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Policies & procedures

Policies & procedures. Layout of this Module. Slide 1 Will be the exact wording of the policy. Slide 2 Will be the main points to know about the policy. Slide 3 What to do if you encounter the policy violation. Alcohol Policy-Exact Wording. Alcoholic Beverages

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Policies & procedures

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  1. Policies & procedures

  2. Layout of this Module Slide 1 Will be the exact wording of the policy Slide 2 Will be the main points to know about the policy Slide 3 What to do if you encounter the policy violation
  3. Alcohol Policy-Exact Wording Alcoholic Beverages Southeast Missouri State University will enforce the ban on alcohol and alcohol containers (full or empty) in all residential buildings and public areas on campus. Empty alcohol containers will be treated by the Office of Residence Life, Student Conduct, and the Department of Public Safety as alcohol violations, as it is presumed more likely than not that the alcohol was consumed on campus. Alcoholic beverages may not be possessed or consumed in student rooms, public areas, including hallways, lounges, apartment balconies/porches, or outside the residence halls. Students, visitors, or guests are not permitted to possess kegs or any other common containers of alcohol, empty or full, including beer bongs in any of the residence halls. As alcohol is a major inhibitor of students’ academic success on all college campuses, bottle or can collections, or other monuments to alcohol consumption in student rooms are not permitted. If a bottle or can collection is found in a students’ room, the student will be asked to remove the collection from campus and/or face judicial action. Residents are not allowed to host people with alcohol regardless of the guest’s age. No guest of a resident will be allowed to bring alcohol in or around the building when visiting student residences. The Office of Residence Life staff reserves the right to stop people from bringing alcohol into the residence halls. You and your guest may be asked to open all backpacks, bags, coolers, and other containers when entering a residence hall.
  4. Alcohol Policy-Real Terms NO ALCOHOL ON CAMPUS!
  5. What to do… Call DPS, HD/HDOD, and collect IDs Do not have the students move the alcohol as it needs to stay right where it is in the room Take notes on what’s happening, including time of incident, full names and student ID numbers. Help DPS and HD with anything they need Write & submit an incident report
  6. Antennas, Banners/Posters, & Bikes (Oh My!) Antennas Any type of apparatus that is attached to the residence hall building for the purpose of getting a better radio or television signal is prohibited outside the window or in the hallway. Banners and Posters The Office of Residence Life must approve banners, signs, flags, and posters promoting school spirit, etc., before being placed on the exterior of residence halls. Items seen as obscene or in poor taste will not be approved. Bicycles Bike racks are available outside most residence halls. Bikes are not permitted in hallways, stairs, or other common areas (bathrooms, lounges, etc.). Bikes may be stored in student rooms if all roommates are in agreement.
  7. Real Meaning… Nothing attached to building except what Res Life attaches. Anything being suspended outside needs Res Life approval and anything put in windows can be removed if obscene or causes a disturbance. No riding bikes in the halls! Bikes can be stored outside on bike racks, in rooms if everyone agrees, or at home…
  8. What to do… Inform HD if you notice any of the previous items. If someone is biking in the hall, tell the biker to get off the bike and follow up with HD. Help the HD keep track of or follow up with anything similar to these things.
  9. Candles, Cohabs, Décor, and Doors… Candles and Incense Our commitment to your safety requires that no candles or incense be permitted in any residence hall. Because candles and incense are dangerous sources of fire, no candles or incense are permitted in the residence halls, including candles used for “decorative purposes.” Contact your Hall Director if you have questions. Cohabitation Cohabitation by any individual who is not assigned to the room in question is not permitted. Only those students assigned to a residence hall room are permitted to live there. Any individual, including the legitimate residents of the room, found to be living with someone who is not assigned to the room will be referred to the Office of Student Conduct. Common Area Decorations Common areas, including lounges and hallways, may be decorated. These decorations may not block any heating or cooling vents, fire alarms, or exits. Decorations, which may be a fire or life safety hazard, such as live Christmas trees are prohibited. Holiday decorations should be removed before the beginning of any break period. Door Propping Propping doors leads to comprised safety of the residence halls. Repeated instances of propped doors can lead to judicial charges and community service for all members of the community/chapter. In some cases the use of fines to resolve repeated propping of doors will be imposed. Fines shall not exceed $10 per instance and will be charged in accordance with the common area damage process.
