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Preserving, Organizing and Accessing Records of Past Musical Events: Two Projects of the IRCAM Multimedia Library

Preserving, Organizing and Accessing Records of Past Musical Events: Two Projects of the IRCAM Multimedia Library . Michael Fingerhut Ircam, Paris (France). IRCAM and its Multimedia Library. IRCAM founded 1976 by Pierre Boulez

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Preserving, Organizing and Accessing Records of Past Musical Events: Two Projects of the IRCAM Multimedia Library

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  1. Preserving, Organizing and Accessing Records of Past Musical Events: Two Projects of the IRCAM Multimedia Library Michael Fingerhut Ircam, Paris (France)

  2. IRCAM and its Multimedia Library • IRCAM founded 1976 by Pierre Boulez • R&D acoustics, compositional tools, dsp, musicology, real-time processing… → tools, publications and conferences • Education short- and long-term courses in computer music and composition → conferences, concerts • Artistic direction commissions, concerts, festival, tours • Production performances → concerts • Multimedia Library founded 1995 • Specialized library (contemporary) music, sciences, technology, law, sociology, philosophy… → IAML (Newsletter editor, ontology workgroup) • Archive IRCAM’s musical and scientific heritage → Archiprod • Engineering digital libraries, metadata, interoperability, information retrieval, digital conservation and publication, in-house, national and int’l projects → newswatch, IRCAM’s web sites, Centre Pompidou Virtuel, French Gateway, The European Library, Europeana, ISMIR, Aga Khan Development Network… mediatheque.ircam.fr/articles/textes/Fingerhut08e

  3. French institutions with contemporary music resources • Archive Bibliothèque nationale • Conservatories Paris, Lyon… • Ensembles Ensemble intercontemporain… • Libraries Médiathèque musicale Mahler… • MIC CDMC • Producer of events Acantes, Cité de la musique… • Research centers Ircam… • Studios Cirm, Grame, GMEM, Muse en circuit… mediatheque.ircam.fr/articles/textes/Fingerhut08e

  4. The issues • Resources • Documents books, scores, ephemera, periodicals, articles, biographies, documentary files, pictures, recordings, films… • Information events, people, organizations… • Spread • Physical in libraries, archives, museums… • Online intranets/internet, web pages, databases… • Goals • Preserve technological, economical and ideological issues • Uniform description and single-stop access seach, find, use • Reduce noise and silence “partition berlin”, “murs paris” • Provide online access to contents respecting rights • Don’t affect existing systems mediatheque.ircam.fr/articles/textes/Fingerhut08e

  5. The two projects • 1. Digitize: Archiprod Performance traces from (before) the event to preservation and publication at Ircam • 2. Share: The Contemporary Music Resources Gateway Search, find, locate and use resources in context • Not: • preservation of compositional process • handling individual works and documents (intra-document navigation, analysis and annotation tools…) mediatheque.ircam.fr/articles/textes/Fingerhut08e

  6. Two distinct but interrelated projects • Digitization each partner individually • Formats of data • Description • Publication protocols • Preservations procedures • Workflow • Sharing The gateway • Formats of metadata • Exchange protocols • Interfaces mediatheque.ircam.fr/articles/textes/Fingerhut08e

  7. 1. Preservation at Ircam - Archiprod

  8. Digitization of sound archives for preservation and publication at Ircam: formats and description • Many types • Artistic • Concert, dance, film projection, opera… • Concert cycles, festivals… • Scientific • Lectures, panels, talks, workshops… • Conferences, courses, • Mixed • master classes… • Variable duration and occurrence • Once/repeated • On a single day, hour and place or not • Split • Long • Fixed contents may vary • Repeated talk, performance • Work in progress • Structured • Seasons • Cycles • Conferences • ArchiProd • Describe • Preserve • Deliver mediatheque.ircam.fr/articles/textes/Fingerhut08e

  9. Seasons Events archive Season2007-2008 Season2006-2007 Season2006-2007 Season1976-1977 mediatheque.ircam.fr/articles/textes/Fingerhut08e 9

  10. Groups of events Events archive Season2007-2008 Cycle1 Cycle2 Cycles may contain cyclesA conference within a festival Cycle2-1 Cycle2-2 Festival Season2006-2007 mediatheque.ircam.fr/articles/textes/Fingerhut08e 10

  11. Manifestations Events archive Season2007-2008 Cycle1 Event:“a noteworthy happening”, usually of a limited duration with a well-defined program.A concert, a conference, a master-class, a workshop Event1 An event can be part of several cyclesA concert from a series programmed during a conference Event2 Cycle:a group of cycles or of events.A concert series, a festival, a scientific conference Cycle2 Season2007-2006 mediatheque.ircam.fr/articles/textes/Fingerhut08e 11

  12. Manifestation Events archive Season2007-2008 Cycle1 Event1 Manifestation1 Manifestation:an occurrence of an event, usually at a single date, time and place.A specific concert, talk… Manifestation2 Cycle2 Season2007-2006 mediatheque.ircam.fr/articles/textes/Fingerhut08e 12

