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المنظمـة الرقميــة المتكاملة Integrated Digital Organization

المنظمـة الرقميــة المتكاملة Integrated Digital Organization. Dr. Mahmoud ElDessouky Automation Consultants, President. 1. مقدمة تعريفية: المنظمة الرقمية 2. تكامل المنظمة الرقمية (2.1) IT Infrastructure (2.1.1) Business Process Management (BPM) (2.1.2) Total Business Integration “TBI”

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المنظمـة الرقميــة المتكاملة Integrated Digital Organization

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  1. المنظمـة الرقميــة المتكاملةIntegrated Digital Organization Dr. Mahmoud ElDessouky Automation Consultants, President

  2. 1. مقدمة تعريفية: المنظمة الرقمية 2. تكامل المنظمة الرقمية (2.1) IT Infrastructure (2.1.1) Business Process Management (BPM) (2.1.2) Total Business Integration “TBI” (2.1.3) EDI: Electronic Data Interchange (2.1.4) Workflow Support (2.1.5) Security (2.2) Reengineering- إعادة هندسة المنظمة (2.3) Achieving IS Strategic Planning (2.3.1) Top 20 Strategic IS Issues (2.3.2) Achieving IS Strategic Planning Index • (2.3.3) Contents of an IS Strategic Plan • (2.3.4) Strategy via the Value Chain • (2.3.5) Strategy via Strategic Thrusts • (2.3.6) Typical IS Budget • (2.3.7) Steps in the IS Strategic Planning Process • (2.4) e-Business • (2.4.1) Common misunderstanding and mistakes • (2.4.2) The Customer is Central • (2.4.3) Electronifying Business Processes • )2.5) HR Development • )2.5.1) The Classification of T&D Objective • (2.5.2) The T&D Model Application • (2.5.3) e-Learning • (2.5.4) e-Learning Application Infrastructure

  3. 1- مقدمة تعريفية: المنظمة الرقمية

  4. 1- مقدمة تعريفية: المنظمة الرقمية (MIT Research Report) • ترجع الزيادة فى معدلات الانتاجيه التى شهدتها الولايات المتحدة منذ عام 1995 فى جانب كبير منها الى الزيادة المضطردة فى استخدام نظم وتكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات. • لم تكن التكنولوجيا وحدها هى المحرك الأعظم لازدياد الانتاجية.

  5. 1- مقدمة تعريفية: المنظمة الرقمية • هناك مجموعة محددة من العناصر والمعايير التنظيمية ذات الأثر الكبير فى الانتاجيه والتى تحدد نطاق ”المنظمة الرقمية“: (1-1) سياسة منفتحه للحصول على المعلومات واستخدام الاتصالات. (1-2) حقوق موزعة لاتخاذ القرار. (1-3) ايصال وبث الأهداف الاستراتيجية لكافة عناصر المنظمة. (1-4) سياسة للتحفيز تعتمد اساسا على الآداء. (1-5) الاستثمار النشط فى اثراء ثقافة المؤسسة. (1-6) التأكيد على تعيين مستويات عالية من الموظفين. (1-7) الاستثمار المكثف فى التدريب.

  6. 1- مقدمة تعريفية: المنظمة الرقمية (1.1) A policy of free information access and communication: • Encourage open information access to internet and external documents throughout the organization. • Use technology to foster vertical communication between employees and their managers. • Do not put restrictions on Internet access for employees.

  7. 1- مقدمة تعريفية: المنظمة الرقمية (1.2) Distributed decision rights and empowerment of line workers: • More decentralization and delegation when it comes to choosing which tasks to do, the methods to do them, the pace of work and the allocation of tasks. • More standard procedures embedded in technology allowing employees to work with less direct supervision. • Technology adopters tend to use more self-managing teams.

  8. 1- مقدمة تعريفية: المنظمة الرقمية (1.3) Strong performance-linked incentives: • More incentive pay, linked to individual performance. • Somewhat more likely to use stock options for a broader set of employees. (1.4) Active investment in corporate culture: • Take corporate culture seriously and actively invest in promoting culture.

