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AUTISM. Dr. Alok Post Box: 9540, Delhi-110095, India alok_bhuwan@hotmail.com. Body Function & Structure Brain structures, neurotransmitters, sensory processing. Activities Play skills, Social skills, Communication skills, Behavior. Participation Recreation/Leisure,

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Presentation Transcript

  1. AUTISM Dr. Alok Post Box: 9540, Delhi-110095, India alok_bhuwan@hotmail.com manovikasindia.org.in

  2. Body Function & Structure Brain structures, neurotransmitters, sensory processing Activities Play skills, Social skills, Communication skills, Behavior Participation Recreation/Leisure, Relationship, education Environmental Factors Personal Factors Facts. . . Autism Genetic manovikasindia.org.in

  3. Definition Autism A spectrum of neuropsychiatric disorders characterized by deficits in social interaction and communication, and unusual and repetitive behavior. manovikasindia.org.in

  4. What is Autism Autism is a Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD) Who, what, when where why? The human brain-normal and abnormal development Genetics Language and cognition Social implications Interventions and therapies manovikasindia.org.in

  5. Pervasive developmental disorders a group of disorders that are characterized by : impairments in social interaction, impairment in verbal and nonverbal communication, and a restrictive, stereotypic pattern of behaviours www.oafccd.com/factshee/fact59.htm Autism PDD-NOS Asperger’s Rett’s Syndrome Childhood disintegrative disorder What is developmental disorder/disability Birth defects Developmental Disabilities -Spina bifida -Heart defects -Cleft palate/club foot -Tay Sachs disease -Cerebral palsy -Down’s syndrome -Learning disabilities and ADHD -Autism and PDDs manovikasindia.org.in

  6. Characteristics of Autism (1) manovikasindia.org.in

  7. Characteristics of Autism (2) manovikasindia.org.in

  8. Criteria manovikasindia.org.in

  9. Criteria Contd… manovikasindia.org.in

  10. Criteria Contd.. manovikasindia.org.in

  11. Criteria Contd… manovikasindia.org.in

  12. A little history… manovikasindia.org.in

  13. A little history… manovikasindia.org.in

  14. -Fir s t e p i d e m i o lo g i c a l s tu d i e s in En g l a n d i n t h e 1 9 6 0 s -Si nc e th en m o r e t h a n 3 0 s t u di es i n m a n y c o u n tri es - A ll ha v e u s ed a d e fi n iti o n o f a u t i s m th a t i nc lu de d se v e r e i m p a ir me nt in co m m u n i ca tio n , l a n g u a ge , s o c i a l i n t e ra c ti o n s , pl a y a n d b e h av ior BUT - - t he c rit e ri a for a u ti sm d i a g n os i s h as c h a n ge Epidemiology of autism d o v e r t im e -St u d i e s r an g e fr o m 1 9 6 6 to 2 0 0 1 -I n g en er a l sma ll e r s tu d i es gi ve h i g h er pr e v a l e n ce -T o t a l n um b e r o f c hil d r e n su rv e y ed i s a ro u n d 5 m illi o n manovikasindia.org.in

  15. Epidemiology of autism manovikasindia.org.in

  16. Neuropathology manovikasindia.org.in

  17. Figure 1. Orthogonal views for segmenting the amygdala and hippocampus on MRI sections Schumann, C. M. et al. J. Neurosci. 2004;24:6392-6401 manovikasindia.org.in

  18. Controversies in autism manovikasindia.org.in

  19. CHARACTERISTICS OF CHILDREN WITH AUTISM SPECTRUM CONDITIONS Overly sensitive to loud noises… Difficulty with hair washing and brushing… Bumps into people in line… Problems with handwriting… Picky eater… Clumsy… Always “on the go”… Only likes certain types of clothing… Difficulty paying attention… manovikasindia.org.in

  20. S U C C E S S W I T H A U T I S M Definition If you are productive and fulfilled with your life you are probably successful manovikasindia.org.in

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