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Proof of Change Lesson 12

Proof of Change Lesson 12. We have learned about the three different states of matter in past science levels. Let’s watch this video to review the states of matter. https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=cBBmdqti_Kg.

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Proof of Change Lesson 12

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Proof of ChangeLesson 12

  2. We have learned about the three different states of matter in past science levels. Let’s watch this video to review the states of matter. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cBBmdqti_Kg

  3. States of matter are solid, liquid and gas. We can see these clearly when we look at water.

  4. Ice is water which is frozen into a solid. Water in its original form is a liquid. When water evaporates it becomes a gas.

  5. We know matter can change into different states but matter can also change into different properties. Those properties are called physical and chemical properties.

  6. The states of matter with water are an example of physical changes. All of these are forms of water. The water is created from Hydrogen and Oxygen. In all of these forms the water is still a combination of Hydrogen and Oxygen.

  7. When one or more substances change into one or more new substances with different properties than the original substances.

  8. Baking soda and vinegar make a chemical change. Let’s watch what happens when you combine vinegar and baking soda. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pO0SUd11UoA

  9. When there is a physical change the substance can always return back to its original state. When there is a chemical change it can not return back to its original state.

  10. Here is a fun song to help explain the difference between physical and chemical change. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJOGy0dgmUU song

  11. Still confused about the differences between physical and chemical changes. Well maybe this video will help explain more clearly. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WsKGD0evbAc video

  12. Look at all the changes that happen to this family on a beach trip. Which changes were physical and which were chemical? Write the changes in your science notebook. Once the video is over take time to write down which property of change took place. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fj1IdOdmOjY rap

  13. What changes took place?Banana ripeningBanana squishedbuilding a sand castlesand castle washing awaychocolate chips meltingtowel dryingcooking hamburgers

  14. Physical Changes were:Banana squishedbuilding a sand castlesand castle washing awaychocolate chips meltingtowel drying

  15. Chemical Changes were:Banana ripeningcooking hamburgers

  16. We can compare materials using quantitative and qualitative data based on its property.

  17. Watch this video which explain quantitative and qualitative data. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=72NXb8ePFY4 data

  18. Qualitative data is information that describes color, odor, taste, sound, shape and feel. You use your five senses to come up with qualitative data.

  19. Quantitative data is numerical. This data deals with counts and measurements using special instruments. It tells us how little, how big, how fast and how much.

  20. When we are observing ice melt, we can use both qualitative and quantitative data.

  21. We can measure the amount of liquid that came from the ice melting and we can measure the ice as it melts with a ruler. This would be numerical facts. This would be qualitative data.

  22. We can also describe what we see and feel as we watch the ice melt. This would be qualitative data. We would have no numerical facts. We would only be using our five senses.

  23. In our next lesson we will review the unit: Matter: Properties of Change.

  24. Good Job Today! And remember to….

  25. See you next time!

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