  10. Say What?!?! No candles (except for ceremonial ones, or those with wicks removed) and no incense or other burning things! No having your bf, gf, bff, or baby mama living with you! Don’t hang anything from fire protection items (sprinkler heads), vents, heaters, and no live Christmas trees… SHUT THE DOORS!
  11. What to do… Confiscate candles and other things Talk to the residents about cohabitation and let your HD know immediately when someone is living in the room when they shouldn’t be Remove the décor and address the problem with residents. Please note that the outside of a room door is considered a common area so you do have the authority to ask the resident to remove items from their door. Un-prop the door and talk to residents about the importance of a secure building
  12. No Drugs here. Drug Usage/Possession The use of any illegal or pharmaceutical drug without a prescription from a medical professional is prohibited.  Students identified as using illegal drugs or prescription drugs without a prescription are subject to arrest and prosecution. An illegal drug shall include any drug or narcotic that is prohibited under Missouri law, including possession of medical marijuana or any other illegal drug that is alleged to be used for medicinal purposes.  The manufacture, distribution, or dispensation of any drug is prohibited and the student will be subject to arrest and prosecution. 
  13. So you mean… No drugs of any type (except correctly prescribed medications) should be anywhere in or near the residence hall.
  14. What to do… Call DPS and HDOD/HD if you suspect any drug usage, possession, or selling is going on. Do not approach the room or students. DPS will do all of that. The students may have more than drug paraphernalia. Make sure not to touch anything so the students can’t claim it is yours.
  15. Electrical Appliances Energy conservation is important. We have made a concerted effort to upgrade various facility items to make them more energy efficient. Specifically, renovations to lighting, HVAC, laundry, and plumbing have been made in the residence halls. We are counting on you, as a resident here, to make your contribution to our efforts to conserve energy by considering purchasing ENERGY STAR appliances. There are many items you may have as a resident that are eligible of the ENERGY STAR rating. These items may include: a computer, computer monitor, printer, TV, DVD/Blu-Ray players, stereo, compact refrigerators, and a desk lamp (task lighting). To ensure the safety of all residents, some restrictions on electrical appliances must be observed. All electrical appliances are limited to 200 watts or 1.7 amps. All appliances containing a heating element must have the element fully enclosed. Both the appliance and any cord must have an Underwriter’s Laboratories (UL) approval. Space heaters, toasters, smoke/fog machines, toaster ovens, electric grills, sandwich makers, and any type of lamp with halogen, quartz, or mercury filaments and tubing are not approved for use in residence hall rooms due to safety concerns. Students are responsible and will be held accountable for all costs associated with damage, cleanup, repair, and replacement for any fire, smoke, or electrical problems caused as a result of using prohibited appliances. Refrigerators The University allows one mini-refrigerator per room. The approved refrigerator size is no greater than 200 watts or 1.7 amps. Rooms that are designed to accommodate three or more individuals are permitted two refrigerators. Electric Grills and Sandwich Makers Appliances such as “George Foreman Grills” and similar appliances are not permitted in student rooms. These appliances create dangerous and unsafe conditions by generating high temperatures and drawing large loads from the electrical system of the building. Additionally, cooking in student rooms creates grease which can result in cleanup charges and create odors that disturb other residents. Microwaves One microwave per room is permitted. Microwaves must be less than 800 watts and must be plugged into a UL approved surge protector. Microwaves and refrigerators should not be plugged into the same outlet. Space Heaters/Air Conditioners These appliances are strictly prohibited in the residence halls due to high fire hazard. If your room temperature is uncomfortable, contact your Hall Director or submit an online maintenance request to Facilities Management.
