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第 3 版 Mini-world 万花筒

第 3 版 Mini-world 万花筒. 不喜欢生姜古怪的味道?不过它可是一味良药哦 !. Ginger, the Good Medicine in Your Kitchen. You can find ginger in the kitchen or in Grandma’s medicine boxes easily.

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第 3 版 Mini-world 万花筒

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  1. 第3版 Mini-world 万花筒

  2. 不喜欢生姜古怪的味道?不过它可是一味良药哦! Ginger, the Good Medicine in Your Kitchen

  3. You can find ginger in the kitchen or in Grandma’s medicine boxes easily. Many children don’t like it, because it tastes very strange. But now, English doctors have found that ginger is a very good medicine for colds, headaches and cancer. And they say that we can eat a little ginger every day.

  4. In some countries, like China and India (印度), people use ginger to make sweets and tea. It makes the ginger taste better. So the next time you catch a cold, try some ginger sweets or a cup of ginger tea.

  5. QUIZ:请根据文章内容判断对错。 • Doctors say that we can eat • ginger as much as we want. ( ) • 2. Children don’t like to eat ginger • because it is a medicine. ( ) F F

  6. 怎样让书桌保持干净?书桌吸尘器来帮你! USB Desk Vacuum This USB desk vacuum can keep your desk clean! It is very small, but it looks like a real one. You can plug it into your computer and use it easily.

  7. Word Bank 超纲词汇 ginger /'d3Ind3=/ n. 姜 medicine /'medIsIn/ n.药 strange /streInd3/ adj. 奇怪的 headache /'hedeIk/ n. 头痛 cancer /'k7ns=/ n. 癌症 better /'bet=/ adj. 更好的 good, better, best = 好, 更好, 最好

  8. vacuum /'v7kjU=m/ n.真空吸尘器 real /rI=l/ adj. 真正的 catch a cold 伤风, 感冒 as much as ... 和……一样多 plug ... into ... 将……与……接通

  9. 第4-5版 Super Classroom 超级课堂

  10. 你知道是谁发明了冰淇淋、人们最喜欢的冰淇淋口味又是什么吗?你知道是谁发明了冰淇淋、人们最喜欢的冰淇淋口味又是什么吗? Ice Cream Fun Facts ★ Many people think Chinese people invented the ice cream. ★ American people eat the most ice cream in the world. ★ What ice cream flavors do people like best? They are vanilla, chocolate and strawberry. ★ The ice cream bean is a fruit in Hawaii (夏威夷). It tastes like vanilla ice cream!

  11. 一年中哪天最甜蜜?当然是“冰淇淋日”! Sweet Ice Cream Day What is the sweetest day of the year? The answer is: Ice Cream Day! American people love ice cream very much. So in 1984, July became Ice Cream Month, and the third Sunday of July became Ice Cream Day.

  12. American people eat a lot of ice cream in Ice Cream Month, and they eat more on Ice Cream Day! Philadelphia (费城) has a big ice cream festival every year. The festival is great! There are many nice ice creams there! After you buy a ticket, you will have a spoon. With the spoon, you can eat any ice cream at the festival, and you can eat as much as you like!

  13. 你听说过冰淇淋墓地吗?被淘汰的冰淇淋口味就在那里“安息”。你听说过冰淇淋墓地吗?被淘汰的冰淇淋口味就在那里“安息”。 When Ice Cream Flavors Die ... Where do ice cream flavors go to die? You may think this question is funny, but there is a cemetery for ice cream flavors, in Vermont, USA (美国佛蒙特州).

  14. Vermont is famous for its Ben&Jerry’s Ice Cream. Many people like to visit its factory because it has a cemetery for ice cream flavors. There are new ice cream flavors every year, and the old flavors will “die.” So Ben&Jerry’s built a cemetery for them. The cemetery is on a hill behind the ice cream factory. There are many tombstones for the “dead” ice cream flavors. Now, there are about 200 tombstones in the cemetery.

  15. Culture Ice Cream Day 冰淇淋在美国有着悠久的历史。早在1851年,美国马里兰州巴尔的摩的牛奶商人就实现了冰淇淋的工业化。出于美国人民对冰淇淋的热爱,美国第40任总统罗纳德·里根在1984年发起了一个节庆,将每年的7月定为全国冰淇淋月,7月的第三个星期天定为全国冰淇淋日。   美国是全世界生产、消费冰淇淋最多的国家。每个公民每年大约要吃下14升的冰淇淋。冰淇淋工业还为美国人提供了成千上万的就业机会和约200亿美元的年销售额。奶农百分之九的牛奶产出用于生产冰淇淋。

  16. Quiz I. 请根据“Sweet Ice Cream Day”的内容用T或F判 断下列句子是否正确。 ( ) 1. July became Ice Cream Month in 1984. ( ) 2. People eat a lot of ice cream in Ice Cream Month. ( ) 3. There is an ice cream festival in New York every year. ( ) 4. People need to buy a ticket before they go into the ice cream festival. ( ) 5. People can’t eat ice cream at the festival. ( ) 6. This year’s Ice Cream Day is on July 17. T T F T F T