  13. The traces in (their historical) context Events archive Season2007-2008 brochures Cycle1 brochures Event1 program notes, contracts Manifestation1 recording … may differ Manifestation2 recording Part1 … single work Cycle2 … single talk Part2 … single piece Part3 Season2007-2006 mediatheque.ircam.fr/articles/textes/Fingerhut08e 13

  14. Typology of events Événement artistique Rencontre Concert Spectacle chorégraphique Spectacle théâtral Spectacle Spectacle de théâtre musical Autre spectacle Projection Exposition, installation Événement Autre événement artistique Conférence – analyse d’une œuvre Conférence scientifique et/ou technique Conférence Autre conférence Formation musicale Formation scientifique et/ou technique Formation Autre formation Autre rencontre Autre événement mediatheque.ircam.fr/articles/textes/Fingerhut08e 14

  15. The workflow Plans the season Produces the season’sbrochure Drafts contracts Creates metadata Uploads PDF Produces the web site Uploads PDF Produces the event’sbrochure Completes metadataUploads PDF THE EVENT Records the event Uploads the recordingModifies metadata Produces online andoffline versions Validatesmodified metadata Preserves throughdaily backups IAML 2008, Naples (Italy) Online preservation and access to record[ing]s of musical events mediatheque.ircam.fr/articles/textes/Fingerhut08e 15

  16. Towards an ontology • Objects • Types Event, manifestation, work, person, corporate, rôle, place, document… • Relations (work, person, rôle), (event, place, date)… • Predicates quartet = 4 instruments • Goal Inter-document semantic navigation mediatheque.ircam.fr/articles/textes/Fingerhut08e

  17. mediatheque.ircam.fr/articles/textes/Fingerhut08e

  18. Manifestation: general information Date, time, place People, corporate/rôles mediatheque.ircam.fr/articles/textes/Fingerhut08e 18

  19. Manifestation: per-part information – audio:music Title, subtitle, duration… Type Musical/non musical recording People, corporate/rôles Notes, transfer date… Uncontrolled fields Controls:- names- titles- rôles- dates, times- durations mediatheque.ircam.fr/articles/textes/Fingerhut08e 19

  20. Manifestation: per-part information – audio:non-music Title, subtitle, duration… Type Musical/non musical recording People, corporate/rôles Notes, transfer date… Uncontrolled fields mediatheque.ircam.fr/articles/textes/Fingerhut08e 20

  21. Formats Preservation Audio: WAV 44,1 KHz, 16 bits or better Images: TIFF Metadata: METS Online access Audio Local: MPEG1 Layer 2, full recording. Partners: MP3 high rate, full recording. Internet: MP3, excerpt. Text PDF + OCR (sometimes) Metadata MODS mediatheque.ircam.fr/articles/textes/Fingerhut08e 21

  22. Looking for contents: search Basic, by table Index, full-textin online view mediatheque.ircam.fr/articles/textes/Fingerhut08e 22

  23. Looking for contents: browse event tree mediatheque.ircam.fr/articles/textes/Fingerhut08e 23

  24. Accessing a concert sound archive and its program notes mediatheque.ircam.fr/articles/textes/Fingerhut08e

  25. Current contents and its preservation • Metadata • 1,230 events more to go • 7,600 works • 3,000 people composers, performers… • 100 locations • Data • Over 1,100 sound archives multiworks, talks • Over 500 program notes • Preservation • Digital contents preservation costs more than digitization • Backup, backup, backup… mediatheque.ircam.fr/articles/textes/Fingerhut08e

  26. Present and future Retrospective digitization tapes, program notes, “old” cds cataloguing events >1,100 done (15 years); 16 years to go. Needed: seamless interconnection of databases Archiprod archive of performances Brahms composers’ bios Mustica production technical documentation of works Loris scores, books… Web site Future events Solutions Now: gateway www.musiquecontemporaine.fr Soon: events in gateway? automatic aggregation? Later: independent referentials events, people, works, places, rôles… mediatheque.ircam.fr/articles/textes/Fingerhut08e 26

  27. 2. Publication – the Gateway

  28. Framework • Past • 1995 Dreams (Z39.50). 2004 Gateway to ethnomusicological contents. 2005 IAML talk. • 2006 • Yearly call of Culture Ministry for digitization and publication of cultural contents • Proposal by a consortium Cdmc (leader), Cité de la musique, Conservatoire de Paris, Eic, Ircam (design), Médiathèque Mahler • 2007 • Project runs and ends 100,000 records • New proposal + Acanthes, Conservatoire de Lyon, 6 centres of contemporary creation • 2008 • Project runs • eContentPlus proposal Marsel • New national proposal? mediatheque.ircam.fr/articles/textes/Fingerhut08e

  29. Principles • Domain selection contemporary music • Information modelization gateway metadata • Interface design • Rights to contents mediatheque.ircam.fr/articles/textes/Fingerhut08e