  16. Oh, so this is what that means. No George Foreman’s, Space Heaters, Toasters, Ovens, Generators, Scooters, Diesel engines…you know what we mean! No huge, gigantic, or full size fridges and microwaves
  17. What to do… Explain to them why they are not permitted. Tell the residents to take them home. If they don’t or can’t take them home, confiscate the item and take it to your HD. Don’t just ignore these items, they can become a huge safety concern!
  18. Can s/he stay the night? Guests / Guest Registration Policy You are responsible for the behavior of your guests at all times and should inform guests of appropriate University and Residence Hall policies: 1. Guests must be approved by the host’s roommate(s). 2. Guests must abide by all policies of the residence halls and floors, with guests and hosts mutually responsible for the conduct of the guest. Guests not observing University or residential life policies may be escorted from the building and restricted from further access. Residents are subject to disciplinary action for the inappropriate behavior of their guests. 3. Each guest should be accompanied by a host at all times. Any person not in the presence of a host may be escorted from the building and restricted from future access. 4. The length of stay for any overnight guest may not exceed three consecutive nights in a 30-day period. Overnight guests are permitted only if the guest does not violate the guest policy. 5. All guests must use gender appropriate bathroom facilities. Guests may use shower facilities located on floors occupied by same-sex residents. 6. Any overnight guest must register their vehicle with the Department of Public Safety. Additionally, guests must be registered with the RA or Hall Director for the purpose of safety and security.
  19. Whatcha say? Both roommates have to agree to allow a guest to stay over. No more than 3 consecutive nights The student is responsible for the guest at ALL TIMES No cohabitating…
  20. What to do… Reinforce the idea that they are responsible for the actions of their guests. If a roommate agrees to allow the guests over then changes his/her mind, that change needs to be communicated to roommate. Cohabitating is something that your HD can help you deal with.
  21. Look more stuff! Furniture and Equipment All University-owned equipment is for the use of hall residents and must remain in designated areas. Students will be charged for missing and/or in possession of damaged room furniture. Water filled furniture or water beds of any size are not allowed in resident rooms. Hallway Obstructions Storing personal or University property in the hallways or other common areas is not permitted. Personal items left in common areas are required to be removed by the University. The student will be responsible for all costs of removing and disposing of these personal items. Hallway Sports Playing with sports equipment and playing organized games and/or using equipment better suited for outdoor use in the hallways is prohibited. This is to protect the rights of other residents to sleep, study, and to have access to their rooms as well as prevent damage to University or personal property. Failure to comply with this policy may result in disciplinary action and/or confiscation of equipment. Hazardous Materials No items considered to be hazardous materials may be stored in any residence hall, this includes student rooms. Included in the items that may not be stored in residence halls are propane tanks, gas cans, or any other fuel element. Any other items considered hazardous by the manufacturer or University, such as industrial chemicals, noxious or poisonous gasses, organic or biological solvents or chemicals, or explosives are not permitted. Motor scooters and other machines which use gasoline or other fuel elements may not be stored in the residence halls at any time.
  22. Whatcha say? The furniture and equipment STAYS WHERE IT IS! No hallway obstructions (self-explanatory)! No hall sports. No bowling, soccer, baseball, tennis, lacrosse, basketball, volleyball, or anything else that you can think of Nothing should be stored in your room that is corrosive, flammable, or just shouldn’t be in a res hall room.
  23. What to do… Tell the residents to put the stuff back. Reinforce the idea that they are responsible for the actions of their guests. Inform the residents that the things they are doing are against policy. Educate and remove the fire hazards immediately. Stop the game and tell them to play monopoly or go outside. If they don’t take the hazardous items home immediately, confiscate items or notify DPS. 
