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Autism . By: Ashley Greenlee EDCI 270 February 20,2008. What is Autism?.

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  1. Autism By: Ashley Greenlee EDCI 270 February 20,2008

  2. What is Autism? • Autism is abrain development disorderthat impairs social interaction and communication, and causes restricted and repetitive behavior, all starting before a child is three years old. This set of signs distinguishes autism from milder autism spectrum disorderautism(ASD) such as Asperser syndrome.

  3. What does Autism affect? • Autism affects many parts of the brain; how this occurs is poorly understood. Parents usually notice signs in the first two years of their child's life. • Early behavioral or cognitive intervention can help children gain self-care, social, and communication skills. There is no cure. • Few children with autism live independently after reaching adulthood, but some become successful,and an autistic culturehas developed, with some seeking a cure and others believing that autism is a condition rather than a disorder.

  4. Common signs of Autism • There are three distinctive behaviors that characterize autism.    • Autistic children have difficulties with social interaction, problems with verbal and nonverbal communication, and repetitive behaviors or narrow, obsessive interests.  • These The hallmark feature of autism is impaired social interaction.  Parents are usually the first to notice symptoms of autism in their child.  As early as infancy, a baby with autism may be unresponsive to people or focus intently on one item to the exclusion of others for long periods of time.  • A child with autism may appear to develop normally and then withdraw and become indifferent to social engagement behaviors can range in impact from mild to disabling.

  5. How can we treat Autism? • Experts agree that early intervention is important in addressing the symptoms associated with autism. Most professionals also agree that individuals with autism respond well to highly structured, specialized education programs that are designed to meet the individual's particular needs. • In any treatment plan, it is important for family members and treatment providers to address areas of social skill development, communication, behavior, and sensory integration.

  6. What is Sensory? • Many autistic children have sensory issues. Sensory is pertaining to the senses (touch, vision, hearing, taste, smell). • Some autistic children tolerate loud sounds and hugs while other autistic children love loud sounds and hugs. • An autistic child with hyperactive sensory systems may actively seek activity that involves motions. They may enjoy swinging or spin around in circles • A good way to help with sensory is brushing the child. It helps with their sensory and calms them down for almost the entire day.

  7. What can we do to help? • Since a lot of autistic children have sensory issues, brushing helps the child to calm down. • Physical activity such as playing with a light ball and heavy ball, walking, dragging buckets filled with sand, do different kinds of exercises such as jumping jacks, and push-ups • Blowing bubbles is also enjoying and helps the child use their mouth. • Practicing fine motor skills for example: drawing, painting, writing, coloring, writing on the chalkboard and then erasing the chalkboard. Also, practicing letters, shapes, colors, numbers, and pictures of their family members.

  8. Autism Awareness Month • Autism Awareness Month, celebrated every year in April. It provides an opportunity for families, friends, and local communities to raise public awareness about autism. It is sponsored by the Autism Society of America (ASA). • Individuals and communities can get involved by participating in activities sponsored by their local ASA chapter or by promoting services related to autism.

  9. Websites • To find out more about autism, here are a list of websites: • http://www.autism-society.org • http://www.autism.com • http://www.autismspeaks.com

  10. Thoughts from the Presenter • Since I am studying Early Childhood Education Special Needs, I wanted to do a powerful presentation that can open people’s eyes about Autism. • Autism is rapidly increasing over the years, and I think we need to do something about it. Whether it is finding research for a cure or finding a method to help a autistic child have a normal life. Finding research or a cure can help the child itself, family members, teachers and society. • I hoped you enjoyed this presentation as much as I had fun making it .

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