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Experimental Method

Spring Semester 2005 Experimental Method and Data Process. Experimental Method. Kihyeon Cho Kyungpook National University. DAQ with VME,CAMAC and NIM. DAQ with VME,CAMAC and NIM. What will you do? What kind of data do you take? Cosmic ray ’ s count, Energy, momentum, charge etc.

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Experimental Method

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  1. Spring Semester 2005Experimental Method and Data Process Experimental Method Kihyeon Cho Kyungpook National University

  2. DAQ with VME,CAMAC and NIM DAQ with VME,CAMAC and NIM What will you do? • What kind of data do you take? Cosmic ray’s count, Energy, momentum, charge etc. Particle’s count, identification, and characteristic. With total charge, signal shape, or time information. • How do you take data? Hardware : VME, CAMAC, NIM, GPIB, and FastBUS Software : Dos, Windows, NT, and Linux(Unix) with C, C++, BASIC, or FORTRAN languages.

  3. DAQ with VME,CAMAC and NIM DAQ with VME,CAMAC and NIM • Experiment setup. With what software do you take data ? What kind of data do you take? With what hardware do you take data ?

  4. DAQ with VME,CAMAC and NIM DAQ with VME,CAMAC and NIM What kind of data do you take? • Count  SCALOR • Charge  total charge  ADC  charge shape  SHAPER + ADC • Time  TDC

  5. DAQ with VME,CAMAC and NIM DAQ with VME,CAMAC and NIM With what hardware do you take data? • VME  Versa Module Eurocard • CAMAC  Computer Automated MeasurementAnd Control • NIM  Nuclear Instrumentation Modules • GPIB  General Purpose Interface Bus

  6. DAQ with VME,CAMAC and NIM DAQ with VME,CAMAC and NIM With what software do you take data? • Operating System  Driver dependent. • C,C++  Dos, Windows, and Linux(Unix) • Visual Basic,Visual C++  GUI, user friendly. • q-Basic, Fortran  Linux, Windows

  7. DAQ with VME,CAMAC and NIM DAQ with VME,CAMAC and NIM • NIM modules • Fan-in Fan-out  to make several same analog signal • Amplifier  to amplify analog input signal • Discriminator  to change analog to digital pulse w.r.t threshold • Gate generator  gate generating module • Scaler  to count input signal • AND or OR unit  to calculate logical signal

  8. DAQ with VME,CAMAC and NIM DAQ with VME,CAMAC and NIM • VME or CAMAC modules(computer based modules) • ADC  Analog to Digital converter • TDC  Time to Digital converter • Gate generator  gate generating module • Scaler  to count input signal • GPIB to CAMAC interface  to take data from CAMAC modules • VMEMM interface  to take data from VME modules. • Amplifier  to amplify analog input signal • Discriminator  to change analog to digital pulse w.r.t threshold

  9. DAQ with VME,CAMAC and NIM DAQ with VME,CAMAC and NIM • Programming at CHEP • Dos(GPIB and CAMAC) • Visual BASIC(GPIB and CAMAC) • Linux(VME controller)

  10. DAQ with VME,CAMAC and NIM DAQ with VME,CAMAC and NIM • Linux with VME controller • PCIADA and VMEMM card • Linux driver install • PCIADA and VMEMM Card check. • Hardware setup • Programming with C or C++ with ROOT library.

  11. An Experimental Study ofCosmic Rays SpectrumUsing a Scintillator Detectorby D.Kim

  12. Contents • Introduction • Cosmic Rays • Simulation • DAQ system • Data • Conclusion & Discussion

  13. Introduction Investigating the characteristics of the detector Constructing the DAQ system Detection Simulation Flux w.r.t. distance between panels Flux w.r.t. angle of inclination of panel of cosmic rays

  14. Cosmic Rays • These “rays” were discovered by Victor Hess in 1912. • The name “cosmic rays” were given by Millikan in 1925. • Energy & rate • ~106eV, most cosmic ray particles • Above 1018eV, 1 / km2 / week • Above 1020eV, 1 / km2 / 100years • cf. 1012eV @FNAL • These rays are FREE!

  15. Primary Cosmic Rays • Primary cosmic rays aredefined as all particles thatcome to Earth from outerspace.

  16. Secondary Cosmic Rays • Collision of primary cosmicrays with atoms in the upperatmosphere produce mostlyneutral and charged pions. • Decay mode of pion, muon • 7.8045m • 21.1m • 658.654m • At sea level, most of themare muons.

  17. Cosmic Ray Flux • The flux of cosmic rays is • The relativistic boost in the primary direction is much greater than at angle to the vertical. • The longer they travel through the atmosphere, the more energy they lose to ionization, and the more likely they are to decay before reaching the detector • Total rate of cosmic rays~

  18. Simulation z R: an uniform random number on [0,1] n: number of event hit: number of passing through both panels O y w Cosmic rays rate through both panels (angle, distance) ~ J x hit /n l x Simulation Program

  19. Schematic Electronics Cosmic Ray Discriminator AND Detector 1 Gate Generator ADC Detector 2 PC OS: Linux VMEMasterModule PCIADA DAQ Program

  20. Experimental Arrangement Fan In Fan Out Discriminator Coincidence ADC Gate Generator VMEMasterModule PCIADA

  21. Hardware • Linear Fan-In/Fan-Out, LeCroy, 428F • Octal Discriminator, LeCroy, 628B • threshold=-100mV,-120mV, width=120ns • Quad Coincidence, LeCroy, 622 • Dual Gate Generator, LeCroy, 222 • full scale width=1 us • 32 Channel Multievent Charge ADC, CAEN, V792 • VME Master Module, wiener • PCIADA, wiener • Scintillator, BC408, SAINT-GOBAIN • Photomultiplier Tube, R980, SAINT-GOBAIN

  22. How to Believe Cosmic Rays Detector 1 Detector 2

  23. Flux w.r.t. Distance Flux(/min) • Real data Histogram: MC Scintillator size: 15 cm x 19.5 cm The normal to panel is vertical. Distance(cm)

  24. Flux w.r.t. Angle Flux(/min) • Real data Histogram: MC Scintillator size: 15 cm x 19.5 cm The distance between panels: 50cm Angle(degree)

  25. Conclusion & Discussion • Real data is similar to the result of simulation of cosmic rays spectrum of distance between panels and angle. • Programming the data acquisition, which display the ADC channel-count plot using ROOT in real time, for Linux. • Needing to improve the apparatus, to identify the kind of cosmic rays. • Needing to measure the energy spectrum of cosmic rays.

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