  24. You thought that was it? Lofts Due to the bunking capabilities of the residence hall furniture, no lofts are permitted in any residence hall. Personal lofts made from wood, metal, bricks, or other materials are not permitted. Needle Disposal All individuals using injection needles are required to properly dispose of them to prevent students, visitors, and housekeeping staff from accidental needle-sticks and injury. Used needles should be placed in a red biohazard sharps container, available through the Campus Health Clinic upon request. Although not a preferred disposal method, in the absence of a biohazard container, individuals may use a puncture resistant container (such as an empty detergent bottle), taping the lid securely. The biohazard containers and any other items containing a used needle, should be returned to the Campus Health Clinic for disposal: do not place these items in trash cans. Contact the Campus Health Clinic, ext. 2270, for further information. Pets No pets except fish are permitted in the residence halls for health and safety reasons. One aquarium per room, not to exceed 29 gallons, is permitted. Other pets such as snakes, toads, frogs, turtles, or hamsters that are normally kept in aquariums are not permitted. Students with unauthorized pets will be required to remove the pet from campus and may be subject to judicial action. Pools and Hot Tubs Hot tubs, swimming pools, or other objects/containers that hold large amounts of water are strictly prohibited in and outside (on patio/sidewalk) the residence halls. Posting Policy Posting may only be done on bulletin boards or other areas designated for posting. Areas such as painted walls, windows, doors, and ceilings are not approved for posting. Any materials posted in an area not designated for posting will be removed. (Any damage done by the improper posting of materials will be the responsibility of the organization responsible for the posting.) When posting, it is required that tacks, tape, or small staples be used. Large staples, such as those from a staple gun, may not be used when posting. Any taping or stapling to walls may cause damage and is not permitted. In select halls, certain painted walls are used for the publicizing of University events. Check with your Hall Director before posting to any painted wall or any area other than a bulletin board. Posting of events that are not sponsored by the University or a recognized student organization may only be posted on public posting boards. Posting on other bulletin boards or areas designated for University events will be removed.
  25. Soooo this means… Only use lofting kits that Res Life provides, no homemade ones!! If they are using needles refer them to the clinic for more info and disposal instructions. FISH ONLY! If it can’t breathe under water it can’t be here. No hot tubs or pools. DUH!!! Anything posted in your building needs to be approved by the HD or Res Life. Anything else can/will be removed.
  26. What to do… Have them remove the make shift loft. Reinforce that they need to go to the clinic if they are using needles. Tell them to take Rufus home. Max tank size is 29 gallons. If you see a hot tub or pool, call a HD. Take down all irrelevant or non approved flyers.
  27. Just think about all the free time you will have after this. Quiet and Courtesy Hours It is expected that each resident will show courtesy and consideration and be sensitive to the needs of other residence hall community members at all times. Stereos played at excessive volumes can be particularly disruptive to persons trying to sleep or study. For that reason, residents are expected to be conscious of the volume of their stereos. Repeated disruptions documented by a residence hall staff member may result in a resident being required to remove stereos or other devices as deemed necessary. Courtesy hours are in effect at all times in the residence halls. Each resident and his/her visitors have the responsibility to act with consideration toward residence hall community members who choose to study or sleep. Quiet hours are defined as periods of time when noise will be kept to a minimum. The exact hours may vary from community to community but are based upon Community Standards and may begin no later than 11 p.m. on weekdays and midnight on weekends. From the time quiet hours begin, they are in effect for 12 hours. Noise heard outside of a closed student room door or within student rooms from the corridors will be considered excessive and in violation of the quiet hours policy. The residents of each floor community are expected to maintain the above stated courtesy and quiet hours. However, if residents do not maintain courtesy and quiet hours, appropriate disciplinary action will be taken which may include dismissal from the residence halls. Room Decorations If the resident chooses to decorate the windows or doors of the room, residents should give consideration to the uniqueness of the University and the diverse population it serves. Residence Life staff may provide feedback on the appropriateness of the material if there are concerns. Room decorations must be nondestructive to walls and furniture. Decorations that hinder an exit in case of emergency are prohibited. Room painting and paintings on windows are not permitted. Residents who damage walls, including adhesive and nail hole damage, will be assessed the cost of repair and repainting their rooms. Rugs and carpeting are permitted in rooms. Holiday Decorations Only artificial trees are permitted in the residence halls. All trees and decorations must be removed before the halls close for breaks. Strings of lights may be displayed around windows and doorways. Exercise caution with window drapes and paper decorations near these lights. Be sure that the lights do not touch any flammable objects or materials. Use miniature lights because they produce less heat and consume less electricity. Do not leave strings of lights plugged in and unattended. When you leave your room, always unplug the lights.
