the HRE, Protestants form the Schmalkaldic League for protection

  20. Charles V shifts attention in 1547 and tries to force conversion back to Catholic Has some victories but no success in changing the people

  21. Peace of AugsbergCuius regio eius religio 1555 each Prince could decide religion Many in the North- Lutheran Many in the South- Catholic

  22. Ulrich Zwingli Contemporary of Luther Reforms church in Zurich but rejects all sacraments Feels communion is just symbolic Says he will not follow Church reading but follow Erasmus’s New Testament from A to Z

  23. War breaks out between Protestants and Catholics Zwingli wounded in battle, is capture, executed, quartered, burnt and his ashes scattered to the wind

  24. Why does Luther succeed? *attacks corrupt Church practices and Rome Popular with common people and Germans

  25. * Printing Press

  26. Groups willing to join a Reformation: • Guilds with a history of opposition to authority • Cities or regions who felt bullied by local or national authority

  27. *Works out a symbiotic relationship with rulers They see opportunity to strike against the HRE and the Church to gain more power Luther knows he needs support of political authority to keep changes in place

  28. Luther willing to allow local prince the authority to have control over the church in their territory Luther urges the people to obey their ruler

  29. Peasant Revolt 1524-25 Starts as protest against feudal duties to lords Look at ideas of Luther and especially the Anabaptists, who want to separate from civil government

  30. Luther supports rulers against the peasants saying the Bible does not say anything about earthly justice

  31. Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and unto God the things that are God’s

  32. About 75,000 are killed putting down the revolt Causes loss of popularity for Luther and will be a factor in the rise of new protestant sects

  33. Socially, Luther allows clergy to marry – he marries former nun Katharina von Bora While Protestants said marriage was not a sacrament, the wife was still to be cheerfully obedient to her husband

  34. Since it was believed that spouses should support each other and marriage was created by God, a bad marriage threatened the souls of the individuals and the community – therefore divorce would be allowed Unlike the Catholic Church

  35. John Calvin Born in France Asked to come to Geneva to reform city Wants to establish a Christian community ruled by God

  36. Where Calvin differs from Luther: • Predestination • Refuses to subordinate Church to State – Church is the State

  37. Where is Calvinism found: Switzerland France (Huegenots) Scotland (Presbyterians)

  38. Anabaptist Believed in adult baptism Seen by both Catholics and Protestants as radical and dangerous

  39. Common Protestant beliefs: • Reject papal authority • Demystify clergy • Service not in Latin • No monks, friars or nuns • Reduce sacraments

  40. Henry VIII becomes king of England Marries Catherine of Aragon Have 2 sons who die in first 1-2 months One daughter who lives - Mary

  41. Henry VIII

  42. Catherine of Aragon

  43. Henry wants new wife so he can have a son Asks Pope foe annulment Leviticus – if you marry your brother’s wife, you will be childless

  44. Catherine first married to Henry’s older brother Arthur Catherine says marriage never consummated Catherine is the aunt of Charles V

  45. Henry has girlfriend: Anne Boleyn

  46. Anne is pregnant so a change must be made quick!

  47. Henry removes papal authority and sets up Church of England Act of Supremacy makes the monarch the head of the Church Henry has the right to make ecclesiastical law

  48. Thomas More Chancellor resigns then executed

  49. Under advice of Chief Minister Thomas Cromwell, Henry seizes monastic lands in England Much of these he sells to upper class to enrich the treasury

  50. Anne has daughter Elizabeth but no sons Enemies of the Boleyn family spread rumors about Anne Several men including her brother are arrested and later Anne is charged with adultery

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