  9. 1- مقدمة تعريفية: المنظمة الرقمية (1.5) Communication of strategic goals and corporate focus: • Communicate strategic and financial goals throughout organization regularly. • More likely to weed out marginal or non-core products and services, maintaining their corporate focus.

  10. 1- مقدمة تعريفية: المنظمة الرقمية (1.6) An emphasis on recruiting and hiring top-quality employees and willingness to commit resources to the process: • Executives more involved in recruiting. • More likely to new employees on a variety of criteria including: education, analytical skills, computer skills. • Somewhat more likely to screen for interpersonal skills and for fit with the corporate culture.

  11. 1- مقدمة تعريفية: المنظمة الرقمية (1.7) Heavy upfront and continuing investment in "human capital," including training, once employees are hired: • Hire highly educated employees. • Provide training for a larger percentage of employees once they are hired. • Do more online training: e-training.

  12. 2- تكامل المنظمة الرقمية Integrated Digital Organization

  13. Legal Issues Standards IT Strategy Reengineering HR Development IT Infrastructure e-Learning e-Business BPM TBI EDI Security Workflow Road Map Corporate Culture Policies 2- تكامل المنظمة الرقمية

  14. 2- تكامل المنظمة الرقمية (2.1) IT Infrastructure • Infrastructure is the great invisible enabler. Servers, software, middleware, routers, storage, …. • It is ………….. end-to-end ………….. Top-to-bottom • Today it reaches from cell phones to mainframes, from smart cards to databases, …..

  15. 2- تكامل المنظمة الرقمية Infrastructure Definition as recently updated

  16. 2- تكامل المنظمة الرقمية • Infrastructure is a technology issue, but it is also a strategic issue, a customer-service issue, a sales issue, a supply chain issue, …. • The “Computer”  The “Infrastructure” • Plan, design, back-up, manage, ….

  17. 2- تكامل المنظمة الرقمية • Openness: • Every step of Infrastructure development includes a choice: going with a proprietary solution or a solution built on open industry standards. • Open standards give the flexibility to change technology as business changes. To integrate internally and with other partners. • Open industry standards: • TCP/IP • XML

  18. 2- تكامل المنظمة الرقمية • Linux (Linus Torvalds, University of Helsinki, Finland). • Linux is a disruptive technology. • Linux has clearly moved beyond the days of experimentation. • Linux is the future of e-business. • Linux may be used for a variety of purposes: networking, software development, and an end-user platform. • Linux has a lot to offer: • Support for multiple platforms. • Access to source code • According to IDC, Linux is the world’s fastest-growing server operating system and is projected to have 38% of the server OS by 2004.

  19. 2- تكامل المنظمة الرقمية • IBM considered Linux as a pillar of e-Business. • IBM is investing $1 billion in Linux and has dedicated 1500 programmers to enable every IBM H/W and S/W product for Linux.

  20. 2- تكامل المنظمة الرقمية • End-To-End capabilities in two years:! • More people own mobile phones than own PC’s. • 25% of the workforce will be mobile. • The primary source of contact with the Internet will be a mobile device.

  21. 2- تكامل المنظمة الرقمية • An explosion: • 10 times as many connected people. • 100 times more network speed. • 1000 times as many devices. • 1000000 times as much data. • The infrastructure is going to have to get a lot more automatic, more self-managing  it have to be end-to-end. • The workload is going to be done by data transactions and Web Servers, by middleware, by storage devices. More and more, some of the work is going to be managed in the network itself.

  22. 2- تكامل المنظمة الرقمية • Servers are the heart. • Software is the infrastructure: • Middleware S/W. • Data management S/W. • Enterprise S/W. • Collaboration S/W. • Storage: • Kilo, Mega, Gega, Tera, ….. ….. Exabyte 103 106 109 1012 …. ….. 1018 • Network Attached Storage (NAS). • Storage Area Networks (SAN).

