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EXAMPLE CALCULATIONS. 2013 Emissions Inventory Workshop. General Equation. For most emission sources the following equation is used: E = A * EF Where E = Calculated emissions A = Activity or annual process rate EF = Emission factor - determined by the m ethod of calculation

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  1. EXAMPLE CALCULATIONS 2013 Emissions Inventory Workshop

  2. General Equation • For most emission sources the following equation is used: • E = A * EF • Where • E = Calculated emissions • A = Activity or annual process rate • EF = Emission factor - determined by the method of calculation • Examples sources: • AP-42 • WebFire • Permit 2013 Emissions Inventory Workshop

  3. Industrial Boiler – CO & Benzene Calculation Process: 10-100 mmbtu/hr boiler SCC: 10200602 Fuel: Natural Gas Capacity: 84 mmbtu/hr Control: Uncontrolled 2013 Emissions Inventory Workshop

  4. US EPA CHIEF Website: http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/index.html 2013 Emissions Inventory Workshop

  5. 2013 Emissions Inventory Workshop

  6. 2013 Emissions Inventory Workshop

  7. 2013 Emissions Inventory Workshop

  8. 2013 Emissions Inventory Workshop

  9. Industrial Boiler – CO Calculation 2013 Emissions Inventory Workshop

  10. EF A E • E = A * EF = ??? tons Convert to tons: 2013 Emissions Inventory Workshop

  11. Industrial Boiler – CO Calculation 2013 Emissions Inventory Workshop

  12. US EPA CHIEF Website: http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/index.html 2013 Emissions Inventory Workshop

  13. 2013 Emissions Inventory Workshop

  14. 2013 Emissions Inventory Workshop

  15. 2013 Emissions Inventory Workshop

  16. 2013 Emissions Inventory Workshop

  17. EF A E • E = A * EF = ??? tons Convert to tons: 2013 Emissions Inventory Workshop

  18. Industrial Boiler – CO Calculation 2013 Emissions Inventory Workshop

  19. Emergency Generator – NOx Calculation Process: Reciprocating emergency generator SCC: 20200102 Fuel: Diesel Capacity: 400 hp Pollutant: NOx Factor: 604 lbs/1000 gal Control: Uncontrolled Operation: 50 hours Activity: 500 gal Heat Content: 137 mmbtu/1000 gal 2013 Emissions Inventory Workshop

  20. EF A • E = A * EF = ??? tons E Convert to tons: 2013 Emissions Inventory Workshop

  21. Surface Coating – Xylene & VOC Calculation Process: Surface coating – spray painting SCC: 40200101 Pollutant: Xylene, VOC (non-HAP) Paint: Acrylic Red 2013 Emissions Inventory Workshop

  22. 2013 Emissions Inventory Workshop

  23. E = A * VOC Content * (Xylene:VOC Ratio) = ??? tons Now, for non-HAP VOC: VOC (non-HAP) = Total VOC ̶ Xylene VOC (non-HAP) = 2013 Emissions Inventory Workshop

  24. Control Equipment Calculations 2013 Emissions Inventory Workshop

  25. Control Efficiency Calculations • Capture Efficiency: • The percentage of air emission that is collected and routed to the control equipment. Most control devices have a 100% capture efficiency. • Control Efficiency: • The percentage of air pollutant that is removed from the air stream by the control device. 2013 Emissions Inventory Workshop

  26. Stone Quarry – Primary Crushing Calculation Process: Primary Crushing SCC: 30532001 Pollutant: PM10 Control: Water Spraying 2013 Emissions Inventory Workshop

  27. Stone Quarry – Primary Crushing Calculation 2013 Emissions Inventory Workshop

  28. EF A E • E = A * EF * (1 – Control Efficiency) = ??? tons Account for control: Convert to tons: 2013 Emissions Inventory Workshop

  29. Stone Quarry – Primary Crushing Calculation 2013 Emissions Inventory Workshop

  30. Two Controls – Grain Handling Calculation Process: Grain handling for feed manufacture SCC: 30200801 Activity: 10,000 tons Pollutant: PM 10 Factor: 3 lbs/ton Primary Control: Cyclone Secondary Control: Baghouse 2013 Emissions Inventory Workshop

  31. A Complex Situation: Capture Efficiency, Primary Efficiency & Secondary Efficiency 2013 Emissions Inventory Workshop

  32. Two Controls – Grain Handling Calculation • Capture Device: Hood • Therefore, the other 10% is emitted directly to the atmosphere • Primary control device: Cyclone • The control equipment removes 80% of PM 10 from the emission stream. • Secondary control device: Baghouse • The control equipment removes 98% of PM 10 from the emission stream. 2013 Emissions Inventory Workshop

  33. Total E = Captured E + Uncaptured E = ??? tons Captured E = A * EF * CE * (1 – PE) * (1 – SE) Uncaptured E = A * EF * (1 – CE) 2013 Emissions Inventory Workshop

  34. A EF • Captured E = A * EF * CE * (1 – PE) * (1 – SE) Account for capture and controls: CE SE PE 2013 Emissions Inventory Workshop

  35. Uncaptured E = E * (1 – CE) Account for all PM 10 emissions: Convert to tons: 2013 Emissions Inventory Workshop

  36. 1 Amount to Hopper 5,400 lbs * 0.98 = 5,292 lbs 4 30,000 lbs of PM generated Amount to Hopper 27,000 lbs* 0.80 = 21,600 lbs 6 2 3,000 lbs of PM emitted “not captured” 27,000 lbs– 21,600 lbs = 5,400 lbs to the Baghouse Amount emitted to the atmosphere 5,400 lbs – 5,292 lbs = 108 lbs 108 lbs stack emissions + 3,000 lbs “not captured, emitted as a fugitive = 3,108 lbs = 1.554 tons 5 7 27,000 lbs of PM “captured” , sent to cyclone 3 2013 Emissions Inventory Workshop

  37. Other Examples If you would like to see an example calculation for another industry, process, or control equipment not presented today: Please email aei@deq.ok.gov and we will create an example for you. 2013 Emissions Inventory Workshop

  38. ODEQ Emissions Inventory Section Program Manager: Mark Gibbs Mark.Gibbs@deq.ok.gov Emissions Inventory Staff: Michelle Horn Michelle.Horn@deq.ok.gov Justin Milton Justin.Milton@deq.ok.gov Carrie Schroeder Carrie.Schroeder@deq.ok.gov http://www.deq.state.ok.us/aqdnew/emissions/index.htm 2013 Emissions Inventory Workshop

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