  28. Cliff Notes Version Stay quiet! Quiet hours are at night, so music and voices need to be turned down. Courtesy hours are always in effect. This means that excessive noise is not allowed. Tasteful room decorations should not mutilate walls or university property. Holiday decorations need to be taken down before breaks. Artificial trees only.
  29. What to do… If you hear students being too loud, tell them to be quieter. If that doesn’t work then document the situation with a communication report. Forward any repeat noise violations to your HD immediately. If any room decorations cause a disturbance, please talk to the resident about moving the decoration. If needed contact the HD for assistance. Remove all holiday décor before leaving for breaks.
  30. So I saw this movie the other day… Roof Access Only University personnel are permitted on the roofs of campus buildings. Any unauthorized individual found on the roof of any building will be reported to the University Police and referred to the Office of Student Conduct. Room Entry The expectation of privacy is important and should not be violated. However, entry into or search of student living quarters may be conducted by the following persons for the purposes and under the procedures detailed below: Law enforcement officers in performance of statutory duties. University personnel to perform custodial and maintenance service to insure that health, fi re, and safety regulations are maintained. Authorized University personnel in emergency situations to protect the health and welfare of students. Or, any time that there is cause to believe the health and safety of the residents may be in danger or result in probable destruction to evidence of the violation. Authorized University officials when there is reasonable suspicion to believe a violation of University, Residence Life, or civil regulations is being committed. Authorized University personnel indicated above include: members of the residence hall staff, members of the Facilities Management staff and University personnel or their agents contracted to perform maintenance or repair services on behalf of the halls. Other members of the University staff may enter under conditions above only when accompanied by authorized personnel or their agents. Observed possible violation of University policy, rules, or regulations will be referred to the hall staff or Office of Residence Life for follow up. Smoking Policy No smoking is permitted in any part of a University residence hall at any time with the only exception being a designated smoking lounge. Residents of a floor, or wing of a building, are not permitted to turn their common lounge into a smoking lounge. Located on the first floor of the Towers Complex is a smoking lounge that is available to all students and guests.
  31. Sparknotes! NO ROOF ACCESS!!!! Yes, we can go into your room. No…not everyone, only university officials can. You are only allowed to smoke in designated areas.
  32. What to do… If someone is on the roof call DPS and HDOD/HD immediately. If anyone argues about someone going in their room, reference the handbook or refer them to the HD. If someone is smoking in their rooms or in undesignated spots, refer them to the policies and contact the HDOD/HD or DPS if needed.