  23. 2- تكامل المنظمة الرقمية • Outsourcing: • Soon, the time and resources we focus on building and managing the IT and applications will be redirected toward advancing it. • Get the IT you need on a pay-per usage basis. “e-Sourcing”.

  24. 2- تكامل المنظمة الرقمية Infrastructure Evolution

  25. Legal Issues Standards IT Strategy Reengineering HR Development IT Infrastructure e-Learning e-Business BPM TBI EDI Security Workflow Road Map Corporate Culture Policies 2- تكامل المنظمة الرقمية

  26. 2- تكامل المنظمة الرقمية (2.1.1) Business Process Management (BPM) BPMI.org • Mission: • Empowers companies of all sizes, across all industries, to develop and operate business processes that span multiple applications and business partners, behind the firewall and over the internet. • Promote and develop the use of BPM through the establishment of standards for process design, deployment, execution, maintenance, and optimization. • BPMI.org develops open specs, assists IT vendors for marketing their implementations, and supports businesses for using BPM technologies.

  27. 2- تكامل المنظمة الرقمية • Context: • On the back-end: • Technology Integration standards such as XML schema, SOAP, and J2EE enable the convergence of legacy infrastructures toward process-oriented enterprise computing. • On the front-end: • Emerging protocols such as ebXML, RosettaNet, and BizTalk support the process-level collaboration among business partners.

  28. 2- تكامل المنظمة الرقمية • BMPI.org defines open specs such as: • The Business Process Modeling Language (BPML). • The Business Process Query Language (BPQL). • Scope: • BPMI.org considers an e-Business process conducted among two business partners as made of 3 parts: A public Interface and two private Implementations (one for each partner). • The public Interface is common to the partners and is supported by protocols such as ebXML, RosettaNet, and BizTalk.

  29. 2- تكامل المنظمة الرقمية • The private implementations are specific to every partner and are described in any executable language. BPML is one of such languages. • BPMI.org defines: • BPQL: a standard management interface for the deployment and execution of processes. BPQL relies on UDDI in order to provide a standard way to register, advertise, ……

  30. Horizontal Vertical Specific Process Modeling Language Specific Process Modeling Language Specific Process Modeling Language Specific Process Modeling Language PIP PIP PIP PIP PIP Business Layer PIP Technical Layer Legacy Infrastructure Business Process Management B2B Collaboration System Convergence Specific Process Modeling Language Specific Process Modeling Language Specific Process Modeling Language Applications Process-level Collaboration ebXML RosettaNet BizTalk XML Schema SOAP J2EE Process Execution Facilities Databases Service-level Collaboration WSDL XAML BPML Process Server Directories Process & Services Deployment UDDI tpaML Process Execution Facilities LOAP DSML BPML Process Server BPMI.org 2- تكامل المنظمة الرقمية

  31. Systems Convergence Business Process Management B2B Collaboration IT Systems Applications Process Execution Facilities Databases Directories Process Deployment Facilities Back-End Front-End 2- تكامل المنظمة الرقمية

  32. Legal Issues Standards IT Strategy Reengineering HR Development IT Infrastructure e-Learning e-Business BPM TBI EDI Security Workflow Road Map Corporate Culture Policies 2- تكامل المنظمة الرقمية

  33. 2- تكامل المنظمة الرقمية (2.1.2) Total Business Integration “TBI” • Software integration has become a critical strategic component of business success. • S/W integration: … within the walls of the company … extending outside to customers & partners. • Define Business Processes that drive interactions between systems. • Utilizing Business Process Management “BPM” concepts for S/W Integration.

  34. 2- تكامل المنظمة الرقمية • BPM separates business flow control from the business logic that implements a specific functions. • The flow is externalized and centrally defined. • The convergence of BPM and Integration Technology is called “TBI”.

  35. 2- تكامل المنظمة الرقمية • “TBI” is the integration of applications and processes among organizations, regardless of their IT infrastructure. • “TBI” is the solution companies need to solve problems like exchanging electronic documents with business partners or enabling legacy systems to interface with new web applications. • “TBI” provides comprehensive application access and connectively of businesses to other businesses.