  30. Diversity of resources mediatheque.ircam.fr/articles/textes/Fingerhut08e

  31. Library catalogue Librarycatalogue Librarycatalogue Soundarchives Soundarchives Soundarchives Concertnotes Concertnotes Concertnotes Biographies,articles Biographies,articles Biographies,articles Agenda ofevents Agenda ofevents Agenda ofevents Partner C Partner B Partner A Organization principle Gateway 1 Gateway 2 mediatheque.ircam.fr/articles/textes/Fingerhut08e

  32. Principles: well-defined and relevant sources • Gateway to selected partners • Periodically retrieves only relevant metadata harvester • simple protocol OAI (Open Archive Initiative) • common metadata model and language MODS • Provides search & browse features local record, remote contents • Useful shortcuts mini thesaurus • Partners make available • The relevant metadata sets • Add a connector to each database repository • Provide metadata in adequate form • Contents as available and allowed • Referenced in the metadata • Not copied to the gateway • Differentiated access on-site / partners / everyone else mediatheque.ircam.fr/articles/textes/Fingerhut08e

  33. Metadata model: simplified MODS • Derived from MARC • Humanly readable XML • Easy conversion from any schemes mostly optional “fields” • Keeps associations people/rôles, subject/author/title… • Hierarchical ad inf. • Express structure collections/items, cds/tracks, meta-events/events… • In the record/from record to record • Extensible • Instrumentation • Rights of access to contents intranet/extranet/internet • Pseudo-FRBR mediatheque.ircam.fr/articles/textes/Fingerhut08e

  34. Resource categorization and attributes <typeOfResource> (encoding) cartographiccorporateeventmixed materialmoving imagenotated musicpersonsoftwaresound recordingsound recording-musicalsound recording-non musicalstill imagetext3D object <form>(media) cassette…concertconférencedisque compact…document numériquedocument imprimédocument manuscritémissionexpositiongroupe d’événementsmicroficheorganismepersonne… <genre>(nature of resource) adresseatelierbibliothèque…biographiecataloguecentre de recherchecolloquedictionnaireéditeurfestivalformationmaster classmonographienote de programmenotice d’œuvresalle de spectacle… <role>(rôle, instrumentation) auteurcompositeurconférencierintervenantmusicien interprèteinstrument(iste)sensembles mediatheque.ircam.fr/articles/textes/Fingerhut08e

  35. Home page: express search, agenda. Access to detailed search and other sections of the site. mediatheque.ircam.fr/articles/textes/Fingerhut08e

  36. After an express search. Refine results (left), access to records (center), access to contents (right) mediatheque.ircam.fr/articles/textes/Fingerhut08e

  37. Direct access to audio contents with embeded player. To see record, click on blue text. mediatheque.ircam.fr/articles/textes/Fingerhut08e

  38. Detailed record. Access to original record, to audio contents. Identification of holder. Structure. mediatheque.ircam.fr/articles/textes/Fingerhut08e

  39. Refinement: by type of recording (conference vs. musical work). mediatheque.ircam.fr/articles/textes/Fingerhut08e

  40. Refinement: by provider (and location of physical contents or full-length audio contents). mediatheque.ircam.fr/articles/textes/Fingerhut08e

  41. Refinement: by person name (composer, performers, etc.) mediatheque.ircam.fr/articles/textes/Fingerhut08e

  42. Access to original record, to parent record, to MODS source. mediatheque.ircam.fr/articles/textes/Fingerhut08e

  43. Source record mediatheque.ircam.fr/articles/textes/Fingerhut08e

  44. Indexing the Grove as if it were a repository. mediatheque.ircam.fr/articles/textes/Fingerhut08e

  45. Local record mentions access restrictions to the Grove record (subscription required). mediatheque.ircam.fr/articles/textes/Fingerhut08e

  46. Example of a detailed search (of events). Other detailed search forms available. mediatheque.ircam.fr/articles/textes/Fingerhut08e

  47. Online documentation of the model usedby the gateway. mediatheque.ircam.fr/articles/textes/Fingerhut08e

  48. Project status • Contents • Ca. 100,000 records Google indexes 60% • Ca. 20% online contents audio video print manuscripts • Current developments • Multilingualism done • Fuller documentation www.musiquecontemporaine.fr/doc • Ongoing digitization METS for preservation • Genericization for gateways to other kinds of resources • Europeana • Rights • Future • New potential partners BnF, Ina, ensembles… • Contextual and semantic navigation • Archival service Multi-institution Archiprod + hosting mediatheque.ircam.fr/articles/textes/Fingerhut08e

  49. 3. References

  50. References • The Multimedia Library web site http://mediatheque.ircam.fr • The Library’s newswatch service http://veille.ircam.fr • IRCAM’s institutional web site http://www.ircam.fr • IAML’s Newsletter http://www.iaml.info/publications/newsletter • The Gateway http://www.musiquecontemporaine.fr • The ISMIR web site http://www.ismir.net • Europeana http://www.europeana.eu • Yves Raimond: A distributed Music Information Systemhttp://moustaki.org/phd/thesis.pdf mediatheque.ircam.fr/articles/textes/Fingerhut08e

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