  33. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ… Solicitation The University does not allow off-campus or on campus vendors, groups, or individuals to solicit products or services in the residence halls. Students, student organizations, department, vendors, or any other person or group is prohibited from collecting money, credit card applications, raffle chances, or any other fund raising or commercial activity without the written permission of the Director of Residence Life. Printed material may be placed in mailboxes only if it follows mailbox guidelines (see Mailbox Use). This policy applies to all campus organizations as well as off-campus groups or individuals. Printed advertisements may be posted on public information bulletin boards in the residence halls. Placing materials on student doors, under student doors, or similar methods is prohibited. Students and student organizations who violate this policy will be referred to the Office of Student Conduct. Off-campus solicitors will be referred to the University Police for arrest and/or prosecution. Storage There is no storage for personal property. Students may not store personal items such as bikes, sporting goods, and furniture in common areas, including hallways. During the summer break, items may not be stored in rooms or common areas in any of the residence halls without written permission from the Office of Residence Life. Storage in Greek Chapter rooms must have written permission from the University. Any items approved for summer storage are left at the owners (or Greek chapters) risk. The University assumes no responsibility for items stored. Telephone Usage Making abusive, harassing, or obscene calls is a violation of University rules and regulations. The Office of Residence Life, Telecommunications, and the University Police cooperate fully in enforcing the policies prohibiting these types of calls. If you should receive annoying, harassing, or obscene calls, contact your RA or Hall Director. You may also contact the University Police if you are not able to immediately locate a residence hall staff member. Situations involving these type of phone calls will receive swift and appropriate action through the Office of Student Conduct. Trash Residents are responsible for keeping their rooms and common areas clean and free of litter. Trash should be placed in trash rooms or dumpsters located outside of the building. All large boxes or large items should always be taken to a dumpster.
  34. Huh? We do not allow solicitation in the Residence Halls. Allowed with written permission of Bruce, only. We are NOT a storage facility. They have to take their stuff home or we will donate/trash it. Don’t use university telephones as a way to harass people. Take all trash out to dumpster or trash room area. Large items/quantities go to the dumpster.
  35. What to do… Notify your HD or DPS immediately if someone is soliciting in the halls. Tell the students their stuff will be thrown away or donated. If someone receives a harassing phone call, call HD and DPS. Note anything that was said and what the person sounded like. DPS/HD will then investigate. Floor/student will be charged for excess trash or for anything left on the floor that should be taken to dumpster.
  36. Last grouping!!!!! Trespassing Residence hall premises are for the exclusive use of residents, their guests, and University personnel. Any persons other than residents, their escorted guests, and/or authorized University personnel are prohibited from entering or remaining on these premises. Trespassing violations will be handled through the Office of Student Conduct and the University Police. Vandalism Students should not damage or deface students rooms or common areas of the residence halls. Any student who destroys or defaces any bulletin board or other materials posted for the benefit of the community will be referred to the Residence Life Judicial System and will be responsible for replacement costs of the vandalized materials, including any time necessary to repair the materials. Weapons, Ammunition, and Fireworks The Office of Residence Life adheres to the Code of Student Conduct policy on weapons and fireworks. Violations of this nature will result in disciplinary action and/or removal from the residence halls. Projectile weapons or ammunition of any sort (handguns, rifles, pellet guns, BB guns, paint ball guns, potato guns, bullets, etc.) are NEVER allowed in the residence halls. Decorative swords/knives and large knives with blades exceeding four inches are NOT permitted. Persons with these types of weapons or ammunition will be subject to arrest and removal from the residence halls; weapons or ammunition will be immediately confiscated by the University Police. Window Screens and Window Stops Screens and window stops are not to be removed. The removal of screens results in damage to the screens and to the window. If screens are removed, a charge will be assessed to re-secure the screen, in addition to any maintenance, repair, or replacement costs.
  37. One more time…With Feeling! Students, student guests, and university personnel are the only ones allowed in our halls. No one else. Vandalism is anything that defaces any piece of university property. NO WEAPONS, GUNS, ETC!!! No removing the window screens and NOTHING GOES OUT OF THEM!!!!!
  38. What to do… Call DPS and HDOD/HD if someone seems to be trespassing. The person can be given a notice against trespass and not allowed back on campus. Report any vandalism to your HD as soon as possible. Call DPS and HDOD/HD if weapons are found. Do not confront the individual. Report any window problems to the HD as soon as possible.
  39. Writing a communication report & incident report Please see the “Student Conduct-Judicial Affairs” PowerPoint for information on how to write a communication report and incident report.
  40. Complete! Now go take the test. Good LUCK!!!
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