  36. 2- تكامل المنظمة الرقمية • The technology for TBI: • Integration Software: Middleware. • TBI S/W must include synchronous and asynchronous platform-to-platform and application-to-application integration capabilities such as the following: • Communication via Remote Procedure Call (RPC), messaging, request/reply, ….. • Application converters and adaptors. • Data translation and transformation, as well as intelligent routing. • Graphical user tools for developing solutions. • “BPM” support. • Administration tools. • Security.

  37. 2- تكامل المنظمة الرقمية • XML – A key component of TBI Software: • XML-based services and tools are the building blocks for integrating any organization with any other.

  38. 2- تكامل المنظمة الرقمية • The Services Perspective • Gradual Transition of the exiting application architecture to a services-oriented architecture. • TBI necessitates this architecture shift in order to eliminate redundancy, promote reusability, reduce complexity, and remove the need for customer integration programming. • Start by decomposing applications into services available on the network.

  39. 2- تكامل المنظمة الرقمية • An application is broken up into smaller, fine-grained services. These services are the business functions encapsulated as S/W. • TBI S/W suite provides the tools that enable applications to request services and for the services to communicate. • Make the services available as a web service.

  40. 2- تكامل المنظمة الرقمية • Based on XML, the emerging Web services standards include: • SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol), an XML-based “Envelope” format for messages. • UDDI (Universal Description, Discovery and Integration), a common way of accessing directories of web service providers in a common format. • WSDL (Web Services Description Language) describes the capabilities offered by Web services and can be part of the information stored in a UDDI repository.

  41. 2- تكامل المنظمة الرقمية A Web Services Example Logistics Company Bank Web Service Shipping Order CORBA COM Web Service Credit Card Check SOAP SOAP Internet SOAP Shop Application RPC Web Service Order Fulfillment Supplier e-Trader

  42. 2- تكامل المنظمة الرقمية S/W Components Enterprise Systems ERP & CRM Mainframe Applications Other Applications Databases & Files Other Technologies B2B Channels Process Engines Orchestrator XML Mediator Web/App Server Adapters for Enterprise Systems App Server Adapters Communicator Platforms: OS/390, VSE, BS2000, OS/400, OpenVMS, Unix, Windows

  43. 2- تكامل المنظمة الرقمية • Communicator: • Communication broker supporting simultaneous request and reply messages. • Managing interactions for tightly coupled XML-enabled and non-XML-enabled systems. • Orchestrator: • Integration broker that enables to connect multiple disparate backend applications and data sources. • Automate information flows performing real time data transformation and routing based on their unique business rules.

  44. 2- تكامل المنظمة الرقمية • Adapters: • Intelligent pre-built adapters that enable software integration with: standard applications such as: Siebel, SAP, Vantine. • Databases such as: Oracle, DB2, Adabas, Tamino XML. • CICS, Websphere MQ. • XML Mediator: • Manage interactions with internal and external partners. • Tools: • Definition and maintenance of integration solution security and administration.

  45. Legal Issues Standards IT Strategy Reengineering HR Development IT Infrastructure e-Learning e-Business BPM TBI EDI Security Workflow Road Map Corporate Culture Policies 2- تكامل المنظمة الرقمية

  46. 2- تكامل المنظمة الرقمية (2.1.3) EDI: Electronic Data Interchange (Integration between organizations) • EDI is the inter-organizational, Computer-to-computer exchange of business documentation in a standard, machine-processable format. • Used firstly in the Transportation Industry (late 60s). • Standards: ANSI ASC X12 → X12 UN/EDIFACT

  47. 2- تكامل المنظمة الرقمية • Software: • Reformat data from company specific arrangement to the standard arrangement. • Value Added Network.

  48. 2- تكامل المنظمة الرقمية • Why EDI? • Business Survival. • Cost Efficiencies. • Improved Internal Processes. • Enhanced Customer Services. • Better Supply Chain Management. • Improved Ability to Compete.

  49. 2- تكامل المنظمة الرقمية

  50. 2- تكامل المنظمة الرقمية X12 Standard

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