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Project title 1. ( lalala )

Project title 1. ( lalala ). Brief Description of Project. Brief intro What is your profect about? Objectives/hypotheses What you indent to find out What are your assumptions and guesses Rationale Why are you interested.

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Project title 1. ( lalala )

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Project title1. (lalala)

  2. Brief Description of Project

  3. Brief intro • What is your profect about? • Objectives/hypotheses • What you indent to find out • What are your assumptions and guesses • Rationale • Why are you interested

  4. Methods/Materialahow are you going to carry out your project?What you will need to casdjfkl;

  5. Literature cited/references/supporting documentation • At least 2 short review of articles • Where did you get your idea from • Evaluate these sources of information and explain how you will use the methods for your project.

  6. Bibliography At least 5 books/websites/articles References at least 3 books “ “ “ Arranged according to alphabetical order Reference: needed from pri or sec sources. If hafppl then must type their names. EVERYONE. ONE BY ONE MWAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA. Etal. ?. im wasting my life. Lalalallalala. How heavy is an average avocado? Your mama so fat, marathon runners run around her. Your mama so stupid, she called me to get my number. I wan p APA style www.lib.nus.edu.sg/lion/s/citeapa.html

  7. Type written • Font size 12 • Double line spacing full justified. • Times new ROMAN/ or arial a

  8. 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781643.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164 citation. In secondary sources needed. refer

  9. abstract • The first and last part of your proposal • A summmary of your proposal • Written in three to five senteces, in less than 100 words • Able to make her find out more of our project.

  10. Who will do what? When will they DO IT? Set target dates for the completion

  11. Writing a Literature Review

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