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Cataloguing of Arabic materials

Kursus Pengkatalogan Bahan Perpustakaan (28 Mac-1 April 2005). Cataloguing of Arabic materials. instructor Balqis Shuja’ IIUM Library 1 st April 2005. Cataloguing of Arabic materials. ۞ A one-day course to provide what Arabic cataloguing entails

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Cataloguing of Arabic materials

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  1. KursusPengkataloganBahanPerpustakaan(28 Mac-1 April 2005) Cataloguing of Arabic materials instructor Balqis Shuja’ IIUM Library 1st April 2005

  2. Cataloguing of Arabic materials ۞A one-day course to provide what Arabic cataloguing entails ۞ Course materials are in English but session will be conducted in Malay. ۞ Course outline: 1) Transliteration; 2) Arabic name authority; 3) Technical reading; 4) Searching the online catalogue; 5) Bibliographic relationships; 6) Subject analysis; 7) Creating the catalogue record; 8) Shelflisting ۞ Bibliographic and cataloguing tools: 1) AACR2R and its associate references; 2) ALA-LC Romanization tables; 3) LCSH and its associate texts; 4) LCC scheme; 5) Zirikli’s al-A’lam; 6) Brockelmann; 7) Mu’jam al-mu’allifin Overview and introduction

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