  17. II. 请根据“When Ice Cream Flavors Die ...”的内容回答下列问题。 1. Why do people like to visit Ben&Jerry’s ice cream factory? __________________________________________ 2. Why did Ben&Jerry’s build the cemetery? __________________________________________ 3. Where is the cemetery? __________________________________________ 4. How many tombstones are there in the cemetery? __________________________________________ Because it has a cemetery for ice cream flavors. Because there are new ice cream flavors every year, and the old flavors will “die.” The cemetery is on a hill behind the ice cream factory. There are about 200 tombstones in the cemetery.

  18. Word Bank 超纲词汇 invent /In'vent/v.发明 most /m=Ust/ adj.最多的 (many和much的最高级) flavor /'fleIv=/ n. 口味,英式拼写为flavour vanilla /v='nIl=/ n. 香草 sweetest /'swi:tIst/ adj. 最甜的 (sweet的最高级) more /m6:/ adj.更多的 (many和much的比较级) festival /‘festIv=l/ n.节日

  19. die /daI/ v.死去 dead /ded/ adj.死亡的 cemetery /‘semItrI/ n.墓地 factory /‘f7kt=rI/ n.工厂 build /bIld/ v.建造,过去式为built tombstone /'tu:mst=Un/ n.墓碑 a lot of 许多 eat as much as you like 你爱吃多少就吃多少 be famous for ... 以……著称

  20. 第6版 Playground 英语操练场

  21. 开饭了!快来点一份你喜欢的西餐吧! In the Restaurant

  22. Jacky: Do you have a table for two? Waiter: Yes, this way please. What can I do for you? Jacky: Can I see the menu, please? Waiter: Yes, here you are. Jacky: What’s good today? Waiter: I recommend chicken and chips, they are very tasty. Jacky: We don’t want that. Well, we will begin with tomato soup, and followed by some seafood and eggs. Waiter: Do you want any dessert? Jacky: No dessert, thanks. Just coffee. What else do you want, Lily? Lily: Apple juice. Waiter: How do you want your eggs? Jacky: Fried eggs, please. Waiter: OK, I will get them right away.

  23. Quiz • I. 请根据文章内容回答问题。 • How many guests (客人) are there in this dialogue? • _________________________________________ • 2. What do they want to eat? What do they want • to drink? • _________________________________________ • II. 请根据文章和提示练习对话。 • three people, hamburger and chips, apple pie, pizza, orange juice, cola There are two guests in this dialogue. They want to eat some seafood and eggs. They want to drink tomato soup, coffee and apple juice.

  24. What’s the News of the Day? What’s the news of the day? Good neighbour, I pray? They say the balloon Has gone up to the moon.

  25. Word Bank 超纲词汇 menu /'menju:/ n. 菜单 recommend /;rek='mend/ v. 推荐 tasty /'teIstI/ adj. 好吃的 seafood /'si:fu:d/ n. 海鲜 just /d32st/ adv.仅仅, 只 else /els/ adv.(常用于疑问词,不定代词后)其他, 另外

  26. neighbour /'neIb=/ n. 邻居 pray /preI/ v. 请求,恳求 here you are 给你 What’s good today? 今天有什么好吃的? fried egg 煎蛋 right away 立刻, 马上

  27. 第7版 Story Zone 故事地带

  28. 一头满身是泥的猪和一只急性子的公鸡是一对好朋友。一头满身是泥的猪和一只急性子的公鸡是一对好朋友。 Poke and Beans (I)

  29. “Will you hurry up, please,” shouted Beans the rooster. “I can’t help it,” Poke the pig answered. His pink skin was covered with thick brown mud.   “If you washed yourself now and then, you could walk a lot quicker,” Beans said. “You have so much mud all over you. I can’t even see your tail!”

  30.   “Why are you in such a hurry?” Poke asked. “Farmer Roy puts plenty of food out on Tuesdays.”   “You’re right,” Beans smiled. He slowed down and the two friends walked side by side.

  31. Quiz • 请根据文章内容判断对错。 • Poke walked slowly, because his skin was • covered with mud. ( ) • 2. Poke and Beans were in a hurry, because • there was little food. ( ) T F

  32. Word Bank 超纲词汇 rooster /'ru:st=/ n.公鸡 cover /'k2v=/ v.覆盖 mud /m2d/ n.泥巴, 泥浆 could /kUd/ v. aux. 能够, can的过去式 even /'i:v=n/ adv.甚至 plenty /'plentI/ pron.大量,充足 hurry up 赶快, 快点

  33. I can’t help it. 我没有办法。 now and then 偶尔, 时不时 a lot quicker 快很多, quicker是quick的比较级 in such a hurry 如此匆忙 slow down 放慢速度 side by side 肩并肩地

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